
美 [tu]英 [tuː]
  • num.
  • n.一对;两人;两点钟;两岁





a day, moment, pound, etc. or two

一两天(或一会儿、一两镑等)one or a few days, moments, pounds, etc.

fall between two stools

两头落空;鸡飞蛋打to fail to be or to get either of two choices, both of which would have been acceptable

in two

一分为二;成两半in or into two pieces or halves

in twos and threes

三三两两;稀稀拉拉two or three at a time; in small numbers

it takes two to do sth

双方都有责任;一个巴掌拍不响one person cannot be completely responsible for sth

not have two beans, brain cells, etc. to rub together

不名一文(或没有脑子等)to have no money; to be very stupid, etc.

put two and two together

根据所见所闻推断to guess the truth from what you see, hear, etc.

that makes two of us

我也一样;我也有同感I am in the same position or I agree with you

two sides of the same coin

同一事物的两个方面used to talk about two ways of looking at the same situation

Four years college or at least two years formal college degree in instrument , automation or other related field. 在仪表、自动化控制或相关专业,四年制本科或至少两年正式专科毕业。
Yeah. You are quite right. I may have aches and pains all over the body, perhaps I can lose two or three pounds. 对,说得对,我可能会全身都痛,不过我也可能减肥两、三磅呢。
I was delayed by one or two small matters, and then, when I was ready to go, winter arrived and traveling became impossible. 我被一两件小事拖着,然后,当我准备好要走的时候,冬天来了,这令旅行变成了一件不可能的事。
If after a week or two, you don't notice any positive change, increase the intensity of your regimen slightly. 如果一两周之后,你没发现任何改变,稍微增加你的锻炼强度。
I heard there were two springs in chinese calendar, also knew, there was no spring in the next year! 听说今年在中国的日历里面有两个春天,也听说,明年没有春天!
Never before has the central bank made such a policy declaration for as long a period as two years. 美联储过去从未宣布过延续时间长达两年的此类政策。
And there is nothing in the European data suggesting that the private sector will be ready to take up the slack in less than two years. 欧洲提供的数字里没有任何东西显示私营部门在不到两年内可以拉紧这根已经松弛的绳子。
But Ehud made him a dagger which had two edges, of a cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right thigh. 以笏打了一把两刃的剑,长一肘,带在右腿上衣服里面。
Folks are picking up the pieces after powerful storms ripped through the South. At least two people were killed. 猛烈的飓风袭击了南部地区,至少造成两人死亡,人们正在清理暴风带来的遍地狼藉。
Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many. 中国港湾建设集团正式挂牌成立已经两年多了。
The two-box problem, which I described last week, is one in which a knowledge of probabilities seems to be a hindrance rather than a help. 在“两个盒子问题”(我上周对此进行了描述)中,概率方面的知识似乎成了妨碍而不是帮助。
A glittering club career which included seven Bundesliga titles and two German Cups was more than matched by his international achievements. 闪耀的俱乐部生涯囊括了7个德甲冠军和2座德国杯,这足以配得上他在国家队的成就。
A unique data layout might be used in two places, but you probably should not make a template for that either. 一种独特的数据布局可能会在两个位置用到,但可能也不必为此制作模板。
The choice of the two export categories -- chicken and auto products -- could also be a sign that China's response is likely to be measured. 选择肉鸡和汽车产品这两个出口类别也显示,中国的反应预计会是有节制的。
Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of research and development we haven't seen since the height of the Space Race. 两年前,我曾说我们需要达到一个自太空竞赛以来所未见的研究开发的高度。
Garden-store retailers have reported increased sales over the past two years, he said, and many community gardens have waiting lists. 他说,花园—商店零售商报告,过去的两年销售增加了,许多的社区菜园还在等待批准。
Thus Barack Obama captured one of two powerful global trends forcing pharmaceutical giants to look for a new business model. 目前全球有两种趋势迫使制药巨头们寻求某种新的业务发展模式,奥巴马的这一有关民生的问题就涉及了其中之一。
For this reason, the samara has no stationary frame of reference, unlike a two-winged helicopter, and appears to fall in a complex way. 因此,翅果没有稳定的参考结构,不像双翼直升机,并且它在降落中呈现出复杂的方式。
The landlord brought two men up the stairs. The men had axes in their hands. They swung their axes against the door of number 13. 突然那两个人惨叫一声扔掉了手里的斧子,因为他们劈到了一堵墙,标着13号的那扇门不见了。
I've worked for him for two years and though I admire his talent I find his mood swings increasingly stressful. 我已经为他工作了2年。尽管我钦佩他的才干,但我发现他越来越反复无常。
For at least two decades the US has been unable to provide monetary stability, financial regulation and fiscal rectitude. 20多年来,美国一直无法提供货币稳定、金融监管和财政廉洁。
Yi appears to have two seasons to live up to his potential before the Nets shift approaches from rebuilding to contending. 河蟹*似乎有两个赛季,活到他的潜力,前网转移的办法,由重建争论。
Chapter four makes a case study of the two translated versions of The Wind in the Willows through the application of reception theory. 论文的第四章运用接受美学理论分析《杨柳风》两个中译本的区别和造成区别的主要因素。
Sure, the Kindle's potential market may have shrunk today, since the two-books-a-year folks will now choose the more versatile iPad. 当然,如果一年才看两本书的家伙们选择这款多面手iPad的话,Kindle的潜在市场在今天看来已见收缩。
Like many local governments, Anhui has borrowed a great deal over the past two years through investment companies that it controls. 与许多地方政府一样,过去两年,安徽通过自己控制的投资公司借入了大量资金。
When she was 15, she had an arranged marriage with Mr. Arif but didn't move in with him for another two years because she was so young. 在她15岁那年,她被安排嫁给阿瑞夫,但由于当时她还太年轻,直到两年后才搬去和他同住。
She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed! " 她听了大为兴奋,说:“那太好了!一个炉子可以省一半的煤,那么如果我买两个炉子的话,不就可以把煤全都省下来了吗?”
He thought: In the clockwork of the head, two cogwheels turn opposite each other. On the one, images; on the other, the body's reactions. 他以为:在人脑机件里,有两个朝相反方向转动的齿轮。一个载着想象,另一个载着肉体的反应。
Born in Gorky (now Nizhni Novgorod), Russia's third largest city, she lived with her mother and two half-sisters in unpleasant conditions. 她生于俄罗斯第三大城市诺夫哥罗德,与母亲和两个同母异父的妹妹生活在并不令人愉快的环境里。
Over the top he managed to draw together two or three bushes, and the improvised wigwam was complete. 在顶上,他把两三个灌木丛扔在一起,就这样一个简易棚屋完成了。