united kingdom

  • n.联合王国
  • 网络英国;大英联合王国;大不列颠联合王国

united kingdomunited kingdom

united kingdom



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根据联合王国United Kingdom)和爱尔兰共和国国籍法,出生在北爱尔兰的人民可以选择成为爱尔兰共和国国民或联合王国 …


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上一篇:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom)驻华大使馆 下一篇:乌克兰(Ukraine)驻华大使馆 亚 洲:蒙古 阿联酋 …

In Europe the only other countries to have been given global strategic partner status are the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain. 在欧洲,与中国的保持“全球战略伙伴”关系的国家还有英国、法国、德国、西班牙。
The British product Ribena already did $200 million a year in the United Kingdom and Ireland alone and another $58 million worldwide. 英国生产的利宾纳每年收入达20亿,而单是爱尔兰就能另外获利5.
Fund officials have said the United Kingdom is the only major western power that has consistently welcomed CIC. 中投官员曾表示,英国是西方大国中唯一一个一直对中投表示欢迎的国家。
This has been referred to as "chasing the moon, " as in the United Kingdom at least, the lowest carbon power is available during the night. 这被称为“追逐月亮”,因为至少是在英国,最低的碳量是在晚上。
Thames originate in the west of England, across the United Kingdom, the total length of 338 km, flows through London into the sea. 泰晤士河发源于英格兰西部,横贯英国,全长338公里,流经伦敦进入大海。
The Scottish government engaged Libya and the United Kingdom on the matter of releasing al-Megrahi. 苏格兰政府也参与了利比亚和英国释放迈格拉希事件。
Q: How much money do I need to bring with me to the United Kingdom? 多少钱做我需要带到英国?
But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U. K. 但是一口气说出这样长的一个国家的名称太拗口,因此人们只说不列颠、联合王国,或者更简单地称U.K…
Travel Ventures International is a leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London, United Kingdom. 旅游投资国际公司是一家领先的跨国集团总部设在伦敦,英国。
The potato reached the United Kingdom towards the end of the 16th century and was being grown in London by 1597. 马铃薯在16世纪末来到联合王国并于1597年开始在伦敦种植。
The first World Expo came about in the United Kingdom and was then known as the Great Exhibition, held in the Crystal Palace at Hyde Park. 首届世博会在英国伦敦海德公园的水晶宫举行,当时被称为“伟大的展览”。
Mike asked me how long he would be in the United Kingdom for and I told him, probably long enough to get a British passport. 迈克问我他将要在英国呆多久,我告诉他,可能长得足够拿到英国的护照了。
Respect for banks has reached a new low in the U. S. and United Kingdom, according to a survey released in London on Friday by GlobeScan. 根据《环球扫描》周五在伦敦发布的一项调查结果显示,美国和英国银行信用跌入历史新低。
Country Style Flowers was an international success selling in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and South Africa. 她另著有《乡村风格花卉》,该书在欧美及南非非常畅销。
British tea in the United Kingdom in the greatest enjoyment in life, is to get up in the former Reliance pillow to drink a cup of hot tea. 茶道在英国英国人在生活上最大的享受,莫如在起床前倚枕喝上一杯热茶。
An initiative designed to strengthen cultural links between the United Kingdom and China was launched in London on Thursday. 本周四,一项旨在加强中英文化交流的活动在伦敦召开。
The hearings shall take place in London, United Kingdom. 听证会将在伦敦发生,英国。
London is the largest urban area and capital of England and the United Kingdom and is often named the Capital of the World. 伦敦是英国最大的城市,同时也是英国的首都,它也常被称为世界之都。
And my grandfather and grandmother in the United Kingdom, they do not like the food there, neither the British. 我的外祖父和外祖母在英国,他们非常不喜欢英国的食物,也非常不喜欢英国人。
He said the two countries agreed on all the key issues and bilateral relations between Italy and the United Kingdom are in strong shape. 布莱尔说,英国和意大利对关键的问题都持相同的观点,两国的双边关系十分稳固。
Prior to this, economists generally prediction in the United Kingdom in the second quarter to get out of the recession, GD. 在此之前,经济学家普遍预测英国在第二季度能够走出衰退,在GD。
1837 - Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom moves into the first Buckingham Palace in London and is the first British monarch to live there. 1837年的今天,英国维多利亚女王搬进了伦敦的第一个白金汉宫,并成为住在那里的第一个英国君主。
Early 18th century, Fool's Day customs reached the United Kingdom, followed by the British in the early immigrants into the United States. 18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。
William achieved its desire to become the King of the United Kingdom. to begin the history of the British Norman dynasty. 威廉实现了自己的愿望。成为英国的国王。从此开始了英国历史上的诺曼王朝。
That you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of your proposed visit. 你在提议的观光期后会离开英国。
The children had to compete with MEPs from the United Kingdom Independence Party, who started singing "God Save the Queen" . 合唱的孩子们得和来自英国独立党的欧洲议员们一争高下,他们唱的是《天佑女王》。
In an island far from the United Kingdom - Neverland, life do not want to grow up a child will never grow up - Peter Pan. 在一座远离英国本土的海岛——梦幻岛上,生活着一个不愿长大也永远长不大的孩子——彼得潘。
the United Kingdom and the culture of the Han culture "no degree of self-debasement, " as a false sense of inferiority , And mean another. 而英文化人把汉文化人的“否定自贬”看成是自卑虚伪,言不由衷。
Do you know that England is just a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? 你知道英格兰是仅仅是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的一部分?
That list found that the combined riches of China's millionaires surpassed that of the United Kingdom's. 这份名单发现,中国百万富翁的财富的总和超过了英国。