
美 [ʌnˈlaɪkli]英 [ʌn'laɪkli]
  • adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的
  • 网络未必可能的;未必的;不太可能的

比较级:unlikelier 最高级:unlikeliest



1.不大可能发生的not likely to happen; not probable

2.[obn]非心目中的;非想象的not the person, thing or place that you would normally think of or expect

3.[obn]难以相信的;不能信服的difficult to believe


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... astronaut n. 宇航员 unlikely a. 未必可能的;靠不住的 swallow vt. 吞咽 n.燕子 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → likelihood 可能性 → unlikely 未必的,不太可能的 limit 限制,范围 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → likelihood 可能性 → unlikely 未必的,不太可能的 limit 限制,范围 ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... astronaut n. 宇航员 unlikely a. 未必可能的;靠不住的 swallow vt. 吞咽 n.燕子 ...


2010年高考英语反义词及相对应词 ... unlike 不像 unlikely 不可能的 unlimited 无限的 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... unique 唯一的,独一无二的 unlikely 未必的,不大可能的 unravel 拆散(线团);解决 ...

But, even if such a policy could be sustained (which is unlikely), it would turn southern Europe into a greater Mezzogiorno. 然而,即使这样的政策可以延续下去(事实上不大可能),也将把南部欧洲变成一个大梅佐乔诺(Mezzogiorno)。
Finally , may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely to occur again. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. 最后我方要说这种错误是一个例外,再也不会发生。对因此造成的不便深感抱谦。
It is unlikely, however, that this fragmentation will lead to the disappearance of English as a language understood around the world. 然而,这种分化不大可能导致作为全世界都理解的语言——英语的消失。
Seeing as it was unlikely that any bank would loan him so much money, John decided to let that be the determining factor. 约翰以为不会有银行肯借那么多钱给他,所以干脆先拿这个行业开刀。
But he told me once that in the unlikely event he were to leave for whatever reason, he would make me earn at least double. 但他曾对我说过,他不会因为任何原因而离开,他想为我赢得至少两座冠军奖杯。
If you had not had some intellectual bias -even of quite a mild sort -it is unlikely that you would be here today to receive a degree . 因为如果你们不曾具备那种能力,哪怕是一点点,今天你们也不大可能在这里拿到自己的学位了。
But the timing of the appearance of these component words in the written record seems to make this assembly unlikely. 然而从文字记录来看,这几个词的出现时间产生了矛盾,组合在一起也就不太可能。
Such a spiral is, so far, unlikely in the U. S. , where high unemployment is undermining workers' bargaining power. 到目前为止,这种螺旋形通货膨胀局面还不大可能出现在美国,美国的高失业率正在削弱工人在工资上讨价还价的能力。
It was understood that sunspot activity was not at its peak in 1932 and hence the radio waves were unlikely to be emitted from the Sun. 据悉,1932年并非太阳黑子活动的高峰期,由此推测无线电波并非自太阳发出,央斯基认为这些无线电波是从银河系而来。
However, he said the government was unlikely to delay the implementation of the law any further. 然而,他表示政府不太可能再进一步推迟该法的实施。
The NSIDC team cautions that this is a preliminary analysis and that further melt is possible, though unlikely, this year. NSIDC的科研小组表示,这些都是我们初步的分析,进一步融化的可能性很大,尽管今年已不再肯能。
The cash buffer corporate America has built up in case of harder times makes a fresh shock of that kind unlikely. 美国公司的现金缓冲只限于时艰时期未必不会产生新的冲击。
The previous point might lead one to suspect that this was an unlikely area for positive investment returns. 上面一观点也许会让人怀疑,这一领域可能难以获得正回报。
Probably the only forward of comparable quality is Lionel Messi, and he's unlikely to leave Barcelona. 也许唯一的选择就是梅西,而他不太可能离开巴塞罗那。
It is unlikely that the President could ever become a dictator, Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibility. 美国总统不可能变为独裁者。国会、新闻界和人民共同监督,排除了这种可能性。
No such system has been put together at this sort of depth before, so getting it to work is unlikely to be easy. 因为之前,一直没有如此规模的装置一同放入如此深的水底,所以要完成这个任务不可能轻松。
If you enter their offices they are unlikely to ask for a bribe or to pinch your bum. 如果你走进他们的办公室,他们不大可能索取贿赂,也不会捏你的屁股。
It's unlikely the water, at least at this site, is in the form of an ice sheet, Colaprete said. 这些水不太可能以冰原的形态存在,起码在这个地点不是,克拉普雷特说。
Moammar Khadafy is dead -- and his unlikely pen pal, a retired Jewish florist from Brooklyn, never got to say goodbye. 穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲死了-----退休的布鲁克林区犹太花商,这位不那么象笔友的笔友,再也不用和他道别了。
Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March, however, the rumours are unlikely to become real deals for the time being. 只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。
However, this appears unlikely to have been a major factor, given storage constraints and the fast turnover at retail facilities. 但是,由于各种存储限制因素和零售设施的快速周转,这种情况看来不可能是一个主要的因素。
While it may be easy to string together liquid transfer commands, simple methods are unlikely to meet the needs of your laboratory. 虽然这可能很容易与加样指令联系起来,但是简单的方法未必能满足您实验室的需要。
It seems to be unlikely not to receive any junk mail when you check your email. What you can do is to delete it with patience . 当你收电子邮件时,没收过垃圾邮件似乎是不太可能发生的事。你能做的只有耐心的把它删掉。
For now we do not know exactly what happened there on Wednesday night and are unlikely to find out for another 48 hours. 到现在为止,我们都不知道周三晚上到底发生了什么,估计再过48小时我们也搞不清楚。
And even though it's unlikely he'll win anything at the Olympics, the mere fact that he's there at all seems to be enough. 虽然他在奥运会上获得奖牌的希望很渺茫,但是他能参赛本身已经足够了。
The gossip he is unlikely to hear is the gossip about him. His staff probably go elsewhere for that. 他不太可能听到的,是有关他自己的闲话——他的手下很可能去其它地方谈论这些了。
The band befriended this unlikely character, and shot hours of video of him at work, giving free hugs to passers-by. 乐队支持这个不太靠谱的任务,并且拍摄了他给路人提供免费拥抱的视频。视频时长达数小时。
But they knew an insider was unlikely to make drastic changes and have been surprised by how much Mr Isdell has achieved. 但是他们明白,一个公司体制内出身的人不可能施行根本变革,因此,对艾斯戴尔先生的改革成果已感惊讶。
'Now things are unlikely to be anywhere near as good as people have gotten used to, because we're not going to have a bubble to help us. 但人们已经习以为常的这种好日子不大可能再现了,因为将不再有泡沫来助我们一臂之力。
McCormack said the ministerial talks would be loosely structured and unlikely to produce any specific outcome. 麦科马克说,这次部长级会议的安排比较松散,不大可能产生具体结果。