
  • abbr.(=value engineering)价值工程学
  • v.〈口〉同“have”
  • 网络价值工程(Value Engineering);生育酚(vitamin E);可视化编辑器(Visual Editor)



价值工程(Value Engineering)

价值工程评价法是依据价值工程VE)来预测单位产品目标成本的一种方法。其计算公式为:V(价值系数)=F(功能)/C( …

生育酚(vitamin E)

生育酚ve)醋酸酯---作营养增补剂加快皮肤新陈代谢,减少水份流失、促进血液循环、溶解血栓、增加肌体活动。江洲威扬 …

可视化编辑器(Visual Editor)

Eclipse官方提供了一个叫做Visual Editor(VE)的开源GUI插件,功能还是比较强。可以根据用户的界面GUI设计,自动生成相应 …


中国知识产权杂志 知识产权 商标 版权 专利 ... UZ 乌兹别克斯坦 VE 委内瑞拉 VN 越南 ...

This isn't about you, it's about him and the weakness (as he sees it) that you've exposed for everyone to see. 这和你没有关系,问题在于他、在于你把他的弱点暴露在众人面前(在他看来就是这样)。
If you've lost respect for me that's totally fine but please don't let me or my words lose the respect off the WNBA and what it stands for. 如果你不再尊重我,完全没关系。但是请不要因为我或我说的话让你失去对WNBA(美国女子篮球联盟)的尊敬。
They're showing how much nutrition that they could've obtained. 它们显示了它们能够获得多少养料。
The elevator is out of order. We've got to go up the stairs. 电梯故障了。我们必须爬楼梯了。
Now that you've set up the message template, you're ready to send the potential customer a follow-up letter. 设置了邮件模板之后,现在您可以向潜在客户发送跟进邮件了。
So, shamefully, he said to her, "I'm really sorry. It seems that I've eaten all your peanuts - I didn't mean to finish them all. " 他很尴尬地对那个寡妇说,‘真的很抱歉,我把你的花生全吃了。
But you're the only one who can do this. Understand? So you've got to calm down. 不过现在你是唯一能做这件事的人了,明白吗?所以你得冷静下来。
"I've heard stories about how much he earns and it's mind-blowing, " Redknapp said. 我知道他已经赚了多少钱,这是智力风暴。
Okay, now, these are my sprinting legs, made of carbon graphite, like I said, and I've got to make sure I've got the right socket. 恩,这里的这些,是我的短跑腿,用碳石墨做的。我说过,我每次都要确保自己把它们卡在正确的槽里。
Let me show you how much I've enjoyed it. 让你看看我有多喜欢
Water can be a problem, but luckily a water plant has been working [in Haiti], so we've been able to get a certain amount of water in there. 水可能成为问题。但幸运的是,[海地有]一家水厂一直在运转,因此我们能够从那里获得一定量的水。
Just when you think you've got the whole social media thing covered with your tween or teen, a new tech-related monster rears its ugly head. 你认为已经掌握了青少年间所有的社会信息,这时候新技术的面具就会露出它丑陋的一面。
I've seen many projects where the team thinks they are going to crunch for just a month and then ends up crunching for close to a year. 我遇到过许多项目团队,他们以为仅仅加班一个月便可完成任务最后结果是加班几乎一年。
I've yet to hear a parent tell me that she or he loves getting up throughout the night to tend to a baby's needs. 有一个家长告诉我:她或他常在夜里的时候起床来照料宝宝的需要。
You've got to, I'm afraid . And look at this. You weigh 200 stones. That's too much for a man of your size. 恐怕你不得不。看看这个。你重200英石。这对你这样的体型的人来说太重了。
Whether I'm through it or not, he thought, I've got to get out of this truck. 无论我认为它结束了还是没结束,我已经从卡车里出来了。
When you've identified the solutions, and the demand, you can work on the price, and on how much the consumer will be prepared to pay. 当你已经确定了解决方案,以及需求,你就可以开始制定价格,看看消费者愿意支付多少。
Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。
Ariel, you've proven to me that the Invid are not the evil race I thought they were. 埃瑞尔,你已经向我证明了因维德人不是我曾经以为的那么邪恶。
I ve got to stop her! Officer Vogt thought, realizing that at any moment the car could spin out of control. 沃特警官知道这辆车随时都可能会失去控制,他心想:我一定要想办法让她的车子停下来!
I've talked so much on this topic, and now I'm ready to answer your questions. 就这一话题,我已经谈了很多了,现在欢迎各位提问。
But you know we've never lowered the price that much. You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. 但你知道我们从来没有降价那么低。你不要指望我们打这么大的折扣。
"If you've had an interview and sent your thank-you letter, wait a week to call, " Fox says. Fox建议说:“如果你参加了一次面试,并且在这之后发出了你的感谢信,那么就等过一个星期再打电话询问吧。”
Maybe you're one of those people who holds onto every penny you've got - save money for a rainy day sort of thinking. 或许你是抱有这种想法的人--要控制好攒下的每一分钱,以备不时之需。
My weight has now returned to its normal level and for a few weeks I've been able to walk without help. 我的体重回到了正常水平,而且我已经可以不借助外物进行行走几个礼拜了。
Every single goal I've ever accomplished has been a direct result of her decision to not abort me and to give me to my family. 她没有打掉我的决定使我完成了一个目标,就是我拥有了现在的家庭。
I've never felt a hurt like this where it feels as though someone had stuck a knife through my heart. 我从来没有感到如此伤心的地方感觉好像有人卡住了我的心一把刀。
Yes. I've read news about him in today's paper. 是的。我在今天的报纸上看到他的新闻。
I've been female, and I've been every single one of you, your mother in a previous life, the way the Buddhists reflect. 我曾经可能是位女性,是你们在座每个人前世的母亲,这个前世也就是佛教所说的。
Since the last time we met, I've gone to G to work for a biotechnology company as a stem cell researcher. 自从你没有再见到我,我是到了G为一家生物公司做干细胞的研究。