
  • abbr.【化】元素 virginium (鍅)的符号
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络粘度指数(viscosity index);六;视觉识别(Vision Identity)



粘度指数(viscosity index)

润滑油粘度指数计算_油品调和网 ... 40℃运动粘度( KV40) 粘度指数( VI) 100℃运动粘度( KV100) ...

微物之神 | 呢喃如语,善来如歌。 ... 四 IV VI 七 VII ...

视觉识别(Vision Identity)

...,是一个广博的系统,它包括三大子系统,其中你所提的VIVision Identity)就是其中一个——视觉识别,另外还包括BI(Be…

虚拟仪器(Virtual Instrument)

水木社区归档站 - 版面列表 ... VegetCulture 素食文化 VI 虚拟仪器 Vicki 赵薇·雨后薇风 ...

赛尔号的航行日志→抄袭日志_锑尔号吧_百度贴吧 ... VI 5期开始介绍技能 VI 回复:12楼 ...

The crystal ZnSe is always the hotspot of II-VI group study, it is no doubt that the important of crystal ZnSe in laser and infrared field. ZnSe晶体材料一直是II-VI族化合物研究的热点,其在激光红外等光电子技术领域的重要性是无可争议的。
With its thick armour and a version of the dreaded 88-mm AAi'anti-tank gun, the PzKpfw VI Tiger was an outstandingly powerful design. 拥有厚实的装甲和可怕的88mm反坦克炮,虎式坦克当时可是一件杰出的威力十足的设计。
viraw : As each character is typed, execute it as if it were typed in the vi editor. viraw:键入字符时,将每个字符处理成在vi编辑器下输入的原样。
Many folks still prefer good old Notepad or vi (I confess I'm one of those folk) and that's a great option as well. 许多人仍偏爱好用古老的记事本或vi(我承认我也是其中一员),这并不要紧。
The biggest change to the exterior has to be the front end which comes straight off the Golf VI hatch. 最大的改变外观,必须在前端的是直了高尔夫六舱口。
The tradition was re-established by the Queens father, King George VI, and is continued to this day. 这一传统被女王的父亲乔治六世国王恢复起来,并一直延续至今。
Morocco's King Muhammad VI began trying to break the logjam in 2004, when he let Algerians visit his country without a visa. 2004年,摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世试图打破僵局,他允许阿尔及利亚人不用签证就可以游览摩洛哥。
Bring it up in vi or your editor of choice and let's take a look at it. 用vi或者其他编辑器打开它,让我们来看一下。
What are the odds that this mystery strategy game may turn out to be Heroes of Might and Magic VI? 机会有多大,这个神秘的战略游戏可能会变成是魔法门六英雄?
The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII. 为履行此项职务而授予安全理事会之特定权力,于本宪章第六章、第七章、第八章及第十二章内规定之。
Turn on execution highlighting, which slows the VI enough to see the current generated number on the front panel. 打开高亮显示运行,这个设置将充分地放慢VI的运行速度使得可以看到在前面板上当前产生的数值。
vi users will love being able to type mail in KMail using a vi text-editor component (such a component is under development). vi用户喜欢使用vi文本编辑器组件(这种组件正处于开发阶段)在KMail中输入邮件。
Lucas touched upon a frequently asked question: what was the imagined storyline beyond Episode VI? 卢卡斯被一个经常被提及的问题感动了:EP6以后的故事情节是什么样子的?
We must really believe that it happens like this (VI-4), namely, that there is an infinite straight line that penetrates into a torus. 我们必须真的相信,它就像这样发生。换句话说,有一条无限的直线贯穿进入一个突起的圈套。
Tianjin 000 times the company's ad-VI design, visual recognition on its own unique to completion of the system. 天津时代万辉广告公司的VI设计,在视觉识别上完成了自己独有的体系。
vi. I had to get out of that house in disguise. 我不得不化了装离开那屋子。
The marriage of her parents has been attended by the Queen. Her father, Earl Spencer, was an equerry to King George VI. 女王曾参加过戴安娜父母亲的婚礼,她的父亲斯宾塞伯爵曾是国王乔治六世的侍从。
On the Avatar site Naviblue, a fan calling himself Jorba has even asked others to join him in starting a real Na'vi tribe. 在“蓝色纳威”《阿凡达》影迷网站上,一名自称“约尔巴”的网友甚至邀请人与他一起打造真正的“纳威部落”。
Tax Law Article VI of the twenty-ninth article said the cost of additional abatement standards for 2800 yuan. 第二十九条税法第六条第三款所说的附加减除费用标准为2800元。
When you type on the command line now, think of it as you're now in insert mode in the vi editor. 现在,当您在命令行上键入时,将其视为处于vi编辑器中的插入模式。
VI. Supply the Principal with quarterly reports on the services performed during the precedent quarter and any other useful information. 第六项向委托方提供的季度报告包含上一季的经营情况和其他有用的信息。
When James VI of Scotland also became James I of England in 1603, Scotland entered into a near-fatal embrace with its neighbor to the south. 当1603年苏格兰詹姆士六世成为英格兰詹姆士一世时,苏格兰与它南部邻国关系亲密。
Part VI is to improve the system of the company to break the deadlock. 第六部分是构筑和完善我国公司僵局的破解制度。
It uses a graphical programming language, sometimes referred to as "G, " to create programs called virtual instruments, or VIs. 利用图形化编程语言,也称为G语言,来创建虚拟仪器程序或叫VI。
If you don't believe him, go and see (vi. ) into the matter. 如果你不相信他,你就去调查这件事吧。
Return to the front panel and run the VI. Try a number greater than zero and one less than zero. 返回前面板并运行该VI。尝试一个大于零的一个小于零的数。
The film depicts King George VI, father of England's Queen Elizabeth, as a reluctant leader tortured by his stuttering. 电影主人公国王乔治六世,英国女皇伊丽莎白的父亲,当年因为被口吃困扰,极不情愿即位。
Part VI: To summarize the main conclusions of paper, the main innovation, as well as efforts continue to the next stage of direction. 第六部分:总结论文的主要结论以及下一个阶段继续努力的方向。
With a shriek, two dozen bansheerays flash down out of the sky, Na'vi on their backs. 随着一阵尖叫,更多的斑溪从空中闪降,它们的背上是纳威人。
You want not to tell the truth, Air Jordan VI, I ain't manage importance. 你要不说实话,我是不好拿捏轻重。