united states

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united statesunited states

united states


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美军航空母舰_百度百科 ... 建造中途取消 CVA-58 美国号 United States 建造中途取消,龙骨已安置完成。 CVA-59 ...


... CVL-49 Wright 莱特号 塞班岛级 CVA-58 United States 美国号 美国级 建造中途取消 CVA-59 Forrestal 佛瑞斯塔号 佛瑞斯塔 …

President Andrew Jackson understood the power of the Bank of the United States. He opposed giving the bank a new charter. 安德鲁杰克逊总统了解美国银行的权利,他反对给银行一个新的章程。
After the war, both the United States and the Soviet Union began to develop large rockets for exploring space. 战后,美国和苏联都开始研制大型火箭,准备用来进行太空探测。
My Korean friend was more or less a very good English speaker when he first came to the United States. 我的韩国朋友当他初到美国的时候,怎么说英语说的还不错。
Let me be clear: the United States government has no interest or intention of running GM. 我要明确指出:美国政府并没有任何兴趣或打算运行通用。
'Reality has proved that the United States should be held fully accountable for damaging China-U. S. military relations, ' he said. 耿雁生说:“事实证明,破坏中美两军关系发展的责任完全在美方。”
As you want get her back in the United States, we shall be good to say that you all figure it out from there. 你希望她在美国得到大家的支持,我们最好说,你理解那里。
Scholarship winners from LatinAmerica and the Caribbean spend a year at a journalism school in the United States or Canada. 来自拉丁美洲和加勒比海的奖学金获得者可以在美国或加拿大的新闻院校学习一年。
The changing era requires the United States to be more insistent upon the need for free trade and an end to protectionism, he said. 他说,这个不断变化的时代要求美国更加坚持自由贸易的必要性,同时制止贸易保护主义。
The show ran for over a year, before traveling around the United States and Europe. It earned her a Tony Award and two Grammy Awards. 该节目跑了一年多,以前在美国和欧洲旅行。这为她赢得托尼奖和两项格莱美奖。
If I could publicly acknowledge and congratulate the election of Senator Obama as the next President of the United States. 如果我可以公开承认并祝贺参议员奥巴马当选为下一任美国总统。
As the storm moved north, it may be a side with the United States and even rub the front landing. 随着风暴向北移动,它还可能与美国本土发生侧面剐蹭甚至正面登陆。
Then she persuaded leaders in her grown rural village to help send her to college in the United States. 于是,她说服了农村领导帮助她来到美国读大学。
It's been a long time since passengers have been allowed to smoke on an airliner in the United States. It's the same story in Europe. 很久以前,美国航班就已禁止乘客在客机上吸烟,欧洲航班也曾这样做。
The United States supports one of the most diverse prevention portfolios of any international partner. 在所有国际伙伴中,美国支持的艾滋病防治措施属于最为广泛多样的方案。
On this, the United States' 40-year history of pressuring Japan to let the yen appreciate against the dollar is instructive. 在这点上,美国40年来对日本施压使日元对美元升值颇有指导意义。
He was so afraid for his own safety that he recently fled to the United States with his wife and young daughter. 近日他非常担心自己的人身安全,携妻子及幼女逃到了美国。
I am pleased that the president of the United States decided to drop food in addition to bombs, but I have got to tell you this. 我高兴地看到,美国总统决定放弃食物,除了炸弹,但我不得不告诉你这一点。
"The United States has no better partner and no stronger ally than Australia, " he said. 盖茨说:“对美国来说,没有比澳大利亚更好的夥伴和更坚定的盟友了。”
My primary job is to publish all of the legal opinions that the Court hands down in a set of law books called the United States Reports. 我的主要工作是以一套《美国判例汇编》(UnitedStatesReports)的形式发布最高法院公布的所有司法意见书。
He said China recognized that it has a "codependency" with the United States. 他称,中国认识到与美国是“依存”关系。
In contrast, the United States seems to be mired in a political stalemate that becomes more complex and confused at every turn. 相比之下,美国似乎正深陷政治僵局的泥潭中,每一个新的动作都使情况更加复杂和混乱。
I ran so well, I played football. I got to meet the President of the United States. 我跑那么快与好,我踢足球。我得到美国总统的接见。
In his late years, Rong Hong settled in the United States, but his concern for the fate and future of his country was as intense as ever. 晚年,容闳定居美国但他对于国家的命运与前途依然极为关注。
Indians and Chinese were once willing to put up with any humiliation for a chance of a career in the United States. 印度人和中国人曾愿为在美国工作做出任何牺牲。
In the late 1990s there was something of a backlash against the implications of TQM, especially in the United States. 上世纪90年代晚期,管理界掀起了一股反精确管理理念的思潮,特别是在美国。
Please take a seat. As you know, Action is looking to expand into western Canada and the United States. 您也知道,Action希望能将市场扩展到加拿大西部及美国,因此我们目前需要的,就是一家声誉卓著的经销商,来帮助我们打入市场。
The company had sought to sell off major assets to help repay the United States. But it has struggled to find buyers willing to pay enough. AIG一直在试图出售主要资产,以帮助偿还政府援助资金,但难于找到原意支付足够资金的买家。
State Department officials traveling with Mr. Kerry declined to discuss whether the United States would soon be prepared to take that step. 和克里一起出行的国务院官员拒绝就美国是否很快就准备向武装团体提供这方面的援助进行讨论。
I thought what have I got to lose. . . I loved the United States but had nobody there and couldn't get a sponsored passage. 我还以为是我是失去什么…我喜欢美国,但没有赞助人时是不可能去的。
Mr. Ji's story is all the more remarkable because of his childhood ties to the United States. 冀先生的故事是极其非凡的,因为他的童年是与美国联系在一起的。