
美 [ʌnˈizi]英 [ʌnˈiːzi]
  • adj.担心的;忧虑的;不安的;不稳定的
  • 网络不自在的;心神不安的;拘束的

比较级:uneasier 最高级:uneasiest

uneasy feeling,uneasy relationship


1.担心的;忧虑的;不安的feeling worried or unhappy about a particular situation, especially because you think that sth bad or unpleasant may happen or because you are not sure that what you are doing is right

2.不稳定的;靠不住的;不确定的not certain to last; not safe or settled

3.令人不安的;令人不舒服的;不安稳的that does not enable you to relax or feel comfortable

4.不和谐的;不协调的;矛盾的used to describe a mixture of two things, feelings, etc. that do not go well together


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4级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... undoubtedly ad. 无疑,必定 uneasy a. 心神不安的,担心的,忧虑的 unemployment n. 失业,失业状态, …


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the question of an uneasy conscience, he said this is not fair. 把良心不安的问题先放到一边,他说这这样才公平。
Abdalla, seeing her very uneasy, said, "Do not fret and tease yourself, but go into the yard, and take some oil out of one of the jars. " 阿布达拉,看到她非常心神不宁,说,“别苦恼也别自己戏弄自己,去院子里,随便从哪个坛子里弄点油。”
A few times after that he ventured out, but meeting another of his old-time friends, he began to feel uneasy sitting about hotel corridors. 在这之后,他鼓足勇气出去了几次,但是又遇见了一个从前的朋友。他开始觉得闲坐在旅馆的门厅里时心神不安了。
And yet, many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy, would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes. 可是很多达尔文主义者都有点急切不安,想看看达尔文主义的极限,看它到底能走多远。
Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of the door bell early in the morning. 一大清等的大门铃声把吉米从沉睡中吵醒后,他整天都无精打采。
Out of the car, lighting a cigarette, the driver seemed uneasy, eager to leave. "What time you coming back, bwana? " 走出汽车,点燃一支烟,那司机显得局促不安,急于离开。
The regime that succeeded him was an uneasy tussle between idealists and a would-be military junta. 这个成就了克伦威尔的政权不是理想主义者和一个假定的军事团体之间的简单的争斗。
After an uneasy beginning to life with the Catalonian club, he is now firing in the goals and winning over the fans. 经过一段并不容易的开始后,他已经在用不断的进球为自己赢得了无数粉丝。
The uneasy days and nights made me to resolve to leave Granny's home as soon as I was old enough to support myself. 这些令人忧虑的日日夜夜使我暗下决心,一旦自己能够谋生就离开姥姥家。
While the procession passed, the child was uneasy, fluttering up and down, like a bird on the point of taking flight. 当游行队伍走过时,珠儿就象一只跃跃欲飞的鸟儿一般不安地跳起又落下。
He turned to the banker, the only one of that black, uneasy, stoop-shouldered group who seemed enough of an individual to be addressed. 他转身对着银行家,那团黑黑糊糊、惶惶不安、勾腰驼背的人群里唯一有点个人特征的,似乎可以招呼一声的人。
WE all felt a little uneasy in the thick darkness, so we pressed close to one another and said nothing. 在黑暗中,我们都觉得很害怕;我们彼此紧紧地挤在一起,一句话也不说。
He stood about, restless and uneasy, for a while, glancing at the door, every now and then, hoping she would repent and come to find him. 他在附近站了一会儿,心里很乱,十分着急,不时地朝门口瞅一瞅,希望她会后悔,会出来找他。
Contrary to my expectations, there was no need to be uneasy about the results of the match. 对我的期望相反,有没有需要对比赛结果感到不安。
Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle. 麦克梯格偷偷摸摸地走进走出,给这一阵忙乱弄得头昏眼花。
It was to tell you not to be uneasy about us, because we hadn't got drowned. 是来告诉你们别为我操心,因为我们并没有淹死。
but she looked full into Giovanni's eyes, and responded to his gaze of uneasy suspicion with a queenlike haughtiness. 但她正视乔万尼的眼睛,对他不安猜疑的目光,报以女王般的高傲。
Tuesday night saw an uneasy calm restored in London after the police presence was more than doubled. 在至少两倍警力现身后,伦敦骚乱于9日晚暂时得以平息。
And the landscape was always made by this sort of weird, uneasy collaboration between nature and man. 风景总是由自然和人类之间的这种怪异不安的协作产生的。
He knew his friend was uneasy about this raid and had only wanted to point out that they had very little choice but to go through with it. 他知道他的朋友很为这次突袭担忧,只差没有指出他们没有什么太多的选择,只能把它进行下去。
What halted progress was a potent combination of institutional rivalries, nationalism and an uneasy sense of transgression. 真正使进程停下来的是制度的阻碍、民族主义和不安的犯罪感三者的有效结合。
No doubt, but I have an uneasy feeling at times that she looks upon the children as puppies. 那当然,不过我有时心里不安,觉得她把孩子们当小狗看待。
The house was very old, and it had all wooden floors. There was always an uneasy feeling when you were inside. 这栋房子已经非常有年头了,地板都是木制的,只要你呆在里边,就总会感到有些不自在。
He said that it made him uneasy to see my silver so insecure in the breakfront, where any intruder could smash the glass. 他说,他看见我的银器放在外面,感到很不安全,会吸引外人打破玻璃闯进来。
When Cyrus decided to show her adult personality by releasing "sexy" photos, people began to get uneasy about her. 在塞勒斯决定用一组性感照来展现自己成熟的一面时,她开始令人们感到不安。
Last evening, I had the uneasy feeling that some men were trying to break into my room to shampoo me. 昨天夜里,我有种不安的感觉,就是有几个人想闯进我的房间给我洗头。
Those of you who have attempted to implement managed add-ins for the Windows shell in the past might be a bit uneasy about this concept. 那些过去曾尝试实现用于Windows外壳程序的托管加载项的人可能有点不容易理解此概念。
I felt uneasy - at any other time I would have asked the driver to turn it down, but I kept quiet. 我感到非常不自在,在其他时候我可能会叫司机把他关掉,但这次我保持静默。
We took a walk around the streets visiting a few of the local pubs and did not feel in the slightest bit uneasy. 我们在街上逛了逛,进了几家酒吧,一点也没觉得不自在。
me uneasy, as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort. 这使我感到不安,似乎整个晚上都是一个圈套。