
美 [tʌb]英 [tʌb]
  • n.桶;盆;(塑料或纸的)饭盒
  • v.使入浴;(在浴缸里)为…洗澡;使…用练赛艇练习;把…种在木盆里
  • 网络浴盆;澡盆;槽

复数:tubs 过去式:tubbed

plastic tub



1.盆;桶a large round container without a lid, used for washing clothes in, growing plants in, etc.

2.(塑料或纸的)饭盒,食品盒a small wide, usually round, plastic or paper container with a lid, used for food, etc.


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... trying 难捱的 tub 浴盆 tube 筒 ...

英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... theme( 主题,题目); tub,盆); tube( 管); ...


四级单词逆序词表_百度文库 ... rub vt. 摩擦,擦 tub n. 桶,盆,浴缸,浴盆 cubic a. 立方形的;立方的 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... try v. 试图,努力;试用,试验;审讯,审理 tub n. 木盆,澡盆 two num. 二,两个,俩 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... try v. 试图,努力;试用,试验;审讯,审理 tub n. 木盆,澡盆 two num. 二,两个,俩 ...

【食品词典】T5_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... tsatsai? <中>? 榨菜 tub 盆; tube bank 管(子)束;列管 ...


汉字不难学(中文的国家地理杂志) ... Trolley 手推餐车; 台车 (英国) Tub 矿车 Tumbrel 囚车 ...

President Bill Clinton, whose most prominent addition to the White House was a hot tub, is not known as an architecture buff. 比尔•克林顿总统给白宫添加的东西最突出的就是一个热水浴缸,他作为一名建筑爱好者的身份并不为人所知。
I got in the tub, knife in hand, and got ready to do what I felt I needed to do. 我手握尖刀走进浴缸,准备好了那样去做——我觉得有必要那样做。
He didn't have to work, it was just that the urge to use the phone was more irresistible than the child in the tub. 那时他并不需要工作,他只是觉得用手机回复这些来信比给澡盆里的孩子洗澡更紧迫些。
Couple the two, and your device just might be dead the next time you step out of the tub. 综合两者,你的本本可能在你跨出浴池的时候就玩完儿了。
Her mistress led her to the door; but when she was beneath it, instead of gold a tub full of pitch was poured down upon her. 她带她走到那一个门前,但当她走进那道门里,一桶柏油倒在她身上。
climbing in and out of the bath tub could be dangerous . shower stalls are safer . shower curtain is better than sliding glass door. 患者进出浴缸或企缸都较危险,淋浴间则较安全,最好用胶浴帘代替玻璃趟门。
If the child can have a tub bath , sit him in tepid water up to midnight . 如果小儿能用盆浴,可让他坐在温水中使水泡至大腿的一半。
Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, healing or washing up. 这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。
She thanks him, saying nothing about the fact that she has no tub and no access to anyone else's tub. 她谢过了他,说想要试一试,而绝口不提她没有浴盆,从别人那里也借不到。
If you enjoy chocolate ice cream, as I do, when confronted with a tub of it would you also enjoy eating as much of the tub as possible? 如果你像我一样喜欢吃巧克力冰淇淋,那么当你面前放着一桶这样的冰淇淋时,你是否会敞开肚子尽量多吃呢?
Run a tub of warm water and sprinkle the oats over the bottom of the tub. Stir to break up any clumps. 向浴缸中加满温水,在浴缸底部撒上磨好的燕麦。充分搅拌,让任何结块溶解。
She came out from the tub , put on some nice dresses hoping she could please him with her best looking. 她从浴盆里站起来,穿上一些好看的衣服,希望自己以最好的姿容使他愉悦快乐。
By the door to the right there was a dark spot on the floor on which stood a stinking tub. 房门左边有一块发黑的地板,上面放着一个臭气熏天的木桶。
He was one of those men who carry the morning tub stamped on every line of their faces. 他是那种早浴的痕迹在面部细纹上显现出来的男人之一。
Robert is a real tub of blubber. A little more and he won't be able to get through the door. 罗拔真是够胖的。再胖一点他就过不了房门了。
She did not know it was no good for female to have a tub bath! 毕竟是姑娘家,一点都不会照顾自己,难道不知咱女性不宜洗盆浴吗?
For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub. 对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。
The big mate was at the wheel, and he had the old tub pointed at a star and was holding her straight up the middle of the river. 大副正在掌舵,他开着这个老式的大澡盆冲着一颗星辰驶去并且保持她在河道中线上航行。
But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub. 不过,他还没有忘情到看不见王龙满不在乎地把水从铁锅里一个劲儿地往一个挺深的木桶里倒。
You can shower, but most surgeons prefer that you do not soak in a tub for at least a week or more after surgery. 你可以淋浴,但大多数医生希望你在手术后的至少一个星期内不要在浴缸里泡澡泡。
And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts. 你们的身体在浴缸里紧密接触,在插入时,你的男伴可以抚摸你的乳房,按摩你的下体。
Let's dry in a hot towel and let all that water drain out of the tub. 用热毛巾把自己擦干净,然后放掉浴缸中的水。
Get out of the tub and pat yourself dry. Oatmeal baths can be taken twice a day or more. Let your skin celebrate! 走出浴缸,擦干。燕麦浴每天可以进行两次以上。现在,你的皮肤感觉非常舒适了!
Even a 20-minute soak in the tub (with no kids screaming on the other side of the door) can be enough to unkink those tense muscles. 甚至在浴缸里泡上20分钟澡(前提是隔壁没小孩吵闹),这也足以让你的全身肌肉得到放松。
all day long up to heR waist in a tub, in rain, in snow, when the wind cuts your face. 不管下雨下雪,风刮你的脸,她也得从早到晚,把半个身子浸在洗衣桶里。
As the large tub filled I inspected the hole in my wall and determined under normal conditions it would have never been discovered. 如大的浴盆填充我检查了我的墙壁洞而且决定在正常的情况它会从不有被发现。
This earthen tub, called a pithos, and formerly been used for holding wine or oil for the sacrifices at the temple. 这个陶制的大坛叫做圣坛,过去在庙里是用来盛装祭祀用的酒和油的。
Plunking down in front of the TV or digging into a tub of ice cream seems like an easier fix. 看上去更容易的做法是往电视机前一坐或者挖掘一桶冰淇淋。
and a sump assembly provided at a lower side of the tub and provided with a filter chamber to which a filter module is inserted. 以及贮槽装置,其设置在桶的下侧并设有过滤器室,过滤器组件插入到过滤器室中。
Dampen the fabric completely if it has heavy wrinkles. Soak it in a tub and wring it out or spray with a spray bottle. 如果丝绸衣服上出现很多严重的褶皱,将衣物完全浸湿。将衣服在盆里浸泡,然后拧干,或者用喷瓶喷水。