
美 [ˈtɜrnˌaʊt]英 [ˈtɜː(r)naʊt]
  • n.出席人数;到场人数;投票人数





1.出席人数;到场人数the number of people who attend a particular event

2.投票人数the number of people who vote in a particular election

Many well-wishers said they had not seen such a public turnout at the church for the royal family since the days of Charles and Diana. 很多民众说,自从查尔斯王储和戴安娜的时代结束以后,每年圣诞节在教堂外等候王室的人从来没有像今天这么多。
The generals seem to be alarmed by the prospect of a low turnout, though the election laws do not require a quorum. 军官们看起来有些担心过低的投票率,尽管选举汉没有法定投票人数的规定。
The turnout tends to be low in special elections, as elsewhere; but politicians can usually depend on older voters to make the effort. 和其他地方一样,此次参与递补选举的人数偏少,但一般来说,政客们依赖于老人选民为此次选举投上关键票。
Turnout was as low as 33% partly due to a boycott by the opposition candidate Winston Tubman, who alleged fraud in the first round. 投票率只有33%,这部分是因为反对派候选人温斯顿•塔布曼的抵抗,他声称首轮选举有欺诈行为。
She said that there had been a 'very strong negative attitude towards elections in general' but that turnout was unexpectedly strong. 她说,民众对选举的态度总体上曾是非常消极的,但投票率之高让人意外。
International monitors say the last-minute changes increased voter turnout, but did not undermine the elections legitimacy. 国际监督人士表示最后时间的变化增加了投票结果,但不损坏投票的合法性。
"We may quite literally see turnout of a magnitude that we have not seen in a century of American politics, " he said. 他说:“我们基本上可以看到一次美国政治百年来没有过的投票热潮。”
The march, which had a turnout of thousands, started on Fifth Avenue, and made its way down to Greenwich Village. 几千人的游行队伍从第五大道出发,向格林威治村进发。
To maximise your influence. Vote in Estonia. In 2004 it had both low turnout and a disproportionate number of seats. 扩大影响力投票给爱沙尼亚。在2004年,爱沙尼亚不但有极低的投票率,还有不成比例的议会席位。
The spokesman welcomed the elections, which he said were marked by high voter turnout and a near absence of violence. 麦科马克对巴勒斯坦议会选举表示欢迎。他说,这次选举的选民投票率很高,几乎没有发生暴力。
Hostile advertising seems to work not so much by firing up a candidate's own supporters but by suppressing the turnout for the other side. 不友善的广告并不能发挥很好的作用,一方面不能激发候选人己方支持者的热情,另一方面又为对方制造了机会。
The turnout in the referendum in the German capital was too low and of those who took part, the majority voted against the proposal. 出现在德国首都公民投票现场的人数太少了并且那些参与投票的人当中大多数对此提议投了反对票。
When that did not work, he tried to keep down the turnout instead. 当这一计划落空时,他又在缩减出席人数上做文章。
The turnout in primaries is tiny, typically only between 10% and 20% of voters, and tends to be disproportionately composed of activists. 参加初选的人数往往非常少,一般来说在选民总数的10%到20%之间,其中热衷政治活动的人数比例相应会很高。
With turnout likely to be low, and uncertainty over the vote for the far-right National Front, there could still be a surprise. 由于投票人数可能偏少,再加上极右派政党国民阵线得票数的不确定性,令其惊喜的结果尚有存在的可能。
For racing fans everywhere such a turnout is reason to celebrate; it shows that the sport of kings has not lost its attractions. 对于所有的赛马迷来说,这样一种改变该是个值得庆祝的事情,它说明赛马,这种帝王的娱乐依然魅力不减。
The Zimbabwe Election Support Network says it believes there was a fair turnout, but is still busy compiling its statistics. 津巴布韦选举支持网络说,他们认为,投票踊跃程度适度,但是目前他们还在忙于统计数据。
Election Day brought a huge turnout, and I decided to vote in southern Tehran in the very religious neighborhood of Shah Abdul Azim. 选举日当天投票人很多,我决定前往德黑兰南部一个宗教氛围很浓厚的ShahAbdulAzim社区投票。
Q: Would either of you be able to suggest whether or not voter turnout will be on the rise? 问:你们两位能否预测选民投票率会不会出现上升趋势?
In some places, primary turnout was triple that of the last presidential election. 在某些地区,初选投票人数甚至是上届总统选举的三倍。
Organizers hope that this time around, getting more women to the polling booths could as much as double voter turnout. 组织者希望这一次会有更多的妇女去投票,将选民的投票率提高一倍。
Nevertheless, this harmful space constraints of the train through the turnout rate, high-speed train line outside very unfavorable. 尽管如此,这个有害空间存在限制了列车通过道岔的速度,对开行高速列车十分不利。
Conversely, turnout may rise when the race between candidates is considered to be very close or controversial issues are on the ballot. 但是,如果候选人之间的角逐被认为势均力敌,或者选票包含有争议的提案,投票率就会上升。
Hamas has shown less tolerance, fearful lest a turnout of thousands, including many women and a few rappers, posed a secular challenge. 哈马斯表现得不那么耐烦,唯恐投票上千,包括许多女人和几个证人,提出一个世俗的挑战。
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said the high turnout showed Iraqis wanted to take their future into their own hands. 德国总理施罗德说选民人数之多表明伊拉克人希望掌握自己的未来。
We are seeing the same turnout, we are seeing the same people going and getting in line, volunteers and people participating, " he said. " 我们看到同样的参选率,我们看到人们一样出来加入投票队伍,同样多的志愿者和民众参与选举。
And contrary to expectations, the right was not the only victim of the low turnout. 并且与预期不同的是,低投票率影响的不仅仅是右翼。
I thought we would win handily in the June 11 runoff unless there was a very small turnout, in which case anything could happen. 我琢磨着我们可以轻而易举地赢得6月11日的第二轮初选,除非投票的人数非常少,如果出现那样的情况,什么事都有可能。
The state of Turnout and corresponding equipments that will directly affect the safety of the train. 其中铁路道岔及其转换设备的好坏将直接影响铁路运营安全。
Iranian newspapers are calling it "a political epic" after a campaign of unprecedented political fervor, now this talk of a record turnout. 基于公众在竞选中表现出空前的政治热情,伊朗媒体称这次大选为“一篇政治史诗”。