
美 [ˈʌpwərd]英 [ˈʌpwə(r)d]
  • adj.向上的;朝上的;向高处的;增长的
  • adv.同“upwards”
  • 网络上升的;以上;上升地

upward trend


1.向上的;朝上的;向高处的pointing towards or facing a higher place

2.(数量、价格)上升的,上涨的,增长的increasing in amount or price


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... material thickness 料片厚度 upward 向上 downward 向下 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... downward 向下的,朝下 upward 向上的,朝上 northward 向北的,朝北 ...


必修3英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... westward adv. 向西 upward adv. 向上地;上升的 eagle n. 鹰 △ ...


高中英语单词表 ... eastward a.&ad. 向东的,向东 .. 向上,上升,…以上(= upward) 朝,向;将近;对于;为了(= towards) ...


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... westward adv. 向西 upward adv. 向上地;上升地 eggplant n. 茄子 ...


XuZhou Metalforming Machine Works ... 顶出速度 Ejecting Speed 上行 Upward 机器外形尺寸 Overall Dimension ...

The average tax-paying investor is now running up a down escalator whose pace has accelerated to the point where his upward progress is nil. 一般纳税水平的投资者现在是在一个下行的自动扶梯往上跑。自动扶梯的节奏已经加快到了一定程度,让投资者向上的进展为零。
But once the cold or down and down, in other words upward moves into a downward rigidity, to further increase (up to re-bid) very difficult. 但是一旦跌下来和冷下来了,换句话说向上刚性转变成向下刚性,要想再上去(重新转为向上刚性)就非常困难。
The fitted line in the figure is a 3rd-degree polynomial, but any sort of smoothing would tell you that there is a massive upward trend. 拟和线是一个三次多项式的形式,但是任何形式的平滑都会告诉你有一个大的上升趋势。
The tiny blossoms of the heliotrope turned their faces upward and followed the sun across the sky. 天芥菜将其小小的花朵面朝上,跟随着横跨天际的太阳转向。
He told me that, after 10 years, he was tired of his job, disliked his boss, and felt he had no potential for further upward mobility. 他告诉我:10年时间了,他已厌倦了自己的工作,并且还讨厌他的老板;觉得已经没可能继续往上爬了。
It was no surprise to the other workers that the boss's nephew enjoined such a great degree of upward mobility. 老板的侄子往上晋升如此之快,其他工人并不感意外。
The pilot turned the plane sharply to the right and upward. Within moments we were above the wind. Obviously, it was too dangerous to land. 飞行员向右来了个急转弯,把飞机又拉了起来,有那么一会儿我们置身于风之上了,显然,这样的情况使得降落变得非常危险。
To a young man with the least fire in him that little upward lift in the middle of her red top lip was distracting, infatuating, maddening. 她的中部微微向上掀起的红色上唇,就连最没有激情的青年男子见了,也要神魂颠倒,痴迷如醉,为之疯狂。
He looked upward rather than downward for a while at the door to the basement. 他向上,而不是向下,看了一会儿。
Try to rotate even your navel upward toward the ceiling just as you do your face. 甚至试着转动肚脐向上往天花板的方向,就像你的头一样。
In the medium term, the best and most likely policy would be a move to a heavily managed float, rather than an upward adjustment of the peg. 从中期来看,最好也是最有可能采取的政策是过渡到严格管理的浮动,而不是对盯住汇率向上进行调整。
Every little upward move in deposit rates tempts some people to put the money in the bank instead. 而存款利率的每一次微涨都会吸引有些人转而把钱存进银行。
She gazed silently, and seemed to be borne upward like a floating sea-bird on the long heaves and swells of sound. 她默不作声地注视着,似乎像一只盘旋的海鸟在汹涌澎湃的声涛中扶摇直上。
Despite Europe's economic mess, a number of other factors suggest that the U. S. economy may begin to tick upward more during the next year. 尽管欧洲经济一片混乱,但一些其他因素表明,美国经济可能从明年开始向上反弹的幅度会更大。
When I again, looking upward, the sky's star a bit more bright, as if the dark flashing eyes, the water sparkling. 当我再次仰头时,天空的星更亮了几分,仿佛黑夜里闪烁的大眼睛,水盈盈的。
He leaps upward in a flurry of light and I slide back into my cave, to coil around the hollow that contains my treasures. 在微弱的光线中,他向上跃去,而我滑回了自己的山洞,盘绕着满藏着我的财宝的洞穴。
Everyone will smile with corners of his mouth upward when they catch sight of her smile, which is the carrier of love. 看着她的笑,谁都会忍不住嘴角上扬,这,是一种爱的传递!
The bottom shoulder tends to internally rotate as you revolve the chest upward so focus on turning it out to resist that tendency. 当你旋转胸部向上时肩膀的底部倾向于向内旋转,所以焦点放在向外旋转并抵消这种倾向。
To bring your pelvis up with your ribs, exhale, push your hands down harder, and pull your thighs upward as if to lift them to your chest. 为了让骨盆跟上胸腔提升的步伐,来呼气,双手用力向下按去,抬起大腿,让大腿靠近胸腔。
Trying to go head-to-head with Google costs Microsoft upward of $5 billion a year, industry executives and analysts estimate. 产业高管们和分析家估计,与Google展开网络世界的争夺战每年要花费微软50多亿美元。
Mr. Zindler said the upward momentum had halted, and that total investment this year was likely to be lower than last. 辛德勒先生认为这个上升势头已经停止了,今年的投资总额可能会低于去年。
With her arms under Kyla's body and her fingertips gripping the edge of the pool, Cindy used her head to push the child upward. 辛迪用手指紧紧攥住池边,胳膊放在凯拉身下,用头把孩子往上推。
Prof. Sylla expects to see stocks turn more lastingly upward some time in the next two years. 塞拉预计两年后股市将回到持续期更长的上行走势中。
The faster you can run at the point where the curve begins to turn upward quickly, the faster you'll race. 在曲线开始迅速向上时,您跑得越快,您比赛时也越快。
Communicate downward to subordinates with at least the same care and attention as you communicate upward to superiors. 要以与上级沟通时的细心和专注来与下级沟通。
At the moment most scientist are not prepared to stick their necks out and attribute a cause to the upward trend in average temperatures. 当前大多数科学家不准备承担风险,而归因于平均气温上升的趋势。
He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days. 他继续舔着,他的嘴角开始上翘,好多天来第一次露出了微笑。
In the sun's case, magnetic energy forces a flux rope tens of thousands of kilometers upward from the surface. 从太阳方面看,磁能迫使通量绳上升到地表数万米之上。
In the first three months of 2006, FDI increased by 90 per cent from a year ago to $14bn and is on an "upward momentum" , she said. 她表示,在2006年的前3个月,外商直接投资比上年同期增长90%,达到140亿美元,而且保持着“增长动力”。
When blocking in football, why does a defending lineman often attempt to get his body under that of his opponent and push upward? 在橄榄球的防守中,为什么一个边线防守队员试图使自己的身体抵在对方的身体下并向前推?