
美 [tʌk]英 [tʌk]
  • v.收藏;把(衣服、纸张等的边缘)塞进;把…塞进狭窄的空间;把…藏入
  • n.打褶;去赘皮手术;减肥手术;零食(尤指儿童在学校吃的糖果等)
  • 网络塔克;卷起;达特茅斯大学塔克商学院

复数:tucks 现在分词:tucking 过去式:tucked

tuck shirt


v. n.

1.~ sth + adv./prep.把(衣服、纸张等的边缘)塞进,折叠,卷起to push, fold or turn the ends or edges of clothes, paper, etc. so that they are held in place or look neat

2.~ sth + adv./prep.把…塞进狭窄的空间;把…藏入;收藏to put sth into a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or comfortable

3.~ sth + adv./prep.用…盖住;用…围紧;用…裹严to cover sb with sth so that they are warm and comfortable


(4)塔克(tuck)亦称缉裥 是上衣的一种装饰缝,可以使面料表面产生变化,表现立体感与线条美(见图) 。 (二)裥的作用 (1) …


GRE 同义词总结大全 ... vivacious adj. 活泼的,快活的 tuck v 卷起,隐藏 brisk a 敏锐的,凛冽的,活泼的 ...

英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... trivial/ 5triviEl/a. 琐碎的;平常的 tuck/ tQk/vt. 折短,卷起; tug/ tQg/vi. 用力拖 n.猛拉,拖 ...


2011年《金融时报》全球... ... Ceibs 中欧国际工商学院 Dartmouth College:Tuck 达特茅斯大学塔克商学院 HEC Paris 巴黎高等 …


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... tuberculosis 结核,肺结核 tuck 卷起,塞进 Tuesday 星期二 ...


wakzkoby - 天涯问答 ... idyllic 田园诗的 tuck 缩进,隐藏 virtually 几乎;差不多 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... trivial/ 5triviEl/a. 琐碎的;平常的 tuck/ tQk/vt. 折短,卷起;塞 tug/ tQg/vi. 用力拖 n.猛拉,拖 ...


常用服装英语词汇 ... trousers [英]裤子,长裤 tuck 褶裥,缝褶,塔克 tucking 打裥,[粤]打排褶 ...

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. 如果我知道那是最后一次见你入睡,我会更加用力地抱紧你,并祈求上帝,守护你的灵魂。
Her underline is still a little tubular here, but she does have evidence of a developing tuck up. 她的腹线还是一条小管线,但有证据表明她会折起。
Tuck in or tie off one end at the bottom of the shoe, then lace up the shoe running across and back like Straight (Easy) Lacing. 塔克在关闭或领带的一端底部的鞋,然后花边的皮鞋跑过和背部像直(易)花边。
Tuck the end of A behind the overlapping layers and pull it up through the neck loop. Pull it all the way through. 把A的尾端塞进折叠的部分,从脖子已经打成的环型全部拽出。
Even as you tuck your pubic bone forward, draw your sternum away from your pubic bone to lengthen the front of your torso. 就像是把你的耻骨向前突出,从你的耻骨处拉起胸骨以拉长你的躯干的前侧。
Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed. 在两脚间塞装热水的瓶子,或者穿双滑雪短袜。
After dinner, Obama, as the president could also tuck the kids to bed. 晚饭过后,身为总统的奥巴马还能哄孩子们上床睡觉。
While checking her body alignment, I reminded her to straighten her legs, to push against the floor and to tuck in her chin. 虽然她的身体检查路线,我提醒她她的腿伸直,推对地面和掖在她的下巴。
You tuck your secret away in an unexpected place, like an MP3 or a photo file, to conceal the fact you even shared any information at all. 你将你的秘密“卷起来”,放在一个意想不到的地方,比如MP3或照片文件,这样就掩盖了你曾经分享信息的事实。
You can even tuck sparkly beads or feathers between the greenery and flowers in your bouquet for a bit of unexpected glamour. 你甚至可以在绿叶和花儿中间放一些闪烁的珠子或是羽毛来给你的宴会增添意想不到的魅力。
How much should you tuck away for a rainy day? 多少你的小卖店距离未雨绸缪?
Tuck your front buttock bone forward toward the front wall to help turn your pelvis more into the plane of your legs. 把你的前侧臀部向前面的墙卷起,以帮助骨盆更多地进入大腿的平面。
Back on the train, we tuck into freshly prepared game of the kind we have been admiring. 回到火车上,我们大嚼新鲜的野味,那是我们刚观赏过动物。
Q. With these two nip and tuck, how much of a role are you personally playing in managing the situation? 他们两个如此势均力敌,你觉得你在这个环境中扮演什么样的角色?
There's Tuck, who only joined the project to be close to sexy-but-straight Brendan, the man of his dreams. 有塔克,谁只加入了这个项目将接近性感,但连续的布兰登,他的梦想的人。
The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up). 腹部肌肉紧绷,形状良好,与后胸连成优美的曲线(收腹)。
He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. 他个子瘦高,银发和银须长到都能够塞到腰带里了,凭这一点就可以断定他年纪已经很大了。
Conspiracy theorists might conclude that the American government is trying to nip and tuck its way to attractiveness. 阴谋论者可能推断道:美国政府正企图隐瞒一些数据,让自己更具有吸引力。
Simon: Great! Now, listen to me for a minute. Tuck in your shirt, or you're fired. 赛门:好极了!现在,请再听我说一下,把衬衫扎好,不然你就要被开除了。
Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. 塔克修士是个性情开朗的大胖子,小约翰是个身高七英尺的大个子,也是个神箭手。
Tuck a card under a beloved's pillow or slip into a briefcase to ensure an impassioned session of your own. 塔克一卡插入一个公文包下一个心爱的枕头或失误,以确保自己的慷慨激昂的会议。
The wind has turned her long hair into whips which lash her cheeks red and raw. She does not tuck it behind her ears. 风已将她的长发变成了鞭子抽打着她的脸颊,使她的脸看起来红而粗糙。
Whichever style of BBQ you choose, get ready to tuck in your bib for a messy feast. 无论你选择哪种烤肉,你都要准备系好围裙,收拾盛宴过后的残局。
Tuck said yes and it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. 塔克答应了罗宾的请求,一段美好的友谊就这样开始了。
Now tuck the pelvis under and press forward from the hips until you feel a stretch along the front of the hip and thigh. 骨盆前倾,向前压髋,直至髋部至大腿的前部产生拉胀感。
DARTMOUTH COLLEGE'S Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes. 在经济学人第九次年度全日制MBA培训项目排名中,达特茅斯学院的Tcuk商学院位居榜首。
At the top, weave that same end up and down through the lacing, then once again tuck in or tie off the end. 在顶部,编织同年底向上和向下通过花边,然后再次抱膝或配合年底关闭。
"I'm so proud of the little stinker, " said her mother, Paula Tuck. 她的妈妈PaulaTuck说:“我真为这个小臭鬼自豪。”
A tummy tuck may cause the thighs to look out of proportion, while plumped lips may make a normal sized nose suddenly appear obtrusive. 腹部除皱手术可能会引起大腿的不匀称,丰唇手术会让正常尺寸的鼻子突然看起来很突兀。
You've broken up that gentleman a bit; now you want to tuck him away somewhere. The river, that great hider of folly, is what you want. 你敲了一下这位先生,现在你要把他藏在一个地方,你需要的是河,这是藏祸之处。