
美 [vɔɪs]英 [vɔɪs]
  • n.〈比喻〉呼声;歌声;嗓子;歌手
  • v.把…发为声音;【乐】调准(风琴管);【语】把…发成声音
  • 网络人声;语态;心声

复数:voices 现在分词:voicing 过去式:voiced

loud voice,soft voice,deep voice,small voice,gentle voice
raise voice,lower voice,voice anger,lose voice,change voice



百老汇原版音乐剧《悲惨世界》 ... 《火天使 Fire Angel》 和《声音 Voices》。 剧院上演的《蓝色之外》(《 Out of the Blue …


电子琴各种功能及中英文对照 ... CHORUS 合唱队 VOICES 人声 RHYTHNIC 律动性音乐拨钮 ...


这好比我们学英文的语态voices),学会了 主动语态又熟悉被动语态,语意要如何表达就得心应手;又仿如数 学,先了解正 …


Hard Candy 专辑歌词 Madonna... ... 11.Devil Wouldn't Recognize You( 魔鬼也唾弃你) 12.Voices( 心声) 1.Candy Shop( 糖果 …


各种音乐风格解释_我是啦悟吧_百度贴吧 ... Tempo: 速度 Voices: 声部,人声 Swing 摇摆爵士 1940''''-1960'''' ...


Fashion Trend Digest观潮 —— 趋势 ... 标签|Tags 评论|Voices 首页 |INDEX ...

Some teachers do not want to hear that the issue did not even allow students questioned voices. 还有些老师不愿听到、甚至不允许学生发出质疑的声音。
At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。
This, according to all voices heard in my less-than-scientific survey, is one of the hardest parts of any long-term relationship. 这个,根据从我至少科学的调查里传来的声音来看,这是任何长期的关系中最艰难的部分。
Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. 聆听乐曲的妙音,鸟儿的歌唱,管弦乐队的雄浑而铿锵有力的曲调吧,犹如明天你将遭到耳聋的厄运。
Keynesian economics, which had been nearly forgotten inside the macro field, has found new voices from outside. 在宏观领域内部被遗忘殆尽的凯恩斯主义经济学,从外部找到了新的代言人。
whose voices came into my ears , as if the whimpers of stream in my dream. 我听到传来的谁的声音,象那梦里呜咽中的小河;
In "Refuting Malevolent Voices, " his major concern was to find "new voices" that spoke from the heart, and spoke the truth. 在鲁迅的“破恶声论”中,他的主要关心的是寻找“新声音”,那些来自内心的,并且说出真相的声音。
GVO is one of my favorite websites and I am happy to be part of its Global Voices Advocacy and Lingua Arabic projects as well. GVO是我最爱的网站之一,我也很高兴能成为全球之声推广计划和阿拉伯语翻译计划的一份子。
While it's common to hear a mishmash of foreign languages among the Japanese voices, Mandarin has lately become a growing part of the mix. 在一片日语声中听到一些外国话的大杂烩,是很寻常的事,最近普通话的声音有不断增长之势。
"It reflects the situation that there are many voices that are trying to be heard among the top leadership, " said Jakobson. “这反映了中国高层领导之间也有很多不同的声音希望表达出来。”雅各布森说道。
People put on their wraps and began to talk in matter-of-fact voices. But I was gravely occupied with the memory of the young man. 人们披上外衣,若无其事地谈论起来,而此时我的思绪却已完全被那位青年所占据。
Over the last few days, there have been a lot of angry voices here. 在过去的几天里,这里爆发了很多的愤怒之声。
But seriously, its not just a question of who, but more of what the combined voices might sound like. 不过说实话,问题并不在于是谁,而在于需要什么样的和声。
He did not turn his head and did not see the men who, judging from the voices and the thud of hoofs, had ridden up to him and stopped. 他没有转过头来,没有望见那些只凭马蹄声和谈话声就能判明已经向他驰近、停止前进的人们。
It was one way to tune out the voices that babbled like the gush of a river inside my head. 这是调掉我脑海里那些像河里冲出来的气泡一样的声音的一种办法。
The White House said earlier that the United States: Egypt, transition plan, not enough to satisfy those voices calling for change. 美国白宫此前表示:埃及的过渡计划,还不足以满足那些要求改变的呼声。
Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed. 人类学家近日宣称,女性可通过其他女性的音调高低来判断情敌对自己构成的威胁大小。
The voices of a tender ears, we saw a little girl ran straight into her mother's coat inside whispered. 一个稚嫩的声音传到耳边,只见一个小女孩一头栽进妈妈的大衣里轻声说。
Before the internet, there was less access to information and a lack of diverse voices, she said. 在有互联网之前,获取信息的机会很少,也缺少不同的声音,她说。
My wife would cry when she would see these sites, knowing I still heard voices, but I did not know what else to do. 我的妻子看到这些网站时一定会哭泣。明知我还是听到声音,但我不知道该如何做。
"When I made a complaint call once, the operator dealt with it very kindly, so I wanted to hear these women's voices, " he said. 这名男子表示:“我曾经打过一个投诉电话,接线员当时对待我的态度非常友善,于是我很想听那些女人的声音。”
And he heard their voices calling his name, and shouting from the field to field telling one another of the coming of the ship. 他听见他们叫着他的名字,在阡陌中彼此呼唤,报告他的船来临。
They listened to the voices of the men, imagined them dipping down into the dark valley. 他们倾听着那些男人的声音,想象着他们怎么走进黑黝黝的山谷。
And he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 大声呼喊,好像狮子吼叫,呼喊完了,就有七雷发声。
And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say. 很远的地方传来的声音当你在午夜醒来时只听到他们唱着。
And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed. 他们大声催逼彼拉多,求他把耶稣钉在十字架上。他们的声音就得了胜。
We have recreated the voices of a lot of famous people that were very close to the real thing and have been used in film dubbing (7). 我们已经重现许多名人的声音,而且这些声音与真人的声音相差无几,这项技术已经运用到电影配音中。
Zack said that she was holding back and that she needs to watch her diction but that she is one of the best voices on the show this season. 扎克说她表现有点压抑,还需要注意发音,但是她是这一季中声音条件最好的选手之一。
The BGM fits the mood of the scene. If the BGM is too loud, it makes the voices a bit hard to hear. BGM和情节配合得很好,有点时候BGM的音量有点大,导致很难听清楚语音。
As he spoke, young fighters came to him, and said, "Allahu akbar, " in urgent, soft voices. There was a flicker of hope in his eyes. 他用急促、无力的声音询问,其他战士围过来祝福他“真主保佑”,现在他眼中又重新闪烁着希望。