
  • v.使用;利用;运用;消耗
  • n.使用;用途;用法;使用权
  • 网络应用;用益制;主要用途



v. n.

1.[t]使用;利用;运用to do sth with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose

2.[t]~ sth消耗to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make sth

3.[t]~ sth说,写,使用(词语或语言)to say or write particular words or a particular type of language

4.[t]~ sb(施展手段)利用(别人)to be kind, friendly, etc. to sb with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them

5.[t][i]~ (sth)吸(毒);服用(毒品)to take illegal drugs


I, you, etc. could use sth

恨不得;巴不得;非常想used to say that you would like to have sth very much

use your head

你动动脑子;你仔细想想used to tell sb to think about sth, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said sth stupid


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Using fpm actually helps cut down on the number of these files, whether one uses RBAC or not. 无论使用RBAC与否,使用fpm实际上有助于减少这些文件的数量。
The rate of fire is quick, mainly uses in the short distance carrying on the firepower suppression to the enemy side. 射速快,主要用于近距离对敌方进行火力压制。特别适合于射击遮蔽物后的目标和水平目标。
With all that homegrown technology, President Obama hopes to double the amount of renewable energy the U. S. uses by 2013. 奥巴马总统希望,凭借本国研发的能源技术,美国的可再生能源使用量到2013年时能够翻番。
EDA uses messaging concepts as the means of interaction between two or more entities. EDA使用传递消息概念作为两个或多个实体之间交互的方法。
The app uses the outward facing camera on a smartphone to help a pedestrian look both ways (or at least one way). 这项应用采用智能手机自带的外置摄像头帮助行人观察其左右两侧的路况(至少是一边)。
The linker then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by name. 链接器然后使用精确地明确说明名字的这个文件。
Single sign-on uses the centralized server for authentication, so the same credentials can be used for accessing any of the client systems. 单点登录使用集中的服务器执行身份验证,可以使用相同的凭证访问任何客户机系统。
Anyone who possesses the rod and is able to turn or rebuke undead gains four more uses of the ability per day. 持握此杖之人,如拥有驱散或斥喝不死生物的能力,其每日可多得四次使用次数。
China was a society that was suited for the uses of opium and for the most part did not demonstrate widespread abuse of the drug. 而中国正是一个适合使用鸦片的社会,而不能广泛地滥用不同的毒品。
A backup operation that uses DB2 ACS is often referred to as a snapshot backup. 使用DB2ACS的备份操作通常称为快照备份。
At Cultural Hall, Mr. Endo pulled out a small notepad, which he uses to keep track of what he has learned about friends and neighbors. 在文化会馆,远藤拿出了一个小记事本。他用这个小记事本来记录所了解到的朋友和邻居的情况。
If the type uses more than one axis, a line of text will appear as if dancing which makes is harder to read. 如果一个字体使用了多个轴线,这行字就好像跳起舞来了,同样也难以阅读。
I use my birth date as the secret number of my account, and my husband uses his birth date as the secret number of his account . 我使用我的出生日期作为我的帐户密码。我丈夫使用它的出生日期作为他的帐户密码。
It is not hard to see the uses for this within a medium- to large-sized organisation of any kind. 不难发现,在所有的类型的大中型组织中都使用了这种方法。
Design work of a renowned American-based firm, the swimming pool uses natural seawater purified by an advanced purifying system. 海水浴区由美国著名设计公司设计,采用纯天然海水,并为此配备了专业的海水净化系统。
Your phone is always with you and knows where you are, and you're probably the only one who uses it. 手机总是被你随身携带,随时掌握你的位置,而且你很可能是唯一使用该手机的人。
The "Stop If True" setting turns out to be pretty handy, and I expect that users will find all sorts of creative uses beyond just this case. “为真则停止”设置非常方便,我期望用户会发掘各种创新的应用,不只是该例子。
The first bit of the code uses basic JavaScript code to grab the values of a few form fields. 开始的代码使用基本JavaScript代码获取几个表单字段的值。
In each case, the infecting organism uses the host body to live and grow, and is often restricted to a particular organ. 每一种情况中,感染生物都用寄主的身体来生存和生长,经常集中于一个特定器官。
If it uses the money to acquire a major rival like Tudou, which is reportedly up for sale ( previous post), then so much the better. 如果优酷利用这笔资金并购了一个重量级的对手,譬如待价而沽的土豆网,那就更好了。
Carol uses all her martial arts skills. She pounds at Mary's broken nose. Kicks her in the groin. Tries to punch her eyes out. 凯洛使出她格斗技能。她猛击玛丽的断裂的鼻子。猛击她的腹部。试着猛击她的眼睛。
To the United States and European Union, business uses an aircraft is a few the biggest are one of oriented industries with exit. 对于美国和欧盟来说,商用飞机是最大的几个以出口为导向的行业之一。
And if Mr Qaddafi uses his air force to kill large numbers of his own people, the world would be right to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. 如果卡扎菲使用自己的空军去屠杀自己的人民,整个世界将会正确地选择强行在利比亚上空建立禁飞区。
As in other decisions when shopping for a sailboat, the best type of motor depends mostly on your preferred uses of the boat. 就像购买帆船时的其他决定一样,最佳的发动机类型也主要取决于你对船只的设想用途。
Everything he does is stupid. He never uses his head. 他从来不动脑子,总是干傻事。
Adaptive Server Anywhere uses this capability information to determine how much of a SQL statement can be forwarded to a remote server. AdaptiveServerAnywhere使用此容量信息来确定可以向远程服务器转发多少SQL语句。
This result even uses bold font for the winning teams to make it easy to see which team won which event. 在该结果中,对获胜队使用了粗体,以便查看哪支队赢得了哪场比赛。
I am still end to throw that pen into garbage can, no longer think its ising not probably is able to also uses for a while of assumption. 我最终还是把那支笔扔进了垃圾桶,不再去想它是不是可能还可以用一段时间的假设。
His invention represents a bionic cargo transport that uses an innovative segmented body remarkably like that of a centipede. 邓海山的这一发明是一辆车身很像蜈蚣的分段式仿生货车。
One of the earliest uses of a magnet was as a compass. 磁铁最早的用途之一是作为指南针。