
美 [ənˈtɪl]英 [ən'tɪl]
  • prep.到;在…以前;不到…(不);直到…为止
  • conj.到…时;直到…为止



1.到…时;直到…为止up to the point in time or the event mentioned

I was so lost in this that I did not notice Clarissa until she sat down on the other side of the table. 我深陷在沉思中,直到克拉莉莎在桌子对面坐下,我才注意到她。
When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom. 他要是钻研一个问题,就非弄个水落石出不可。
Until the late eighteen hundreds, Japan had been a nation with ancient political traditions and little contact with the Western world. 直到十九世纪后期,日本一直与古代政治传统,与西方世界接触很少的国家。
It is possible to make such a battery with a solid electrolyte, but until now that has been done by a process called vacuum deposition. 使用某种固态电解质制作该类电池是有可能的,但迄今为止这要通过一种被称为“真空沉积”的制作工艺来完成。
Bats may actually be a coward, until the beginning of the war, constipation faceless, hiding in the side match. 可实际上蝙蝠是个胆小鬼,等到战争开始,便秘不露面,躲在一旁观战。
Count to ten, take a deep breath, sleep on it, wait until the next day to send that email. . . any kind of delay is good. 数到10、做深呼吸、隔一宿、等到第二天再发出那封电子邮件。任何类别的延迟都有帮助。
Until very recently there has always been a great deal of work to do in this country, a great deal that needed doing. 直到最近,这个国家还总是有许多事要做,还有许多是必须做的。
The survival rate for pancreatic cancer is so low because the disease is often not diagnosed until its later stages. 胰腺癌的存活率如此低的原因是这种疾病常常到晚期才被检查出来。
He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked. 他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?”
But unlike either, the definition of that behavior isn't checked until the trait is actually incorporated as part of a class. 但与类和接口不同之处在于,在特征作为类的一部分整合之前,不会检查行为的定义。
The doctor also say , Tom maybe catch a bad cold and he advised him to drink more water and do not study until too late . 医生也说了,汤姆只是感冒。还有,他劝汤姆喝多点水,同时也别复习到太晚。
We decided to keep the rest of the bad news back from her until she was feeling stronger. 我们决定把其他的坏消息瞒着她,等她身体感到强壮一点的时候再告诉她。用于
I was told the physical signs of dwarfism would be hard to detect at five months old, and I may have to wait until he was two to be sure. 我从这里知道侏儒症的体征在孩子5个月大的时候是无法检测的。我可能不得不等到他两岁的时候。
It wasn't until two and a half years later that we felt ready to take the next step of raising capital. 这样过了两年半后,我们觉得该进行下一步加大投资了。
Until this point, it has not been made widely available so there's been no mass adoption. 直到现在它还没有被广泛提供,因此没有被大量采纳。
I would be carefree as long as I could, or at least until I got some care- instead of having my cares in advance. 我将尽可能的无忧无虑,或者至少我在我付出真心前先得到真心
I thought I was a calm and collected person until one day at the office when my anger got the best of me. 我以前以为我是个冷静的人直到有天在办公室我才知道原来我也有控制不住脾气的时候。
' The document was approved a week ago at an annual gathering of the party leadership, but wasn't issued publicly until Sunday. 这一《决定》一周前在中共十七届三中全会上已获批准,但周日才对外公布。
The market did not turn until a year later, with the collapse of Burmah Oil. 直到一年后,随着BurmahOil的破产,市场才出现转机。
Jack decides to wait until the price comes down. The fate seems to defy him. The price goes on rising on Friday. 杰克决定等股价跌下来再买,命运好像跟他做对似的,周五的股价依然上涨。
Have little kids sleep alone Lying down with younger kids as they fall asleep is fine, until they wake up in the middle of the night. 有小的孩子单独睡的孩子躺在小下来,因为他们是睡着的罚款,直到他们醒来,在半夜。
My first job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I determined what I wanted to do as a career. 本人的第一份工作是本人决议先试试几年,直到本人决议本人想干什么的一种职业。
Then Naomi said, "Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today. " 婆婆说:“女儿阿,你只管安坐等候,看这事怎样成就,因为那人今日不办成这事必不休息。”
The manager perverted that no one _ _ of her decision until the next meeting . 经理要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。
We preferred to keep it a secret until we are ready to walk down the aisle. 我们更希望保守这个秘密,直到两个人准备结婚再公开。
You will have Mars' help until July 11, and that's quite a bit of time to complete whatever plan you have to do. 你会在火星的帮助下一直到7月11号,如果你有想法和计划了,就好好利用这个阶段吧。
Have him kneel between your legs and lift you by the hips until he's able to enter you, keeping as much of your body on the bed as possible. 他跪于你的双腿之间,并由臀托起你——最后他能够进入了,你的身体则尽可能如在床上。
Administration officials cautioned that they did not expect contributions to be nailed down until January. 政府官员宣称他们不希望盟国的贡献直到1月份才确定。
Please do not leave until you receive the notice, because whether the meeting will be prolonged has not been decided yet. 会议是否延期还未决定,请大家接到通知后离开
Not preparing for a therapy session or waiting until the last minute may inadvertently make it more difficult to talk. 拖延,甚至不进行心理治疗的准备工作很可能在无意中让你变得更难开口。设想一下你要去参加一次讨论或者大型会议。