
美 [əs]英 [əs]
  • pron.我们
  • 网络美国(United States);美国码;的缩写更新服务参数(Update Service)



1.我们used when the speaker or writer and another or others are the object of a verb or preposition, or after the verbbe


美国(United States)

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中国文物鉴定网首页 ... 论坛 FORUM 我们 US 电子杂志 MAGAZIZE ...


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的缩写更新服务参数(Update Service)

没装过驱动的朋友,需要先到索爱官网下载US(Update Service)并安装,然后打开US根据提示,先连接一下手机,把驱动装好 …


北马里亚那群岛_百度百科 ... 首府︰查兰卡诺亚( Chalan Kanoa) 货币单位︰美元US$) 平方公里)、毛格群岛( Maug Islan…

We are a early stage venture with a website hardly a month old, and encourage you to "Talk to us" and let us know what you think! 我们的网站成立不到一个月,还处于初步探索阶段,希望在此鼓励大家“告诉我们”(“Telltous”)让我们知道你的想法!
We all in do not camouflage, dismounts that matter useless attire to accommodate, at least in us, replies original most really own! 我们都不要在伪装了,卸下那层无用的装容,起码在我们中,回复原来的最真的自己!
Faced with an economic mess, it might be easier for CEOs to shift operations out of the US instead. 面对糟糕的经济局势,对于CEO而言,将业务迁出美国或许更为容易。
experience has told us that this kind of material The is of good quality. 经验告诉我们这种材料的质量很好。
He who did not withhold his own son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? 神既不爱惜自己的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不把万物和他一同白白地赐给我们吗?。
Making fun of him online or venting my frustrations about him wasn't going to help either of us. 在网上拿他开玩笑或是宣泄我的不满对我们俩都没帮助。
From today, had no agreement been reached, the US government would have had to stop meeting some of its obligations. 若未能如期达成协议,从今天起,美国政府将不得不停止偿还部分债务。
Citi also came under fire over a little-noticed decision by the US tax authorities to allow the bank to keep a $38bn tax break. 花旗还因美国税收当局做出的一项很少有人注意到的决定而受到批评。美国税务局允许该行保留380亿美元的税收减免。
s safe to say that we all like data-driven approaches, but that none of us would use a data-driven approach in every conceivable situation. 数据驱动方法在主体部分已经论述过了。我相信我们都喜欢数据驱动方法,但是我们中没有一个人能在每一种可能的情况下都使用数据驱动方法。
There will be a day when watchmen cry out on the hills of Ephraim, 'Come, let us go up to Zion, to the Lord our God. 日子必到,以法莲山上守望的人必呼叫说:起来吧!我们可以上锡安,到耶和华我们的上帝那里去。
My girlfriend is a spectacular chef. She usually cooks dinner for us two or three nights out of the week. 我的女友是个了不起的厨师,通常每周有两三个晚上在家下厨。
Looks like I'm gonna have to do this a little more simply. Tell us what you know! Tell us what you know, now! 看来我要化繁为简了。把你知道的告诉我们!现在就说!
"The men came to us and said, 'Please help us, please understand our situation, '" he said. 卡尔普拉茨说:“那些男人向我们求助,还说:‘请帮帮我们,请体谅我们的处境。’”
Jenny said that Mr. Liu would teach us physics the next year and that he would have been teaching physics for forty years by the next day. 珍妮说刘先生第二年将教我们物理,而到次日他教物理就已有四十年了。动作到那时仍将继续。
Sevilla want to keep him for the time being, but let us just wait and see whether there is a chance of a January return to Italy. 塞维利亚希望留住他,但我们会等待一段时间,看看他是否有机会在一月份回到意大利。
Fox's new hit show Lie to Me has all of us wondering exactly how much we can learn about someone simply by reading their facial expressions. 福斯电视台新的热门节目“说谎”完全讲到所有我们的疑问;仅仅借由审视人的脸部表情我们可以知道多少东西?
We were a sort of royalty, almost infallible , with a sort of magic around us . 我们象皇亲国戚一样,几乎是无可指摘的,在我们周围有一种魔力。
One of their mothers said to us, "You know, we can't survive here, but but we can't even seem to die either. " It's a horrible situation. 有一位男孩的母亲告诉我们,“你看,我们在这里根本就活不下去,不过我们又死不了。”这可真是一个可怕的情形。
In his memory, and in honour that all of that he stood for, let us commit with absolute dedication to see that goal quickly accomplished. 他说:“为对他表示纪念并对他所支持的一切表示敬意,让我们承诺全身心地奉献于迅速实现这项目标。”
Think about it for a minute, most of us use non-rechargeable batteries for sex toys that get thrown away and end up in a landfill. 想想看,我们中的大多数人在情趣玩具中使用一次性电池,然后被扔掉,最终留在垃圾掩埋场。
client : : " fair to both of us ! i could have done that myself . what do you think i hired a lawyer for ? " 当事人:对我们双方都公平!这个我自己都能做到。你以为我扉个律师是干嘛的?
Summer is just around the corner for some of us and nothing says welcome to summer like a fabulous outdoor barbecue party. 夏天的脚步越来越近了,没有什么比野外烧烤派对更能表达我们对夏的到来的欢迎之情。
He took us by his comprehensive understanding of the subject. 他对这个问题的全面理解让我们大吃一惊。
Those of us who have what seems to be a Non-HIV form of AIDS should certainly think twice before donating blood. 我们这些有什么谁似乎是一个非病毒形式的艾滋病当然应该三思而后献血。
Please take note: God loves us women enough to give us this amazing clitoris that has NO other function than for pleasure! 请牢记:上帝爱我们女人,所以赋予我们神奇的阴蒂,它只有一个作用,就是给我们带来快乐!
They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it. 他们告诉我们,自杀是最怯懦的行为,只有疯子才会犯这种罪恶。
So why none of us noticed that there had never been such an animal and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers? 我们都未注意到过去从未有这样一个动物,我们怎能期望不正确的答案有好的分数呢?
"When we ask our students why they picked us, ranking is often cited as the number one reason, " says Prof Cheng. “当我们询问学员们为何选择科大时,排名常常被作为首要原因,”郑国汉表示。
You are going to struggle to put us in a box on this one, but if someone came up with the answer we would be there faster than most people. 在这个问题上,很难把我们分类,但如果有人想出答案,我们会比绝大多数人反应更迅速。
Hence, while Kobe should not be immortalized (yet) or the next Jordan, let us appreciate him for who he is. 接下来,在我们讨论科比是否会名垂青史或者成为下一个乔丹之前,让我们满怀敬意的看看谁是真正的科比!