
美 [ʌnˈlaɪk]英 [ʌn'laɪk]
  • adj.不同;不像;相异
  • prep.不像;与…不同;(用于对比)与…不同;非…的特征
  • 网络和…不同;不同的;不象



1.不像;与…不同different from a particular person or thing

2.(用于对比)与…不同used to contrast sb/sth with another person or thing

3.非…的特征not typical of sb/sth


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... unless conj. 如果不,除非 unlike prep. 不像,和……不同 unmarried a. 未婚的,独身的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... unless conj. 如果不,除非 unlike prep. 不像,和……不同 unmarried a. 未婚的,独身的 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... former a. 以前的,在前的; unlike a. 不同的,不相似的; intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫 9 ...


高中英语作文常用连词-高中英语作文 ... 16. indeed 的确 17. unlike 不象… 18. certainly 当然 ...


高中英语必修三第一单元黑体单词及注解_百度知道 ... compass 罗盘,指南针 unlike 不像,与、、、不同 hearing 听力,听觉 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... former a. 以前的,在前的; unlike a. 不同的,不相似的; intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫 9 ...

Unlike the UK, China seems to understand that the state has a responsibility to protect the lives of vulnerable and innocent citizens. 不像英国政府,中国明白,国家有责任保护易受伤害和无辜公民的生命。
Narcissus Unlike most flowers, it is known as the "Ivy Ling Po Fairy, " is one of the top ten flowers. 水仙花不同于一般的花,它被称为“凌波仙子”,是十大名花之一。
Unlike product innovation which tends to focus on the product, looking from inside the company out to the market. 而产品创新往往倾向于是把重点放在产品上,从公司内部寻找市场。
But unlike China, Thailand and Malaysia still retained a King, though no one knows how much power the King has. 但是有点不同,泰国和马来西亚保存了国王,至于国王有多大权力,另说。
Unlike Andy Rooney, who puts out a book every year, I at least have the courtesy to wait two years before I offer something new. 和每年出书一本的安迪不同,我在拿出新作品之前至少要恭恭敬敬地等待两年。
Although these functions are considered to be part of GDI, unlike most GDI functions they do not require a handle to a device context. 尽管这些函数被认为是GDI的一部分,但是并不像大多数GDI函数,它们不需要关联设备句柄。
Unlike stocks, it is relatively easy to sell a Treasury that you do not already own (a process known as shorting). 与股票不同,做空(即出售自己并不拥有的证券)美国国债相对简单。
But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. 然而这不作梦,更不像是梦魇,我并不是为我的生命在奔波,而是为了保住(比生命)更重要上万倍的东西。
Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. 不象中国和印度,巴西有纯正的民主制度;不象印度,巴西同邻国没有严重冲突。
Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work, unlike their counterparts in the United States and Korea. 日本学生似乎正对工作失去耐心,而美国和韩国学生却。
Every bit of the oleander plant is toxic, unlike the case for other plants where just the flower or sap might be poisonous. 不像其他植物那样,仅仅是花或树液有毒,夹竹桃的每个部分都是有毒的。
Unlike fighter aircraft, most cyber monitoring and exploitation software can be sold to any country with which the US has relations. 不像战斗机,多数网络监控和攻击软件可以销往任何与美国有外交关系的国家。
Unlike the Soviet Union, it appears to have found a way to lift millions out of poverty while still locking up its dissidents. 与苏联不同,中国似乎已找到一条道路,能够在继续关押持不同政见者的同时,让数百万人摆脱贫困。
Unlike measles, polio or diphtheria, Hib does not cause a specific illness with which it, alone, can be identified. 与麻疹、脊灰或白喉不同,Hib并不造成只有它才能引起的一种特定疾病。
Unlike them, however, Gaokao is given only once a year and is virtually the only basis for college entrance. 但不同在于,高考一年只有一次,并且是作为大学入学的唯一考量。
Unlike the previous attempts, there was no damage at all to the coil, no expansion and no inter- turn shorting. 不同于以往的尝试之后,有没有受到破坏,在所有向线圈,无膨胀,并没有跨转抛空。
Unlike the United States, China's constitution does not provide for a division of power among the various tiers of government. 不同于美国的是,中国宪法没有规定各级政府有类似议会的权利机构。
Unlike in late 2008, however, investors now don't seem to be acting out of a paroxysm of fear. 不过,现在的情况与2008年底不同,投资者并非出于担忧而买进美国国债。
Unlike tracing requirements to use cases, tracing in the reverse direction is often overlooked, but we accomplished this easily in Rose. 不像跟踪需求到用例,反方向的跟踪经常被忽略,但是我们可以很容易的在Rose中完成这一点。
Unlike tariffs, NTBs are not straightforwardly quantifiable, not necessarily easy to model, and information about them is hard to collect. 和关税不同,非关税贸易壁垒存在着不可直接量化,不易建模和难以收集其信息的问题。
Unlike, say, the World Trade Organisation, the G20 has no permanent secretariat, no treaty and no means of enforcing its decisions. 与(比如说)世界贸易组织(WTO)不同,G20没有固定的秘书处、没有任何的协定、也没有任何施行决策的手段。
Unlike in a normal crown court case, they did not have to sit behind the glass of the dock. Instead they sat behind their barristers. 和一般刑事法庭不同,这次他们没有坐在被告席的玻璃后面,而是躲在他们的律师叔叔后面。
Critically, Ford's market share, unlike those of its Detroit rivals, seems to be stabilising, at around 14%. 最关键的是与同处于底特律的竞争对手们不同,福特的市场份额似乎稳定在[font=Arial]14%[font=宋体]的水平。
Unlike many collegebound children today, Mr. Hayworth's daughter would have had no worries if she had not been able to find a job. 海沃思先生的女儿与今天许多即将上大学的孩子不一样。即使找不到工作,她也没有烦恼。
"They were very rough, " she said, adding that she is fortunate that her family accepts her, unlike the case for some of her friends. 她说,“他们很粗暴。”她补充说,她很幸运,因为家人接受她,而她的一些朋友却并不为家庭所接受。
It attaches to the body using shoulder straps and, unlike an ordinary umbrella, it's guaranteed not to turn inside-out in strong winds. 它通过肩带连到身体上,并且不像普通雨伞那样,这种雨伞保证不会被大风吹得翻过来。
Unlike most screen capture tools, Aviary is able to capture a complete web site, even if it extends beyond the borders of your screen. 与大多数截屏工具不同,Aviary可以截取完整网站的图像,即便是网站超出屏幕边界也没有关系。
Unlike her father, Emily did not enjoy the popularity and excitement of public life in Amherst, and she began to withdraw. 不像她的父亲,刘慧卿不享有的知名度和公共生活中阿姆赫斯特兴奋,她开始撤离。
This poem describes one person; a woman unlike any other, for who could possess that level of love. . . who else, but a mother? 这首诗描述的是一个人,一个与众不同的女人,她拥有此般至高无上的爱……不是母亲,能是谁?
He said the United States believed in the rule of law, unlike Al-Qaida which had no such constrains. 他说,美国信仰法律的裁决,不像基地组织那样没有这样的束缚。