
美 [ʌnˈsoʊld]英 [ʌnˈsəʊld]
  • adj.未售出的;无人购买的
  • 网络未销售的;未出售的;未卖掉的



1.未售出的;无人购买的not bought by anyone


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... technique n. 技术;方法 unsold a. 未销售的 leftover a. 剩余的;剩下的 ...


综合英语单词表(第二册下) - 豆丁网 ... trudge v. 疲惫地走 unsold a. 未卖掉的,未售出的 urge n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2) ... unsoiled 未弄脏的 unsold 未出售的 unsolder 拆焊 ...


综合英语单词表(第二册下) - 豆丁网 ... trudge v. 疲惫地走 unsold a. 未卖掉的,未售出的 urge n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 ...


在’未卖出的物品(Unsold)’目录中,在最近一个月内,如果有被结束的GTC商店长期刊登(Good 'Til Cancelled Store Inventory Ite…


...下图:先将TL与My eBay的物品进行同步,在’未卖出物品(Unsold)’文件夹中,筛选出所有的Duration为GTC的物品,重新上 …

Of the 135, 000 completed but unsold new homes at the end of May, nearly half had been sitting for a year or more. 在五月底,除了未售出的新房,有135000套已经完成销售,将近一半已经放置了一年或一年以上。
He said improvements in the economy should boost demand for homes, alleviating some of the pressure on prices from unsold homes. 他还表示,经济的改善应该提振住房需求,在一定程度上缓解待售房屋对房价构成的压力。
With the economy still in decline, easily visible in a city full of unsold hotel rooms, we were not ready to hear of improved price points. 随着经济仍然在下降,很容易看见的城市充满了未售出的酒店房间,我们还没有准备好听到改善价位。
Economists say in a healthy market it would take at least three years to sell all of Spain's unsold homes that were built during the boom. 经济学家说,在一个健康的市场上,卖掉西班牙在房产热潮期间修建的所有未售出房屋至少需要三年。
The construction industry is in tatters and, with hundreds of thousands of unsold new houses, is not about to recover. 经济领头羊建筑业已是千疮百孔,数十万处新建房屋滞销,短期内复苏无望。
A retailer wants to empty the inventory during a sale season due to that the salvage value of any unsold item is zero. 零售商试图在一个有限计划期内将固定的存货全部售出,剩余存货在销售季节结束时价值变为零。
There are suggestions that at least some of its sales are the product of pushing cars on dealers, which then sit unsold in lots. 有迹象表明至少有一些销量是将其汽车推销给经销商的产物,但这些汽车随后大批成为库存。
Any of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock, would be returned at our expense. 在此期限结束时,任何未销出而我们又不准备库存的产品将退还给你们,退货费用由我方负担。
FIFA has been releasing unsold tickets slowly but this Friday it said the last 90, 000 seats including the final itself would go on sale. 国际足协发放未售票的速度一直非常缓慢,但是周五,足协表示,最后的90,000张票,包括决赛门票将开始出售。
I was able to chase up the last unsold ticket to the opera for you. 我能帮你赶快买到歌剧最后未出售的票。
Please put the matter right at once, letting us know what we have to do with the unsold balance of 50 dozen watches. 请尽快处理该事件,并告知如何处理尚未出售的50打手表。
This year's list is double the length of that six years ago, and many titles end up unsold in the stockroom. 今年书目的长度已经是六年前的两倍,许多作品注定要尘封在仓库里。
But now the U. S. holiday season clearly looks to be the worst in decades, and the result will be a huge overhang of unsold Chinese goods. 但现在看来,美国的度假季节显然是十年来最差的,结果就是会有大量中国商品滞销。
With unsold goods piling up and finance hard to come by, firms around the world have slashed production even faster than demand has fallen. 货物堆积如山,经济难以周转,全球的公司都开始削减生产量,其速度比需求量的下降速度还要快。
It had too much working capital and too much gear sitting unsold in showrooms. 公司拥有充裕的营运资本,但太多的设备滞留在陈列室未得出售。
One day, Betty drove up to my house. She had brought all the unsold copies of Dr. Chacko's book, which was almost the entire edition. 一天,蓓蒂开车过来,她把查柯博士全部没有售出的新书都运来了,差不多整整一版的书都在这儿了。
But even if the overall number of unsold units is not as bad as feared, it does not capture the full effects of oversupply. 但即使空置单位远比所担忧的数字要小,也不能说过度供给的影响完全消除了。
The sales manager overestimated the demand and the company was as a result left with 20, 000 unsold copies. 销售经理过高地估计了需求,公司因此有两万册书没有售出去。
Yet even though a third of the apartments were still unsold, there have been no buyers since the government announced its April clampdown. 不过,尽管尚有三分之一的住宅仍未售出,但自政府4月份宣布打击措施以来,这些房屋一直无人问津。
It may be a buyer's market for some time to come: the inventory of unsold homes was also up sharply. 与此同时,未售房的数量也在急剧增加,买方市场似乎已经到来。
Short of knocking down the million unsold new homes left after the property bubble burst, that will not pick up for many years. 在房地产泡沫破灭后需要大量岗位来拆除数以百万计的待售新房,除此之外,就业形势并不会长年好转。
This has worked; unsold housing is now equal to roughly nine months of demand, down from more than 14 months at the start of the year. 这个办法卓有成效;当前的未出售住宅存量由年初的超过十四个月的需求量降低到约相当于九个月的需求量。
Although this has begun to reduce the stock of unsold new homes, the frailty of demand means that supply still vastly outweighs sales. 尽管此举开始减少未售新房存量,住房储量还是达到26年之长。
No one knows what happened to the legions of unsold copies of her book. 谁也不知道,她那一大批没卖出的书上哪儿去了。
The best symbol of this predicament is not shipfuls of unsold cars, but the picket lines of Chinese workers demanding higher wages. 这场危机的最好标志并不是远洋船上没有出售的汽车,而是中国的工人在要求更高收入的警戒线。
With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold. 各个谨慎的市场需要吸收如此多的债券,人们担心一些债券可能会没有销路。
New-home sales fell by 3. 2% in October, the first drop in three months, and the stock of unsold new properties continued to rise. 10月份,新房销售额经历了三个月以来的首次下降,降幅达3.2%。未售出的新房积压情况继续恶化。
There is only one ticket unsold, I jump at the chance of buying the last one. 只剩下了一张票,我抓住机会去买最后的一一张票
Residential investment has collapsed, but a glut of unsold homes means that prices have much further to drop. 房产投资已经崩溃了,大批买不出去的商品房意味着住房价格会继续下跌。
Mr. McEleney said he will repair about 600 vehicles, which include those owned by customers and the unsold vehicles on his lot. 麦克兰尼说,他将修复大约600辆车,包括已经售出和现存的。