vice versa

美 [ˌvaɪsi ˈvɜrsə]英 [ˌvaɪsi ˈvɜː(r)sə]
  • adv.反之亦然;反过来也一样
  • 网络小爸爸大儿子;反过来亦然;反过来的

vice versavice versa

vice versa

1.反过来也一样;反之亦然used to say that the opposite of what you have just said is also true


英语—医学 ... ut supra[ 如上所述] · vice versa[ 反之亦然] · vide infra[ 参见下文] · ...


HBO      10:15 《小爸爸大儿子》(Vice Versa) CCTV6    10:51 故事片:冰山上的来客 HBO      12:00 《恐怖地带》(Outbreak) BT…


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... usage 用法;习语;惯用法 vice versa 反过来(也用 是这样) victim 牺牲品,受害者 常常 ...


SamStar - 博客园 ... 潜在意识地 subconsciously 反过来也一样 vice versa 情况大为改观。情况完全变化 make all the difference ...


CET6—听力技巧 - 做回自己的日志 - 网易博客 ... Stay up all night 熬夜 Vice versa 反过来亦然 Count on sb./sth. 指望 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... vice 罪恶;不道德行为 vice versa [拉]反过来的(也是一样的) vicinity 邻近,附近 ...


Drop Dead Diva 美女上错身 第一季 第十集... ... for good: 永远地 vice versa: 反过来也是一样地 think about: 考虑 ...

A husband may claim deduction for payments made by his wife, and vice versa. 丈夫可申索扣除其妻子所缴付的款项,反之亦然。
However, it is often the case that the architecture is influenced by the initial team structure and not vice versa. 但是,情况经常是最初的小组结构影响了构架,而不是相反情况。
The next target is to be able to interpret anything from Chinese into English, vice versa. 我的下一个目标是,有能力把任何汉语译成英语,反之也成。
The process of translating a web address into an IP address through a DNS lookup, or vice versa, is often called "resolving. " 通过DNS解析将网络地址转为IP地址的过程,或相反,被称为“解析”。
Any locks acquired by the secondary connections are held as if they were acquired by the primary connection, and vice versa. 可以像主连接获取的锁那样持有次级连接获取的任何锁,反之亦然。
If you and I were talking, part of your brain would organize itself to match part of mine, and vice versa. 如果你和我在说话,你的大脑中有一部分将自我组织以匹配我的部分,反之亦然。
You could think of this correspondence as a buddy system in which each natural number is paired with some positive fraction, and vice versa. 可以把这种对应看作是各负责另一人之安全的两人同行制,每一个自然数都与某个正分数配对,反之亦然。
If it had been happy at the start, they changed it to sad, and vice versa. 如果开始的时候是快乐的音乐,就把它改为悲伤的,反之亦然。
For instance, let's say that the reason why a couple got divorced was the husband's cheating on his wife (or vice versa). 举一个例子,我们假设一对夫妇离婚的理由是丈夫的出轨(或妻子)。
Why would a Siberian shaman feel any desire to be a citizen of the same state as a West African Muslim? Or vice versa? 西部利亚的萨满教信徒又有何动力要与西非穆斯林成为一个国家的公民呢?
All territory occupied by the British at the end of the war was returned to the US, and vice-versa. 所有被英军占领的领土在战争结束时都被归还给美国,反之亦然。
But it's just as true that saving water may be one of the most effective ways to save energy - and vice versa. 不过准确来讲储存水可能只是其中一种节省能源的最有效方法—反之亦然。
Yasmin said the piano playing "helps me with the skating, and vice versa. " 娅斯敏说,弹钢琴“对我滑冰有帮助,反过来也一样”。
"This may be the only television program where the host was much more in awe of the audience than vice versa, " he said. “这可能是唯一的电视节目里的主人是在不是相反观众更敬畏,”他说。
It is often possible to optimize memory usage at the expense of some CPU cycles, and vice versa. 以一些CPU周期为代价来优化内存用法通常是可能的,反之亦然。
Each country has its region to pick on, the way people in my native Holland take it out on the Belgians, and vice versa. 每个国家都有各自作弄的对象。在我的故乡荷兰,人们喜欢捉弄比利时人,到了比利时正好相反。
and can convert semi-automatic to fully automatic system and vice versa, including the door of the fire station and ambulance station. 半或全自动系统可以实现转换,包括消防局及救护车站。
Copper may rise or may fall, but as long as you buy up copper, copper to be down. And vice versa. 铜可能涨也可能跌,但是只要你买了铜涨,铜就一定跌。反之亦然。
In competition, either you may defeat him or may be defeated. In competition, it's possible for you to beat him or vice versa. 在竞争中,不是你击败他,就是在竞争中,不是你击败他,他击败你。他击败你。
The invention relates to an item of transformable furniture, in particular to a chair that transforms into a desk and vice versa. 本发明涉及一种可变换家具,具体来说,涉及一种可变换为一桌子的椅子,反之亦然。
General Motors executive once said that he thought "what was good for the country was good for General Motors and vice versa" . 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)的一名高管曾说过,他认为“凡是对国家有利的,对通用汽车也有利,反之亦然”。
We were so much on the same wavelength that she often knew what I was thinking, and vice versa, before we ever said a word. 我和她想法一致,她常常知道我在想着什么,我对她也是一样,彼此之间无须说一个字。
Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted during vaginal intercourse: Females can infect males and vice versa. 滴虫病通常在阴道性交中被传染:女性能传染男性,反之亦然。
I never figured out whether Billie's interest for England started with her passion for this British band called Spice Girls or vice versa. 我从没弄明白,Billie对英国的偏爱是始于她对辣妹组合的喜爱还是反之则对。
Critics of such analyses contend that it is difficult to tell whether the adoption of new technologies is promoting growth, or vice versa. 对该理论的批评者认为很难辨别新技术的应用是否能促进增长,或者反之亦然。
And vice-versa is allowed as the difference between these two options is only during serialization and does not affect the storage. 以及相反的修改,因为这两个选项只在序列化过程中存在差别,不会影响存储。
In the teens, the door is made of glass, frail yet transparent. Though closed, people inside could look outside clearly, and vice versa. 十几岁的心扉是玻璃的,脆弱而且透明,虽然关着,但是里面的人不断向外张望,外面的人也能窥视门内。
Finally, you saw that it is possible to mix and match Bus clients and Axis servers, and vice versa, under certain conditions. 最后,您明白了在某些情况下可以将总线客户机和Axis服务器混合搭配,也可以将Axis客户机和总线服务器混合搭配。
Copyright rules mean internet users in Europe will not be able to consult books scanned in the US and vice-versa. 根据版权规定,欧洲的互联网用户将无权查阅在美国扫描的书籍,反之亦然。
If someone is on a weight machine, gym etiquette allows you to ask to 'work in' with someone trading off sets, and vice versa . 如果有人在力量训练器械上锻炼,你可以询问是否能与他交换使用这套器械,这符合健身房礼仪。