
美 [voʊt]英 [vəʊt]
  • v.投票决定;选举;提议;投票给…
  • n.表决;投票(过程,手续);投票纸;(选)票
  • 网络已投票;得票数

复数:votes 现在分词:voting 过去式:voted

cast vote,take vote,win vote,lose vote,give vote
popular vote,crucial vote,unanimous vote,decisive vote,big vote



Jane Austen 简•奥斯丁 ... national treasure 国宝 voted 投票 Eurovision Results 欧洲电视歌曲大赛 ...


  3. 已投票(Voted)  4. 再来四年(Four More Years,美国总统奥巴马连任后发出的首条Twitter消息)   5.


六级考试核心考查词汇总结3_CET词汇 ... ) appropriate 适合的、适当的; )voted 投票,表决。 ) extinction 灭绝,消失; ...


Wikipedia瞎JB学英语【iPhone】 ... resolution: 分辨率 voted: 投票,选举 display: 显示 ...


... pronounced adj. 讲出来的, 显著的, 断然的, 明确的 voted n. 投票, 选票,表决, 得票数 upstairs adv. 向楼上, 在楼上, 上楼 ...

On one occasion he held up a list on television and said he would be checking who voted and who did not. 有一次,他甚至在电视上列了一个名单,说他会检查哪些家伙没投他的票。
But in a shift of position for the Tories, Cameron said the merger had been a mistake, even though he voted for it only four months ago. 但是由于保守党地位摇摆不定,卡梅伦表示即使他四个月前对两行合并投了赞同票,但两行合并是个错误。
Until now, it had been assumed that the package would simply be voted on by the federal parliament's budget committee. 到目前为止,据假定,一揽子计划将由联邦议会的预算委员会表决。
He said he spent a mere $150, 000 on his Iowa campaign, and a third of those who voted for him paid for their own tickets. 他说,他在艾奥瓦的选战中只花费了区区15万美元,有三分之一投他票的人是自己花钱买的入场券。
Now he owns the company. Then the employees voted whether or not to keep the stores open during the strike. 现在他拥有自己的公司,他们投票决定是否继续开门做生意。
The board voted unanimously at a ten-minute meeting where Mr Woodford was not allowed to speak. Take a bus to the airport, he was told. 在一个10分钟的会议上,董事会一致同意并告知伍德福德打道回府,会议期间禁止伍德福德发言。
He thought he would be elected, but his friends pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else. 他以为自己会选上,但是他的朋友们突然放弃对他的支持,而投了别人的票。
It was a rare slip up from a man voted our player of the season last term - and Gerrard has no doubts that Reina will bounce back quickly. 上赛季我们评选出的最佳球员很少有这样的表现,杰队毫不怀疑雷纳会快速做出回应的。
Correspondents say legislators voted overwhelmingly to make sure detainees held at Guantanamo would not be transferred to the United States. 记者称,立法者以压倒性的趋势投票以确保关塔纳摩的在押犯人不能转移到美国。
Beijing was voted as the host city of the Olympics in 2008. What do you think of it as a senior official. 北京已被选定为2008年奥运会的举办城市。你一位的高级官员,请问你有何看法?
Mourinho felt the accolade - voted for by the British public - was just as much for the efforts of everyone at Stamford Bridge. 穆里尼奥感到这个荣誉(由英国公众选出)包含着斯坦福桥球场每个人的努力。
Bachmann was one of several Republican lawmakers who voted against raising the U. 巴克曼是本月早些时候投票反对提高美国债务上限的几位共和党议员之一。
Turkey and Brazil voted against the new UN sanctions, but today Brazil announced that it was reluctantly prepared to enforce them. 土耳其与巴西对于联合国新的制裁投了反对票,但巴西今天宣布,巴西将不情愿地准备实施制裁。
He chose the location well; it voted for him in the last election by a two to one margin. 他选择的位置很不错。在他上次的总统竞选中,当地以二比一的优势比差给他投了票。
The 192 nations gathered at the Copenhagen climate meeting did not formally adopt the accord, but merely voted to "take note" of it. 192个国家在哥本哈根气候会议聚集没有正式通过该协议,而只是决定“注意到这一点”。
I used to live in a system where you voted for a specified candidate. It also was a corrupted system, but still better than ours. 我过去曾经住在一个国家,在那儿你可以直接投票给特定一位候选人,尽管制度依旧腐败,但是还是比我们现在好多了。
He was one of only twenty-three senators who voted in two thousand two against supporting the invasion of Iraq. 2002年,仅有23名参议员投票反对美国入侵伊拉克,而肯尼迪就是其中一位。
The DF's leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, is often voted Denmark's most powerful woman, ahead of the queen. 该党领导人PiaKjaersgaard经常超过女皇当选丹麦最强势女性。
In 2006, a year in which he broke three world records, Brendan was voted Athlete of the Year by USA Swimming. 2006年,他连续三次打破世界记录,并被评为当年美国游泳年度最佳运动员。
Earlier, Ugandan MPs voted unanimously to call on three senior government ministers, including the prime minister, to be suspended. 早些时候,乌干达国会一致同意将包括总理在内的三名政府高级部长停职。
When I asked for his vote, he said, I voted against you last time, but I'm going to vote for you this time. 我请他投票选我,他说:“上一次我投票反对你,但这一次我准备投票支持你。”
4 you have evidence to prove that by seven professors of the academic committee voted unanimously for her to fill in this application form? 你有证据证明由七名教授组成的学术委员会一致表决通过了她填写的申请吗?
"It's an honor to be selected to the All-Star team, and I'd like to thank all the coaches who voted for me, " Gasol said in a statement. “我很荣幸被选进了全明星队伍,我要感谢所有投票选我的教练。”加索尔发表了声明说道。
Rose won his title only a year after Australians had voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to recognise indigenous Australians' rights. 澳大利亚人投票表决承认澳大利亚原著民的权利后,罗斯仅花了一年时间赢得了冠军。
He added that Congress would not accept Kansas as a slave state, or a free state, until the people had voted on the question of slavery. 另外他还说,如果堪萨斯人民没有就奴隶制问题进行表决的话,那么国会不会接受堪萨斯州地位,无论是奴隶制州还是自由州。
"The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government, " he said. 他说:“美国人民可能会投票给分裂的政府,但他们不会投票给没用的政府。”
He said the American people voted for Democrats in Congress and the White House because they want change, and a new approach to the economy. 他说美国人民选民主党人领导国会、入主白宫,说明美国人民希望改变,希望用新的方法来应付经济问题。
Two days after he announced a date for election, the miners voted by an overwhelming majority of eighty-one per cent to come out on strike. 在他宣布大选日期的两天后,煤矿工人以百分之八十一的压倒多数,投票赞成举行罢工。
The schism was borne out in and around Paris, where wealthy neighborhoods seemed to vote yes, while poor neighborhoods voted no. 分裂基本上发生在巴黎及其周边地区,富人们投票赞成,穷人反对。
If she did not already know that, she was given a reminder on December 15th, when members of Congress voted themselves a 62% pay rise. 假如她还不知情,十二月十五日已经给了她一个提醒,当天国会议员自己表决将薪资调高六成二自肥。