
美 [ˈtaɪɪŋ]英 ['taɪɪŋ]
  • n.领带;联系;关系;束缚
  • v.绑;束缚;捆绑;约束
  • 网络搭售;绑标签;搭配销售



v. n.

用线╱绳扎牢fasten with string/rope

1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束to attach or hold two or more things together using string, rope, etc.; to fasten sb/sth with string, rope, etc.

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.将…系在…上;束紧;系牢;捆绑to fasten sth to or around sth else

3.[t]~ sth(在线、绳上)打结,系扣to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc.

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)打结系牢;系上to be closed or fastened with a knot, etc.


5.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth (to sth/sb)连接;联合;使紧密结合to connect or link sb/sth closely with sb/sth else


6.[t][usupass]束缚;约束;限制to restrict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to

比赛;竞赛in game/competition

7.[i][t]打成平局;得分相同to have the same number of points


tie sb/yourself (up) in knots

(使)大惑不解,糊涂to become or make sb very confused

tie one on

喝醉;喝得烂醉to get very drunk

tie the knot

结婚;结成夫妻to get married




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该法案对搭配销售(tying)的解释是:除非买方同意向卖方购买另一产品,否则,卖方拒绝向其出售某一产品。例如,卖方同时生 …


船舶专业英语T(不信???? 试试看) - 豆丁网 ... tying contract 附有条件的合同 tying 扎口 type A ship A 型船 ...

Flickr: ArthurJo's Photostream ... 喜饼 Bride Cake Tying 果汁 Red Juice ...


雅思口语话题延展之杰出的奥林匹克运动员们 ... ... contender (有望获胜的)竞争者 tying 打平 taste glory 取得成功,争得光荣 ...

The contracts, normally signed on an annual basis, specify a formula tying the bank manager's monetary rewards to performance. 合同,通常签署了关于一年度的根底上,指定一个公式绑银行经理的货币奖励表现。
As he was tying the canoe, he looked up at Allie and stopped breathing for just a second. 在他正栓独木舟时,他抬头屏着呼吸整有一秒钟时间仰视着艾莉。
For years, he said, the Silicon Valley company has focused on tying together people on the Web, mapping out who knows whom. 他说,Facebook多年来一直专注于在网络上把人联系起来,展示谁和谁是认识的。
One day, I picked up a bit of paper from the ground with a picture of an old peasant tying up a handkerchief on his head. 有一天,我在地上捡了一张纸,纸上画了一个老农民扎着一条头巾。
Michele Bond asked the woman whether she had any legal document tying her to this child. 于是米歇尔·邦德问她,是否有任何的法律文书可以证明孩子与她的关系。
Finally, the prosecution began to put forward witnesses directly tying Simpson to the two murders. 最后检方开始举出辛普森和两次凶杀直接联系的证据。
I couldn't look at him in the face. Damn, I'm really bad at tying shoes. My feet were safer to look at then his face. 我不能看他的脸。该死,我真不怎样擅长系鞋带。看鞋比看他的脸要平安多了。
He resolved to drown him, and walked on, looking about for a pond: picking up a heavy stone and tying it to his handkerchief as he went. 他决定把狗淹死。他朝前走去,四下里寻找池塘。他拾起一块大石头,边走边把石头系在手绢上。
One man in shirtsleeves was tying a report at a desk; he glanced up in curiously and went on with his work. 一个只穿衬衫没穿外衣的男人在桌上打一份报告,他不在意地抬头看了一眼又继续他的工作。
Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. 夫人亲自给小男孩儿穿上一双,又买了一双鞋子,然后把剩下的袜子打包递给小男孩儿。
Within a year of tying the knot, she had reason to fear that she had become queen in name alone. 一年的结婚,使她有理由担心,她只是名义上的女王。
It began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends. 这始于一个玩笑,他将自家制作的沙拉酱装在一个旧酒瓶里再系上一个蝴蝶结送给自己的朋友们。
By tying urinals on a tree, a Dutch designer has solved one of men's most serious problems -- finding a toilet when you need one. 荷兰一位设计师将男用小便池绑在树干上,解决了男士们常面临的最严峻的问题之一:内急。
The same day, I'd observed an editor in my own office tying himself in knots trying to describe an article that he genuinely admired. 就在同一天,我看到同一间办公室里一位编辑正纠结于如何评价自己真正欣赏的一篇文章。
Tying him to a tree, he left him hanging there still in his sheep's dress, as a warning to other wolves who might be prowling about. 牧羊人把它绑在树上,仍然使它披着羊皮吊在那里,来吓唬四处觅食的其它狼。
He began to collect them and sort them out, in packages of a hundred, tying each package securely with twine. 他开始收集支票整理起来,把一百张合成一扎,一扎扎用绳捆牢。
It is such a custom that tying the knot with a man who doesn't own a property is known as a 'naked wedding'. 这里的习俗是,和一个无房的男人同结连理称作“裸婚”。
He helped her up, then got out himself and dragged the canoe up the bank, tying it to the jetty. 他帮助她上来,然后他自己出来把独木舟拖到岸上,拴在码头上。
However, tying this information to the appropriate stream strategy, as you will see later, will take your solution to the next level. 然而,将这个信息与合适的流程策略联系起来,如您先前所看到的,将把您的解决方案带入下一个水平。
After tying his wife up and cutting characters into her face, Wei rubbed ashes into the injury, tattooing her. 在将妻子五花大绑并且刻上那些字眼后,魏胜雄将灰涂抹在伤口上,以便能使伤痕留存下来形成刺青。
Good shear retardant property, used for outdoor packaging, firming shelves, tying up and reinforce, masking in electroplate process. 良好的抗剪切性能。用于户外包装,固定货盘,加强,电镀工艺中用作遮蔽胶带。
There have been requests in recent questions tying to establish how large Venus and the Dark Twin will appear prior to escaping the cup. 最近有人提出问题,要求证实金星,黑暗孪星在逃离“杯子”之前看起来有多大。
We caught up with one bride, who, like thousands of others around the globe, will be tying the knot in two days. 我们联系到将在这天结婚的一位新娘,全球将有数万人在这一天结婚。
She also found that Italian fashion designers are now tying themselves up in knots about what being an "Italian" designer really means. 她还发现,对于何谓“意大利设计师”这个问题,意大利时装界如今深感困惑。
Isolation used to involve inserting a wooden "paddle" between the shoe and the current rail and then tying the shoe up with a strap or rope. 经常在集电靴和供电轨之间插入一块木板来隔离,然后用带子或绳子将集电靴系起。
The most popular things to see at rodeos are wild horse riding with and without a saddle, tying baby cows, and "bull wrestling" . 在牛仔竞技表演中,最受欢迎的观赏节目分别是有马鞍和没马鞍的驯骑野马表演,捆绑小牛以及“公牛摔跤”表演。
Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke. 林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。
GM in particular seems to be tying its future to lithium - ion technology . 通用汽车看来已经在发展未来的锂离子技术。
What Went Wrong: The fact that they each had already had at least two failed marriages didn't stop them from tying the knot in 1964. 哪里搞错了:两人在婚前都拥有过至少两次失败的婚姻,但是这无法让他们的婚姻走的更远。
By the age of six I had attended both of my parents' second marriages (my new step-parents were tying the knot for the second time, too). 六岁的时候,我分别参加了父母的第二次婚礼(这也是我的新任继父母的第二次婚姻)。