very much

  • adv.非常
  • 网络非常地;非常喜欢;十分

very muchvery much

very much


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... thank you( 感谢你) 11、 very much( 非常 的) 12、 pen( 钢笔) 13、 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... thank you 感谢 very much 非常地 第3 课 umbrella 伞 ...


how用法聚焦 >>中学英语>>英语>>外语爱好者网站 ... —On foot. 步行。 —Very much. 非常喜欢。 —I’m fine,thank you. 很 …


人教新版小学英语总词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... answer the question 回答这个问题 very much 很,十分 a glass of water 一玻璃杯水 ...

简明巴葡语法 - 葡萄牙语 大家论坛 ... (neither ... nor ...) 既不...也不... (very much (so much) 这样多 ...


新概念第一册单词_爱问知识人 ... thank you( 感谢你) 11、 very much( 非常的) 12、 pen( 钢笔) 13、 ...


高中英语会考必记词汇 - 豆丁网 ... more or less 或多或少 331 very much 很,非常 333 newspaper reporter 新闻记者 334 ...


万分的英文|万分是什么意思|Show秀网_专业翻译 ... 万分 : ever so much 万分very much 万分忧虑 : sweat blood ...

As you at my side, I will have sense of safety very much, I will go to the ends of the earth with you in the step bravely. 当你在我身边,我会很有安全感,我会勇敢地在步跟你走到天涯海角。
He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. 他给她无微不至的关心,总是给予她最好的东西。
When I woke up the next morning, I missed the little happy boy very much, and wished to see him again and again in my dreams! 早上醒来后,我非常思念那个快乐的小男孩,并希望能经常在梦里见到他。
Americans very much mind their weight and rarely disclose how much they weigh . . . even if they are thin and in great shape. 美国人很关注体重,且极少透露他们的体重……即使他们很瘦,身材很好。
I love my Mamma so very much and I wish she did not have to be with my sister. 我非常爱我的妈妈,我但愿她不要离开我。但爸爸说她得去跟妹妹在一起。
Once you've decided that you want something, the opposite of it is going to be very much a part of your awareness too. 一旦你决定想要某样东西,它相反的一面也即刻就成为你觉察的一部分。
Jenny's grandmother gave her a necklace as a birthday gift. although the necklace came out of the ark, jenny still likes it very much. 珍妮的祖母送她一条项链作为生日礼物。项链虽然年代久远,珍妮却还是非常喜欢它。
Carrie looked about her, very much disturbed and quite sure that she did not want to work here. 嘉莉朝四周打量了一下,感到心烦意乱,不喜欢到这种地方来工作。
As we watch and experience this horrific disaster, it increasingly seems to me that wits and guts are very much what it is all about. 在我们亲眼目睹、亲身经历这场可怕灾难的过程中,我日益清楚地认识到,这基本上就是一个关于智慧和勇气的问题。
Tiger always bullies small animals. His teeth are very sharp. Therefore, the forest animals are afraid of him very much. Look. . . 老虎总是欺负森林里的小动物。他的牙齿特别锋利。因此,动物们非常害怕他。看……
I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post. 我不是很喜欢这份工作,因为我在这个职位上没有多少事情可干。
Armstrong's not armed, you know, and anyway Blore is twice a match for him in physique and he's very much on his guard. 阿姆斯特郎没有武器,这你知道,不管怎么说,从体力上来说,布洛尔一个可以抵他两个,而且他现在警惕性很高。
He seems to be very much taken up with that tall Swedish girl. 他似乎对那位高个子瑞典女孩特别感兴趣。
Jenson, you seem to be very much aiming for third or fourth team here. Is that the position of the team at the moment? 简森,你在这里的目标似乎第三或者第四。那是车队目前所在的位置吗?
They were all very much worried over the fact that you were sick. 对你生病之事,他们都很着急。
I appreciate very much the fact that you're trying to help us out, but you just don't understand the problems between Sherry and me. 我很感谢你想帮助我们,但是你不明白Sherry和我之间的问题。
He did not talk very much, either then or later when we were having drinks, but what he said was sensible. 无论在玩牌的时候,还是在后来一起喝酒的时候,他的话都不多,但说的话却都合情合理。
We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend's outings. 回到家中已经很晚了,也累坏了,但是,我们都很喜欢这次出游,因为这是我们最有意思的一次周末出游。
If it is not your first he said, Is there any way ~~~~~~ very much agree with you! 如果是第一了他说不是你有什么办法~~~~~~很同意你的看法!
You know what, I would very much to have a really cool short haircut but I am so afraid if you are going to leave me for that. 知道吗,我其实特别喜欢一个短的发型,酷酷的那种,可是,我怕,我怕你会离开我。
It's mainly because I've been through quite a lot of emotional turmoil. . . which seems to be very much a part of my life. 我之所以没能如此主要是因为我纠缠于太多情感上的混乱…这些事情好象成了我生命中的一部分。
Fame is very much like an animal chasing its own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. 声誉很像一只追逐自己尾巴的动物,当它抓住了自己的尾巴后,除了再继续追逐外再不知做什么。
The kind old lady loved her granddaughter very much, and one day decided to make her a present. It was a red cloak with a red hood to match. 这位善良的老太太非常喜欢她的外孙女,有一天,她决定送给小女孩一件礼物,这是一件红色斗篷有着漂亮的帽子。
And if you praise her for her hair style or the color that suits her to a T, she feels very much flattered. 如果你为了她的发型或者再适合她不过的颜色称赞她,她会感到非常非常的得意。
said the farmer, going towards the chest in which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened. 农夫说。于是他走到箱子那儿。他的妻子早把那个真正的牧师在里面藏好了。
Although do not know the Chinese team was unable to win a strong U. S. team, but I very much want to see it. 虽然不用看也知道中国队是无法赢实力强大的美国队,但是我却十分想看。
As you describe it, France seems to be very much like Japan. 正像你所描绘的,法国似乎很像日本。
If it was to happen, I don't think you can expect any big changes because he seems to like things very much the way they are. 如果这事最终发生,我认为你不必期待太大改变,因为他看来很喜欢我们现在行进中的道路。
We hope that this clarifies fans' queries and does not affect fans' love of our collectible figures. Thanks very much for your support! 我们希望这可以澄清大家的疑虑,并且不影响对我们出品人偶的喜爱!非常谢谢大家的支持!
It would not be a bad thing for her to be very much in love with a proper object. 她要是能真心爱上一个合适的男人,那倒不是一件坏事。