up to

  • na.干(着);到;胜任;…的责任
  • 网络直到;多达;取决于

up toup to

up to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to date 在进行中 up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 what if 切合目前情况的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to date 在进行中 up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 what if 切合目前情况的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to date 在进行中 up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 what if 切合目前情况的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to date 在进行中 up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于 what if 切合目前情况的 ...


come构成的短语_爱问知识人 ... ~up 走近,上来 发生,被提出 ~up to 达到,符合 ~up with 提出,提供 ...


高中英语必修5单词与短语总结|学习信息网 ... 19. put sb into prison 送进监狱 20. up to 高达 21. be good for 有益于 ...


新概念英语第二册第44课【课文讲解】 ... run after 追赶;追逐 up to 到…跟前;一直到 have a picnic 去野餐 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... be up against 面临(困难等) up to 直到;从事于;轮到 come into use 开始被使用 ...

In fact up to the end of chapter nine, Mark recounts mostly stories which took place around the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding areas. 事实上,由这里一直到第九章尾,马可记述的耶稣大部份事迹,主要发生在加利利海和它的周边地区。
Trumpets pushes his way up to the second tier and the cons see him coming. Trumpets一路挤着来到二楼过道,团伙们看到他过来了。
How good of the Duke to think of me! "She pushed a chair up to the tea-table and Mrs. Struthers sank into it delectably. " “太好了,难得公爵能想着卧丁”她把一把椅子推到茶桌前,斯特拉瑟斯太太美滋滋地坐了入往。
"A long way from here, if it were up to me, sir, " the Captain said. “一个很长的路从这里,如果它了对我来说,先生,”船长说。
Is set up to be in one of two states: one in which content is passed on to the downstream handler, and one in which content is suppressed. 被设置为两种状态之一:一种状态是内容被传递给下行处理程序,而另一种状态是内容被阻截。
And if the application servers must be divided up to service only one database, then the efficiencies of multi-tenancy are further eroded. 如果必须分割应用服务器以便只为一个数据库提供服务,那么多租户的高效率特性将进一步被折损。
The gas had apparently built up to great amounts due to a malfunction and the boy constantly changing the height of his chair. 由于故障和小男孩频繁不断的调整他椅子的高度,气体很明显累积到了一定程度。
Magnolia stellata (often referred to as the star magnolia) - its flowers, which consist of up to 30 petals, open before its leaves. 重华辛夷(常被称为星花木兰)——它的花有30片花瓣组成,通常在树叶生长出来之前开放。
Bring paper from the long side of the box, up to the middle of your package. 从礼物盒长的一边拿起纸,往上折向中央。
This kind of case could take up to two or three years of litigation. 这类案件可能会花上两年或三年的时间进行诉讼。
He said the decision is up to others, including the United States. 他说,俄罗斯加入世贸的决定取决于各方,包括美国。
Research suggests that up to 8 percent of adults suffer from chronic nightmares, like drowning or being chased, at least once a week. 研究表明,8%的成年人长期受到像溺水或是被人追杀之类的恶梦困扰,而且这样的恶梦一周出现一次以上。
Besides, there're 1185 payments that add up to nearly $391 million made by the company for illegal purposes, commercial briberies included. 此外,西门子还有1185笔付款、将近3.91亿美元被用以违法目的,包括进行商业贿赂等。
If unwanted behavior persisted, he said, it should result "in swift action up to and including removal of the member. " 他说,如果不受欢迎的行为顽固不去,就应当“迅速采取措施,并可最终开除这位团队成员。”
All of that seems to add up to a single, reliable, and predictable update to WjcCounter per client round-trip to the CE server. 所有这些结合起来似乎能够在每次循环经过CE服务器时都能够对WjcCounter进行一次可靠的、可预测的更新。
I was faced with a new problem. She couldn't face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的现实。
He said supply disruptions in the Middle East could send oil prices up to $150 a barrel and help deepen any recession. 他说中东供油的中断可能会导致油价上升到150美元一桶,这将令任何经济衰退恶化。
Then they were asked to rate cookies bytasting at least one (but up to eight) cookies presented on a plate. 当被要求吃盘子里的饼干(至少一块,最多八块)并给出评价。
How much do you know about our new boy? Liverpoolfc. tv attempts to bring you up to speed with 10 interesting facts. . . 你对新来的唐宁同学有多少了解呢?利物浦官方网站为你揭开10条关于他的有意思的真相…
Now, what if you could combine all of that with a discount of up to 75% off? 现在,如果你能够以高达75%的优惠享有以上所有的游轮服务,你会怎样?
This past weekend, there has been a conference in Qatar called to ensure rich countries live up to the promises they made three years ago. 上周末,在卡塔尔召开的一个会议号召确保富裕国家履行他们三年前许下的诺言。
Her works stand up to the test of the time, and turn out to be the classics in modern American fiction. 华顿的作品经受了时间的考验,已成为现代美国小说中的经典。
One of the deck hands came up to him and said, "Don't worry, young fella. " 一个副手向他走来,说,别担心,小伙子!
The fraction in the aqueous phase could be enriched by a conventional solid phase extraction with a recovery rate of up to 100%. 组分在水相中可丰富了传统的固相萃取的回收率达100%。
The underground passage was able to keep up to 9 submarines at a time, together with all the equipment for repairing and diagnostics. 这条地下通道可以同一时间维护多达9架潜艇,一起修理和诊断所有的设备。
He said there is always hope for talks, but said it is up to Iran to accept the conditions to start real negotiations. 他说,举行会谈的希望总是有的,但是,这将取决于伊朗是否接受条件开始真正的谈判。
Elton decided to walk up to her place and put off by half - an -hour or so the important business which lay before him. 艾尔顿决定到她那里去,将摆在他面前的重要事情推迟半小时左右。
Up to the present, we have had no news about Shiquan except the last one before he went to coal mine. 石泉去煤矿前来过一封信,至今没有他的消息。
He had been going to Jackson's rented home in Los Angeles up to four times a week and had his final training session three weeks ago. 他曾经去迈克·杰克逊洛杉矶的出租房每周高达四次。三个星期前,他给迈克的进行了最后一次训练。
It was up to individual patients what activity they chose to increase and by how much. 采取什么运动来增加、怎样增加由病人自己决定。