
美 [ʌm]英 [ʌm]
  • int.
  • 网络微米;马来亚大学(Universiti Malaya);马来亚大学(University of Malaya)



1.(表示犹豫或说话中间停顿)嗯,呃,呣the way of writing the soundVm or@m that people make when they hesitate, or do not know what to say next


从最小的微米(um)或是奈米或是有更小的到公里或是光年或是有更长的~他们之间的距离换算?可以的话也将英文全名和缩写也 …

马来亚大学(Universiti Malaya)

  180 马来亚大学 Universiti Malaya (UM) 马来西亚 56.5  181 印度理工学院德里分校 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)...

马来亚大学(University of Malaya)

马来亚大学um)及理科大学(usm),分别排在《泰晤士高等教育增刊》最新公布的全球200所顶尖大学排行榜的第89位及 …

跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 能量 energy um 尼泊尔 Nepal ...

I called, my, um, Danneel, my fiancee, and I said: "I've bit way more than I can chew. I don't think I can do this. " 然后,我就给,Danneel,我的未婚妻打电话,我说:“我之前有点自不量力啊,我觉得我做不来,我完不成这个任务。”
She said 'um nothing but I'm damn sure it's more than you' 她是,额,没事,但是我非常肯定,它比你更重要
Miles: I don't know, Um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know, right? 我也不知道,它是一种很难种的葡萄,你知道吗?
I just got back. I've been gone all day, and I got your messages about dinner, and, um, I would love to come if that invite still stands. 好,好,我刚刚回来,我出去了一整天,收到你的邀请留言。嗯,我很高兴参加,如果那邀请还有效的话。
See, um, the point is that. . . Rachel and I should be, er, together. You know, and if you get in the. . . . um. 恩,呃,重点是……Rachel和我会,呃,在一起。你知道,而如果你跑上……恩……
Well, um, you know, something's neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so, I suppose, as Shakespeare said. 好吧,你知道,按莎士比亚所说的,我认为,一些东西既不好也不坏那只能考虑把他们变成那样。
one of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died was to be sure I looked after him, and, um, I promised her I would. 她在医院里临死前跟我说的最后一件事就是让我保证要好好照顾他,呣,我答应她我会的。
um , which we ' re gonna have to beat out of him. 嗯,我们将它从他不得不跳动。
Score one for Team Living: Some viruses sneak DNA into a bacterium through its, um, sex appendage, a long tube known as a pilus. “有生命”支持者得一分:有些病毒通过叫做纤毛的一种长管状行期整合到细菌的基因组上。
"Um, " I said, "kinda almost sort of? " “唔,”我说,“差不多!”
Um, so you were gonna catch us up on things with you and Matt, right? 你打算跟我们谈谈你和马特的事情对吗
Well, this is, um, exactly the sort of habitat that used to be all over Australia. Um, this is prime koala habitat. 好的,这是,嗯,正是那种曾遍布澳大利亚的栖息地。嗯,这是优良的考拉栖息地。
Yeah. Yeah, something. Um, I think I might have been wrong, telling you to drop your investigation. 是的,有些事情。嗯,我想也许我弄错了,让你停止你的调查。
You know, I would have to say-- It would be, um. 你知道,我得说,那是…
We just moved, um. I called UPS to ask them to help out with some boxes. 我们刚搬家。我打电话给联邦快递,请他们邮寄一些箱子。
Rachel: Anyway, um, (Gets the ring out of her purse. ) I guess this belongs to you. And thank you for giving it to me. 无论如何,恩,(从包里拿出了戒指)我想这个应该还给你,而且谢谢你给我。
It's too late telling you at the end, isn't it? Oh well, um. . . yeah. You reminded me, to tell you why I deleted my vlog channel. 最终告诉你这些是不是显得太迟了呢?喔,恩…是的。你们曾提醒我要告诉你们为什么我把我上传的频道删掉了。
Will: Probably right. But, um, in hindsight. . . you were right to shine the spotlight on the fact that those kids are minorities. 或许是正确的。但是,在一方面…事实上你使那些有潜力的孩子发光是正确的。
So, um, the friend-You think I might be able to give him a call? 你觉得你能给你那个朋友打个电话吗?
Hi, um, I'm account number 7143457. And, uh, I don't know if you got any of that, but I would really like a copy of the tape. 嗨,我的户头是7143457.嗯,我不知道你们有没有拍到,但我真的想要这一卷带子。
Make sure that there is at least one Hub Transport server installed in the same Active Directory site as the UM server. 确保在UM服务器所在的ActiveDirectory站点中至少安装了一个集线器传输服务器。
"Listen and comment appropriately and be sure to avoid phrases such as 'um, ' 'you know, ' and 'like, '" she said. “倾听对方,并适当发表意见,但一定要注意,避免用‘哦……’、‘你知道的……’、‘好像’之类的口头语”,她说。
Um, people seem to think you can't tie your shoelaces without a college degree these days. . . Um, let's see. . . Um, sixty-five dollars. 嗯,这年头,人们总是认为没有大学学位你就不会系鞋带…恩,来看看,嗯,65美元。
Rosalie brought her 'tenacity', which I think seems to be sort of asuckish gift to bring into your, um, vampire life. 罗莎莉带来的是她的“固执”,这对于你的,呃…吸血鬼生命来讲,看起来是个很糟糕的天赋啊。
The only benefit gained from deleting an obsolete UM dial plan is to reuse the name or perform general Active Directory housekeeping. 删除过时UM拨号计划的唯一好处是可以再次使用该名称或执行常规的ActiveDirectory维护管理。
Um, now I wanted to ask you, you know. . . 现在我想要问你,你知道…
Um . . . yes, if the piece you want to leave with your sleeping child is a disembodied forearm with sausage-like fingers and felt for skin. 嗯……是的,倘若你想给睡着的孩子留下来的是:带着腊肠手指的空虚前臂,以及皮肤的感觉。
Rachel: No? All right. here's the truth um. Joey said What he said. because um. I'm attracted to you. 瑞秋:--好吧。事情是这样的。乔伊说了他该说的。因为。我被你深深吸引。
The doctor was silent for the longest time, then she said with slight hiccup in her voice, "Well, my dear, you're having, um, twins. " 医生一直没说话,然后她轻轻开了口,“哦,亲爱的……恩……你们怀的是双胞胎哦。”
"Oh, " I said, a little uncertainly . "Oh, um . . . you want me to leave? " 我有点不知道该怎么办,就说:「啊,那么要我走开吗?」