two dozen

  • 网络两打;二十几;架次

two dozentwo dozen

two dozen


(八)数词B_单援媛老师_新浪博客 ... hundreds of 好几百(要加“s”) two dozen 两打(不能加“s”) dozens of (要加“s”) ...


英语中二十多,几十怎么说?_百度知道 ... 三十几: three dozen 二十几two dozen 几百: hundreds of ...



About two dozen unionists staged a protest to call for the immediate setting up of a minimum wage and maximum working hours. 十二个工会团体集会,要求政府立即制订最低工资及标准工时。
People come from all over the country to see who can shuck two-dozen oysters the quickest and the best. 全国各地的人们会前来观看谁能在最短的时间内,完美的剥下两打牡蛎。
She alighted with her young daughter Piper, posed for a picture with a tourist and hurried past two dozen reporters and photographers. 佩林和她的年轻的女儿彼佩一起,摆姿势与游人合影,之后赶紧避开一群记者和摄影师。
Already there were two dozen young men in the place; he found a cornerwhere he stood waiting his turn to be interviewed. 那儿已经来了20多个年轻人,他找了个角落等待着轮到自己面试。
At the time, fewer than two dozen of these stem cell lines were of good enough quality to use as a basis for human treatments. 当时,有不超过一打的高品质干细胞能当作人类治疗的主要成分。
Britain, it is said, may have looked isolated after some two dozen countries signed up to the latest half-baked wheeze to save the euro. 虽说在二十几个国家为了给欧盟以喘息之机签字后,英国看起来是被孤立了。
I returned a few hours later, after two dozen laps around the block, 300 jump shots and a half-hour of tossing the football to myself. 我绕着街区跑了24圈,跳起投篮300下,抛接橄榄球30分钟,就这样一直玩了几个小时才回家。
Alone among Osama's two dozen or so children, Omar was selected by his father to accompany him to Afghanistan. 之后,在奥沙马的二十几个孩子中,奥马尔被父亲选中随他前往阿富汗。
And within the next several months, he expects to find at least two dozen of the most important genetic determinants of intelligence. 在此后的几个月里,他期望发现至少两打最为重要的智力遗传决定因素。
As he had in the two dozen debates in the primary season, Mr. Obama remained cool, which many took for a lack of fight or passion. 就像在初选时二十来个辩论中一样,奥巴马还是那么酷,会被人误认为没斗志没激情。
Five minutes later, the door opened and about two dozen people flooded out, down the stairs and into the night, saying nothing. 五分钟后,门打开了,大约两打人涌出来。他们一声不吭地下了楼梯,走入夜幕。
Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years. 最近四年哥伦布大道上,差不多二十多家服装店(有些家别处的分店生意仍然鼎盛)已经歇业。
With a shriek, two dozen bansheerays flash down out of the sky, Na'vi on their backs. 随着一阵尖叫,更多的斑溪从空中闪降,它们的背上是纳威人。
The number of twitchers has exploded in the past few years, with a few thousand members in two dozen clubs. 但在近几年里,观鸟的人数猛增,全国24家协会拥有几千名会员。
After graduation in 2001, Lagat began to run competitively and won more than two dozen races at the grand-prix level. 2001年毕业后,拉加特开始参加职业比赛,先后赢得了20多次大赛的冠军。
Two dozen zombies, their clothes spattered with fake blood, were staggering up and down the block outside Madison Square Garden. 二十多个僵尸浑身“血迹”斑斑,踉踉跄跄地徘徊在麦迪逊广场花园外的街区上。
At least five people were killed and more than two dozen were injured as a section of the plant collapsed and burned. 截至目前统计共有五人遇难,数十人受伤,一栋建筑烧毁倒塌。
Chan is believed to have at least two dozen endorsement contracts at present. 目前成龙相信将至少有24个广告合同要签订。
Shakespeare wrote more than two dozen plays about love. . . even though the emotion itself would not be invented for another forty years! 莎士比亚写了二十几本关于爱情的剧本…尽管感情这个词本身的发明还不到四十年!
Two dozen people came up to me, complaining that I was staring at furniture instead of helping customers. 好几十人过来找我说你怎么只顾着看家具都不给客人提供服务的。
Kong described having a "warm feeling" looking at the two dozen works at the gallery, a few miles from the Olympic national stadium. 这个画廊离奥运国家体育馆仅几英里远,孔东梅表示,当在这里看着展出的二十几幅艺术作品时,内心涌起一股“温馨的感觉”。
Auditors have resigned from at least two dozen Chinese companies after identifying problems. 已有至少24家中国公司的审计师在发现问题后辞职。
Backyard poultry groups meet in at least two dozen cities, from Seattle in Washington to Tallahassee in Florida. 都市养禽的队伍在24个城市中聚会,从华盛顿的西雅图到佛罗里达的塔拉哈西。
Two dozen grass nest Diaofa: sink to the bottom of a grass nest is playing, is playing a grass nest of flotation. 打草窝有两种钓法:一种是打沉底草窝,一种是打浮面草窝。
On Friday, we learned that more than two dozen people were killed when a gunman opened fire in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. 本周五,我们惊悉在康涅狄克州纽顿城的一所小学,一名枪手向师生们开枪射击,造成二十几人丧生。
In the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, about two dozen people -- some wearing masks -- gathered near the U. S. Embassy. 在印尼首都雅加达,大概有几十人,一些人戴着面具,他们在美国大使馆外聚集。
What would two dozen servers from across the country tell you if they could get away with it? 如果他们能不被知道,外国的服务生们会告诉你什么?
The two dozen teenagers are part of a pilot project started this autumn in nine Belgian schools to promote Chinese language learning. 这24名青少年参加的是比利时9所学校今年秋季启动的一个旨在推动中文学习的试验项目。
Our price for two dozen pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be $45. Shall we hold them for your order? 两打与窗帘图案配套的塑料雨布的报价是45美元,需不需要我们给你们备货?
He was surely wrong, but his folk etymology is still firmly embedded in the collective consciousness after more than two dozen centuries. 他显然是错了,但几个世纪后,他通俗易通的词源学仍坚实地盘踞这众人的意识之中。