
美 [ˈʌtərli]英 [ˈʌtə(r)li]
  • adv.完全地;绝对地
  • 网络彻底地;全然;净尽

utterly destroy,fail utterly
utterly opposed



《Friends》词... ... proof n. 证据, 试验, 考验, [印刷]校样 utterly adv. 完全地, 绝对地, 彻底地 physician n. 医师, 内科医师 ...


《Friends》词... ... proof n. 证据, 试验, 考验, [印刷]校样 utterly adv. 完全地, 绝对地, 彻底地 physician n. 医师, 内科医师 ...


《Friends》词... ... proof n. 证据, 试验, 考验, [印刷]校样 utterly adv. 完全地, 绝对地, 彻底地 physician n. 医师, 内科医师 ...


"u" 为首的单词列表 — 世贸人才网 ... uttermost 极 utterly 完全地 全然 绝对 Utopia 乌托邦 理想国 ...


净字义解释,净五行,净组词,净的意思,净涵义,... ... 净洁〖 clean;pure〗 净尽〖 completely;utterly〗 净空〖 clearance〗 ...

She had gone through so much, her sleep still was full of the past agony, and it had been useless, utterly useless. 她吃了这么大的苦头,她的睡乡仍然充满着过去了的痛苦,而这是无益的,毫无益处。
I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling, and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. 我从乙醚麻醉中醒过来,有一种孤苦伶仃的感觉,马上问护士是男孩还是女孩。
By now we were utterly exhausted, and felt as though our blistered hands could not pull the boat a yard farther. 此时,我们都已劳累不堪。我们满是水泡的手好象再向前拉一步船都不行了。
To try to solve the world's problem without solving your individual problem is futile, utterly empty, because you and I make up the world. 尝试解决世界的问题,看不到你个人的问题,这是无效的、完全没有意义的,因为你和我构成了这个世界。
I was sure the request would be something utterly fantastic, and for a moment I was sorry I'd ever set foot upon his overpopulated lawn. 我敢胄定他要求的一定是什么异想天开的事,有一会儿工夫我真后悔当初不该踏上他那客人过多的草坪。
To say a woman is talented and scholarly is like praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless. 说女人有才学,就仿佛赞美一朵花,说它在天平上称起来有白菜番薯的斤两。
The dark presence on Earth is to be eradicated utterly. Their time has expired and then some. This has not changed. 地球上的黑暗存在会被完全根除。他们的时日已到,而且远不止此。这已不会改变。
When I jokingly described him as one of the "linear people" , he looked utterly bewildered, as if I'd created a category out of thin air. 当我开玩笑地把他描述成“直线人”的一员时,他完全一脸困惑,好像我无中生有新创了一个类别似的。
He was typical in that he had never been out of Tibet and was utterly innocent of international affairs. 不例外的是,他从未离开过西藏,对国际事务也是一无所知。
Maggie giggled at the sight of him, he looked utterly ridiculous. 玛姬一看见他就咯咯的笑,他看起来真的很滑稽。
The secretaries who have worked for her over the years have been completely and utterly devoted to her. 多少年来,凡是为她工作过的秘书,对她总是全心全意,忠心耿耿。
Babbit utterly repudiate the view that he had been trying to discover how approachable was Miss McGoun. 巴比特坚决否认自己有试探是否能够接近麦高恩小姐的想法。
Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead. 后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。
Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing. 对我这个外行来说,除了其中一段给人完美无缺的感受外,主要表演也是绝对令人折服的。
In spontaneity there is a discipline that utterly escapes you, and an order beyond any that you know. Spontaneity knows its own order. 自发性中有一个你们完全不知道的纪律以及一个你们一无所知的顺序。自发性知道它自己的顺序。
Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of him and the world is utterly dark and dreadful. 没有它,一个人会觉得他的悲惨命运主宰了他,世界完全是黑暗的和可怕的。
Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many , amid great affluence, are utterly miserable. ---P. C. Tacitus. 许多在与逆境奋斗的人似乎是幸福的,而许多在巨大富足中的人则是绝对可怜的。
Do not know why I always weep with no reason in front of you which made you utterly confused and disconcerted. 不知为什么,我总是对着你哭,你便心乱如麻,烦躁不安。
I mean, I'm completely and utterly stoked to be, you know, part of that legacy. I'm so pleased. 我的意思是,我完全地,而且彻底地热衷。你知道的,成为遗产的一部份,我很高兴。
In Gethsemane, Peter and the others had utterly failed. They had no conception of what it was to ask in the name of Jesus, and to receive. 在客西马尼园,彼得和其他门徒表现的太令人失望,他们对「奉耶稣的名祷告」这回事,没什麽概念。
And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu. 而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。
He told me that his first column was declared by his new editor to be "utterly brilliant" . 他告诉我,新编辑对他第一篇专栏文章的评价是“写得棒透了”。
The stock market crash did not at once utterly destroy but it did severely shake the confidence of the business community. 证券市场的崩溃,虽未立即彻底摧毁,但却严重动摇企业界的信心。
He was a man of violent temper Goethe, the great German poet, called him an "utterly untamed personality. " 他脾气暴躁。德国伟大诗人歌德称他是个“完全不驯服的个性人物。”
The last one is remaining utterly calm. He seems like a skilled warrior, judging by his size and posture. 第三个人仍然非常冷静,从他的体型和姿势来看,应该是个老练的战士。
I saw that a man in a wheelchair can be utterly sexy. That a woman who has no hands can appear not to be missing anything. 我曾看见一个坐在轮椅上的男人可以完全正常的做爱,而一个没有双手的妇女在生活中表现的却完全像一个正常人。
The unconscious my heart starts to think is utterly exhausted, only is tired wants continuously calmly calmly to be in a daze. 不知不觉我的心又开始觉得疲惫不堪,累得只想一直静静地静静地发呆。
Cornered in the Groucho Club in London's Soho yesterday, sleepless, exhausted, utterly Bookered, he looks as if he is going to collapse. 昨天,他蜷缩在伦敦苏活区的格劳乔俱乐部,困倦,疲惫,整个一书虫,他看起来就像是快要崩溃了一样。
It is a shame that for a thousand years the world's banquets have utterly ignored the baby, as if he didn't amount to anything! 一千年来世上的宴会完全忽略了婴儿这个主题,似千说他真是一无是处!
Just a month earlier, before I stepped off the plane in bustling Bangkok, I had been utterly depressed. 就在一个月前,在我在繁忙的曼谷走下飞机的时候,我还是一脸沮丧绝望。