
美 [ˈves(ə)l]英 ['ves(ə)l]
  • n.器皿;轮船;脉管;大船
  • 网络容器;船舶;血管


large vessel,naval vessel,small vessel,navy vessel,merchant vessel
vessel anchor,dispatch vessel,vessel sink,stop vessel,own vessel



1.大船;轮船a large ship or boat

2.(盛液体的)容器,器皿a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc.


2008-10-18 -- 工业控制英语词汇大全 ... vertical VERT 垂直的 vessel 容器 vibrate (使)震动,摇摆 ...

21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... signal n. 信号;暗号 vessel n. ,舰 communicate vi. 交流 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. ...


考博英语词汇 ... vesicle n. 泡;囊 vessel n. 船舶;容器器皿;管;导管;血管 vest n. 背心 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. ...


与日本威威(VESSEL) 3000B 剥线钳商品最相近的商品 日本威威(VESSEL) 3000B 剥线钳 商品介绍 日本威威(VESSEL) 3000B …


TONY - TONY LEE - 网易博客 ... Booking number: 订舱号码 Vessel船名 Voyage: 航次 ...


植物组织_百度百科 ... 表皮( epidermis) (1)导管( vessel) (2)管胞( tracheid) ...

The chamber of the automatic sand pumping vessel is divided into a front chamber, a middle sand chamber and a rear power chamber. 该自动抽沙船的船舱分为前舱、中部沙舱和后部动力舱。
He said the vessel, flying the flag of China, refused to stop on demand from Coast Guards and tried to escape. 他说,这艘渔船,挂着中国国旗,拒绝听从边防巡逻的要求停止航行而试图逃跑。
I told him I could save his wife, and he said yes. I guess they oversold me Being your one and only vessel. 我告诉他我能救他的妻子,他就就答应了。看来他们把我的身价抬得太高了,还说我是你唯一的躯壳。
In recent weeks, this fish had lunged at one of the thousands of baited hooks set by a longline vessel. Somehow, it had broken free. 近几周来,这条鱼被多沟长线渔船放的数千个带有诱饵的鱼钩中的一个钓到,但不知为何,却被它挣脱了。
Some of the salt might be settling to the bottom of the reactor vessel rather than sticking to the fuel rods. 部分盐也许会沉入反应堆容器的底部,而不会粘在燃料棒上。
But if pressure from gases in the nuclear core builds up, 'a crack could appear in the containment vessel and release radiation, ' he said. 但他说,如果核反应堆的堆心气体压力增加,容器壳可能出现裂缝,并导致辐射泄露。
The housing is sealable connectable to a vessel and is at least partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation. 壳体可密封地连接到容器并对于电磁辐射至少部分地透明。
God, as Creator, formed man, to be a vessel in which He could show forth His power and goodness. 作为造物主,神创造了人,成为彰显他大能和美善的器皿。
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. Vanity, please help me! 爱情决定同样开着漂亮的船经过的虚荣。说:虚荣,请帮帮我。
A Royal Navy nuclear submarine and a French vessel have been damaged in a collision deep below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. 大西洋深海区域,英国皇家海军一艘核潜艇与法方相撞,造成损伤。
catcher vessel A fishing vessel that delivers its catch to a mother ship, to shore plants or to catcher-processors. 捕捞船一种渔船,必须将其渔获送往母船,岸上厂房或是其他的加工程序。
Maritime officials in Pare-Pare said the vessel ran into heavy seas and waves of up to six metres generated by the tropical cyclone. Pare-Pare港海事官员称,渡轮撞上了热带风暴带来的高达6米的汹涌大浪。
Like this little vessel that would rise up to heaven were it not held down by ballast - bags of sand. 就像这个小艇,如果不是由沙袋压着,它就可以升到天空。
Every instrument, tool, vessel, if it does that for which it has been made, is well, and yet he who made it is not there. 每一个器具、工具、器皿,如果它实现了它被制作的目的,那就是好的,可是制作的人并不在它那里。
Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor? 窑匠难道没有权柄,从同一团泥里,拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么?
The Seller reserves the right not to load the vessel if the Bank Guarantee does not meet the requirements of this contract. 如买方开具银行保函未满足上述要求,卖方保有拒绝装船的权利;
The ship that the Jedi take to leave Toydaria is the Thief's Eye, the same vessel briefly glimpsed in "Ambush" and used by King Katuunko. 绝地离开托伊达里亚时搭乘的飞船叫“贼眼号”,这艘飞船在“伏击”中曾短暂露面,由卡图恩科国王使用。
When a coastguard vessel approached, the ship tried to escape, and was detained after a more than six-hour chase. 当一艘海上警卫船靠近时,朝鲜船只试图逃跑。后来经过六个多小时的追逐,这艘船终被拦截下来。
A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan. 太阳帆飞船只消进入这条高速公路,然后搭车远航便是,就像是电风扇吹动纸飞机前行一样。
Remote-controlled machines smash the sulfide deposits, which are then hoovered up through a riser pipe to a vessel on the surface. 硫化物沉淀会先被遥控机器粉碎,然后通过一个升流管被吸到位于海面的容器中。
I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel. 当初,我是在一艘捕鲸船上同他结识的。
The green-tinged part of a chicken breast fillet is the result of a damaged blood vessel. This condition is known as green muscle. 鸡胸肉中出现的局部绿色缘自鸡肉中血管的受损。这个现象称为绿色胸肌。
Strickland's idea was to ship on some vessel bound for Australia or New Zealand, and from there make his way to Samoa or Tahiti. 思特里克兰德的计划是先搭一条去澳大利亚或新西兰的轮船,然后再转途去萨摩亚或者塔希提。
What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was, I cannot describe, but she was commanded a lunatic, and might be called a floating Bedlam. 那艘船处于怎样的一片混乱中,我无法形容,但它的确在一个精神错乱者的指挥之下,可以称之为一所浮动的疯人院。
This primary containment vessel looks like an old-fashioned light bulb turned upside down and balanced on top of a doughnut. 这个主安全壳像一个被倒置的老式灯泡,在一个环状体的顶部保持平衡。
The travesty was a dance where the body burnt up into a pile of ashes rather than ascending into a fully formed fourth dimensional vessel. 这个悲剧就是身体焚烧成一堆灰烬,而不是提升成一个完整的第四维度管道的舞蹈。
During coronary angiography, a thin tube (catheter) is threaded through a blood vessel into the heart, where a special dye is injected. 在冠状动脉造影时,一个细管(导管)通过血管进入心脏,注入一种特殊的染料。
This means that the goods must be in apparent good order be loaded on board the stated vessel and that the bill gives title to any bearer. 这意谓货物一定在表观的好级中是被载入的已装船规定的脉管而且法案把名称给任何支架。
Well, sir, the rupture of a blood-vessel on the lobe of the brain has destroyed all this, not in a day, not in an hour, but in a second. 可是,阁下,脑髓里一条血管的破裂就摧毁了这一切,而这发生在不到一天,不到一个钟头,而只在一秒钟的时间内。
The telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before the delivery date of vessel. 货款至少必须在货舟抵达日之前的5天电汇到中国银行。