
美 [tʌɡ]英 [tʌɡ]
  • n.拖船;(突然的)猛拉;一股强烈的感情
  • v.拽;(朝某一方向用力)拉
  • 网络用力拖;拖轮;使用者群体(TeX Users Group)

过去式:tugged 现在分词:tugging 第三人称单数:tugs



v. n.

1.[i][t](常为几次用力)拉,拖,拽to pull sth hard, often several times

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(朝某一方向用力)拉,拖,拽to pull sth hard in a particular direction


军舰的分类英文_百度知道 ... 渔船 Fishing Boat 拖船 Tug Aircraft Carriers 航空母舰 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... tuck/ tQk/vt. 折短,卷起;塞 tug/ tQg/vi. 用力拖 n.猛拉,拖 tuition/ tju:5iFEn/n. 教,教诲;学费 ...


拖_百度百科 ... 拖累〖 encumber;beaburdenon〗 拖轮tugboat;tug;towboat〗 拖磨〖 dawdle〗 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... tuck 缝 v.打褶裥 tug 用力拉,猛拉,拖拉 tuition 教学,学费 ...

使用者群体(TeX Users Group)

TeX Users Group(TUG) -- TeX User Group 的老巢,有许多链接 CTAN -- 最齐全和及时更新的 TeX 档案馆,对于你所想到的 …


张红岩TOEFL ... trying adj. 难堪的,痛苦的 tug v. 拖,牵引,拖船 turbulent adj. 骚动的,骚乱的 ...

If they fail to come out with a simple tug, which happens in about one in every 50 cases, then the only option is open heart surgery. 如果轻轻扯一下没能将引线取出来,唯一的选择就是开腔心脏手术,碰到这种情况的几率是百分之二十。
As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. 当他正要把最后一颗钉子敲进布告牌的时候,他觉得有人在拉他的工作服。
He gave a tug at a glistening , pale piece of her hair. 他拉了拉安娜一缕暗淡闪光的头发。
She was about to reach for her keys when she felt a sharp tug on her neck. 当她刚要拿钥匙时感到有一股很强的力量将她脖子向后拉。
I ran back to the emperor and asked him to send twenty of his largest ships and two thousand men to tug the boat to the shore. 我跑回去找皇帝要求他派遣廿艘最大的船和两千人把那艘船拖到岸上。
At the moment we have Jupiter and Saturn on either side of the Sun and creating a tug of war with Earth in the middle. 目前,我们对任何一方造成的太阳与地球的战争中,拖船在木星和土星。
Greed and fear no longer seem to be playing such a violent game of tug-of-war with markets. 婪和恐惧似乎不再参与和市场进行拔河比赛这样的激烈竞逐。
Such movement would only stir the beast, which would strike out with a sticky tentacle, and tug the meal into its waiting mouth. 这种动作只会激怒该野兽,它会伸出有粘性触须,将美食拖入期待已久的口中。
She says Beijing is engaged in an economic tug of war, trying to encourage sustainable growth while struggling to control inflation. 她说,北京正在从事一场经济角力战,既要刺激经济可持续增长,又要努力控制通货膨胀。
At first glance, it looks as if a smaller galaxy has been caught in a tug-of-war between a Sumo-wrestler pair of elliptical galaxies. 乍一看,这一景象好像是一个小星系置身于一对重量级椭圆星系的拔河比赛中。
Steyer said he constantly feels the tug of waiting messages on his BlackBerry, even during morning hours that are reserved for family time. 施泰尔说他总是感到等黑草莓上的信息很费神,甚至在留给家人的清晨时间。
Suddenly there was a tug at Jairus' sleeve. One of his servants was there to tell him that his daughter had died. 背后突然有人拉扯睚鲁的衣袖,原来是他的仆人前来报信,说他的女儿已经死了。
Ms. Chua wrote most of the book in eight weeks, yet struggled with the end, she said, reflecting the East-West tug on her parenting. 这本书的大部分是蔡女士在八周内写就的,但她对结尾有些纠结,她说,用东西方不同视角来看肯定会有不同的情感。
Place the baby on the mother's abdomen or, if the cord is long enough (don't tug at it), on her chest. 把宝宝放在妈咪的腹部,如果脐带足够长(不要强行拉扯),就放在胸部。
Wait for her to re-open. Depending on how you turn away she'll tug on your arm or casually swing into view. 等待她重新拾起话题,看你是怎么转身的,她会拖住你的手臂或是时不时地进入你的视线。
Robin was feeling a tug from his soul for deeper understanding so the local initiates advised him to prepare for full Quan Yin Initiation. 罗宾感到灵魂深处有一股强烈的渴望,希望获得更进一步的了悟,于是我们建议他为印全心作准备。
I still feel a heavy tug at my heart strings whenever I see homeless people in London. 每当我在街上看到无家可归的流浪者时,我仍然感到心情沉重。
Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. 想像一下,你们全部的行星运行时以不同的队列将重力扯在太阳上。
I can feel the tug of the recipient at the other end of the wire, and this creates in me a certain pressure, an urgency. 我能感觉到在电缆那头,收件人正在拖拽自己的文章,这让我产生了一定的压力和紧迫感。
We are in and their feelings tug of war, first let go man will fall, I choose to fall, who let me not to love bravely speak out? 我们在和自己的感情拔河,最先松手的那个人一定会摔倒,我选择摔倒吧,谁让我不把爱勇敢地说出来?
Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. 我们中的有些人极为顽固地反抗规则,这使得我们从未飞到本来可以达到的高度。
Dr Marcy has been looking for wobbles in its position that betray the presence of planets as they tug at it. 马西博士一直以来都在关注其位置的移动,而随着恒星的移动,行星也就会随着出现。
Frankly speaking, there was no scope for the physically incompetent persons in this tug of war. 坦率地说,在这种竞争激烈的战斗中,身体条件差的人是没有机会的。
Place the baby on your abdomen or, if the cord is long enough (don't tug at it), on your chest. 把宝宝放在你的腹部,如果脐带足够长(不要强行拉扯),就放在胸部。
Tug is locked in a room on the moors. A woman and a man say that they are his parents. 他被锁在一个小陌生的房间内并且有一对男女声称是他的父母。
Remember the tug-of-war a year ago, the decider in the final, we lost the power of the second seeded player disparity - 501 classes. 记得一年前的拔河比赛,在最终的决胜局时,我们第二局败给了力量悬殊的种子队选手——501班。
It's thought she was then damaged after colliding with a tug sent to help. 据认为,当时这艘船与前来帮助的拖船相撞后受损。
This kind of hostile reaction has only convinced the Greeks that this crisis is a two-way tug-of-war. 这种敌视回应只会令希腊人认为,这次危机是两国间的一场拔河赛。
Adding a battery system to a harbour tug would allow it to be used as a hybrid, greatly reducing fuel and carbon-dioxide emissions. 对港口的拖船添加一个电池系统使它成为混合动力拖船,能大大降低燃油的使用,减少二氧化碳排放量。
On a cosmic timescale , the gravitational tug of war will eventually result in the merger of the trio into a large single galaxy. 在宇宙的量级上,引力战争将会使得三个星系最终合并为巨大的单个星系。