
美 [ˌju ɑr ˈel]英 [ˌjuː ɑːr ˈel]
  • abbr.(=uniform [universal] resource locator)【计】统一资源定位器
  • 网络统一资源定位器(Uniform Resource Locator);统一资源定位符;链接




统一资源定位器(Uniform Resource Locator)

电脑常用英语单词 ... Trojan Horse 特洛伊木马 URL 统一资源定位器 UDP 用户数据报协议 ...


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统一资源定位器(Universal Resource Locator)

URL 的概念 URL(Universal Resource Locator)是“统一资源定位地址”的英文缩写。每个站点及 站点上的每个网页都有一个惟一 …

Use URLs for namespaces if you are careful to place some sort of document at the URL that would be useful for a reader. 如果在URL上精心放置对读者有用的某种文档,则对名称空间使用URL。
The top two form elements are a text area for entering XSLT and a text entry field for the URL that points to the XML to be transformed. 最上面的两个表单组件是:一个文本区域,用于输入XSLT;一个文本输入字段,用于输入指向被转换的XML的测试URL。
The owner of each end point decides how much optional information to provide with the endpoint URL. 每个端点的所有者决定端点URL提供多少可选信息。
Namespaces can be a great way to build up a pragmatic URL structure that's easy to remember with continued usage. 命名空间可以作为一种很棒的建立实用的URL结构的方式,这种结构在后续的使用中很容易被记住。
Talk about your video at conferences, show it at your next event, or include an easy to remember URL on your next mailing. 在会议上讲述你的视频,在新的活动中展示视频,或者在下次信件中包括一个容易记的简单网址。
While it's easy to redesign the look & feel of a site, it's much more difficult to redesign the URL structure. 尽管重新设计网站的外观和感觉很容易,但重新设计URL的结构却要难得多。
Visual Web Developer will prompt you to browse for a URL if one is not set and you attempt to preview or debug a page. 如果有一个文件没有设置,并且您要尝试预览或调试页面,则VisualWebDeveloper将提示您浏览URL。
Now we have to be aware that there may be multiple entries in share_photos with the same URL, but otherwise the system seems to be okay. 现在我们需要注意到share_photos中有多个条目使用相同的URL,但是除此以外系统一切正常。
Typically, REST forms a request by beginning with a service entry URL and then appending search parameters in the form of a query string. REST通常从服务入口URL开始形成一次请求,然后以查询字符串的形式追加搜索参数。
Note that the Application Website field cannot be blank, so enter a URL (even if it's not functional) for the application. 注意,ApplicationWebsite字段不能为空,因此输入应用程序的URL(即使它没有什么作用)。
WASCE will be able to connect to it as long as you specify the right connection URL. 只要指定了正确的连接URL,WASCE就能连接上它。
When you end up on a RSS page with XML tags all over the place, copy the URL at the top of your screen and paste it into your feed reader. 当您碰到到处是XML标记的RSS页面时,请复制屏幕顶部的URL并将其粘贴到阅读器中。
Patrick told him the URL and his father didn't seem to understand what he was talking about. Patrick告诉他一个网址,他爸爸看起来不太明白他在说些什么。
In this case, the file is just in a simple XML format that has an tag with a set of tags in it that hold the URL for each image. 这是一个简单的XML文件,它有一个标记,其中包含一组标记,在这些标记中保存有每个图像的URL。
Ginx appears to be a people and news recommendation service built out of a Twitter publishing tool and a URL shortener. Ginx可能是一个好友和新闻推荐服务,是在Twitter发布工具和网址缩写工具基础上开发的。
It may be better to use a URL to locate the schema, but the file system locations used above seem to work. 最好使用一个URL来查找schema,但是上面所用的文件系统的位置也许是可用的。
It is all or nothing; it does not sample parts of the URL transactions. 要么是整个URL,要么都不是,它不会收集URL事务的一部分。
You are no longer limited by the file structure nor by the request parameters; the URL for an action can look like the phrase you want. 您不再受限于文件的结构也不是由请求参数的一个动作能像这句话你要的网址。
Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security. Marlinspike称,它还可以在浏览器地址栏中显示https的安全锁logo,使得用户更加相信自己访问的安全性。
The report toolbar also appears in a browser window at the top of a report when you access reports through a URL. 在通过URL访问报表时,报表工具栏也会在浏览器窗口中显示于报表顶部。
The biggest problem with this was that a naive processor is likely to load that DTD URL, which might be an unwanted network operation. 这样做的最大问题是新型的处理器很可能加载此DTDURL,而这可能是一种不必要的网络操作。
I would add to that list that URLs should also be easy to remember. 我还要增加一条标准,即,URL应该便于记忆。
This allows for custom formatting of the URL as if it were part of the response. 这允许在URL就好像它是响应的一部分自定义格式。
Click on Removed URLs to see that the URL is now listed there. 现在在列表中可以看到这个网址了。
The parameter file can be can be either the URL for a page in a site on a server or the path to a file on your computer. 参数file可以是服务器上网站中网页的URL,或者是您的计算机上文件的路径。
It then parses the content submitted by the user, extracting all the URLs found within the body by means of a simple regular expression. 它然后解析用户提交的内容,通过一个简单的正则表达式抽取出主体中找到的所有URL。
The key is free, but it's bound to a particular URL, so generating an API key for this article's application requires a bit of foresight. 该键是免费的,但它绑定到一个特定的URL,因此要为本文的应用程序生成一个API键需要提前做一点准备。
As you see, a unique URL in the namespace declaration is still not safe from naming conflicts. 正如您所看到的,命名空间声明中的唯一URL仍不能完全避免命名冲突。
The URL is the only key used to access a specific generated view in such a cache infrastructure. URL是用于访问此类缓存基础结构中的特定生成视图的唯一的键。
Make a note of the URL for the SharePoint library to which you want to be able to copy files. 记录下您希望能够将向其复制文件的SharePoint库的URL。