
美 [weɪk]英 [weɪk]
  • v.醒;醒着;苏醒;警觉;醒来;唤醒;弄醒;唤起(记忆);醒来;醒着;复活;醒悟
  • n.(船航过时的)尾波;【航】尾流;余迹;踪迹;(船航过时的)尾波;【航】尾流;余迹;踪迹;航迹;守灵;(葬礼前的)守夜
  • 网络船运动后的尾迹;威克士

过去式:woke 过去式:waked waked 过去式:woken 第三人称单数:wakes 现在分词:waking

wake morning,come wake


v. n.

1.[i][t]醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒to stop sleeping; to make sb stop sleeping

2.[t]~ sth唤起(记忆);使再次感觉到to make sb remember sth or feel sth again


wake up and smell the coffee

要清醒面对现实used to tell sb to become aware of what is really happening in a situation, especially when this is sth unpleasant


Digital Tutors Maya Unlimited:... ... * Pond and Ocean Systems 池塘及海洋系统 * Wakes船运动后的尾迹) * Explosions 爆 …


尾流尾迹的英语 wake... ... ) wake flow: 尾流 ) wakes: 尾流 Concentration field in near wakes; 岛屿尾流近区浓度的分布特性 ...


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After the woman wakes, pull string, those who go is a sheep however, she was psyched out, immediately Ask hellcat to ask. 妇人醒后,一牵绳子,走来的却是一只羊,她吓坏了,马上请巫婆来问。
"WAH! WAH! " Farmer's baby wakes up just as the sun comes over the barn. "Farmer's baby wakes the sun! " says Dog. “哇哇!”农夫的小孩醒了,就像太阳从畜棚升起一样。小狗说:“农夫的小孩把太阳公公叫醒了!”
you know alphonse loosely . he wakes up with a hole in his head. 你知道阿尔菲斯墨瑞立。他一觉醒来,头上出了个枪眼。
My friends compare me to the Tom Hanks character in the movie "Big, " about the young boy who wakes up in an adult body. 朋友把我和汤姆汉克斯在电影《飞越未来》里的角色相比,电影里一个小男孩盼望自己快成大人,结果一觉醒来居然成真了。
InfoQ: Let's take the flipside, let's say the same coach wakes up the next morning and finds himself in a control culture. InfoQ:咱们看看另外一面,比如说同一个教练,某一天发现自己处于控制文化中。
When a rational woman wakes up to find a man practically on top of her, their first instinct would be to reach for the mace. 一名理性的妇女如果醒来时发现有个男人几乎骑在她身上时,她的第一本能反应应该是伸手去找防身的狼牙棒。
Morning comes. The stepmother wakes up the children. She gives them both a piece of bread, and tells them to put on their clothes. 到了早上,后母叫醒两个孩子,她给他们一人一片面包,要他们穿上衣服。
Place them around the bed so that your partner wakes up to a real birthday surprise. 放在床边,这样等对方一醒来就能得到一个真的惊喜。
That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think "Hey, I'm fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing. " 咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”
When the man wakes up and she's still there, he just might be ready to go again. 他醒来的时候,她还在那儿,他可能只是准备着再干一次。
He only wakes up early on school days, other days he would not get out of bed until after 9! 他只在上学天早起牀,其它的日子他不过了9时都不下牀!
Have him call me when he wakes up. Hey, you know, you haven't told me how the dress went over. 让他醒了给我回电话嗨你还没告诉我那条裙子怎么样了
The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home. 翌日早晨,家人醒来时,惊骇地发现家里发生了一桩毛骨悚然的凶杀案。
After a night's sleep, the next morning the brain wakes up and is ready to go, ready to acquire new information. 经过一夜的睡眠,第二天早上醒来的大脑已经准备好了接收新的信息。
Michael wakes up in a guest room of The Company. 迈克尔在一间“公司”的贵宾房里醒来了。
' When he wakes up and brings his hands to his face, the fingernails are clean. 而当他醒来后用手擦脸时,指甲却变干净了。
So in Man on Wire's case it was Philippe [Petit] having a nightmare the night before, and he wakes up in feverish excitement and fear. 因此在《走钢丝的人》中,菲利普·帕蒂特晚上做了一个噩梦,并在极度兴奋和恐惧中醒来。
The head of the air dominance branch of the Air Combat Command says he "wakes up in a cold sweat" thinking about it. 美国空军作战司令部制空联队的队长说,一想到这个,他就会“惊出一身冷汗”。
If you get up and see the sun, it wakes you up and you can go on less than normal sleep, but it will catch up with you. 如果你起床,看到了太阳,它把你唤醒,那么你可能就获得比一般情况下要少的睡眠,但是,这会在今后影响到你。
It's prepared the night before, which means it's ready to go as soon as Dad wakes up itching for a tasty breakfast. 这款菜肴需要提前一夜准备,也就意味着等到爸爸起床为早餐挠头时,能够尽快呈上。
" Everyday what wakes me at 3 o 'clock in the morning is [the question of ] how to beat [the competition] , " he said . “每天凌晨3点让我睡不着的是,如何战胜(竞争对手的问题),”他说。
and then you have Rambo, who wakes up in the morning and just. . . you know, gargles with quicksand. 然后你有了蓝博,而他在早晨醒来只是…你知道,用流沙漱口。
Method wakes the destination thread out of any wait state it may be in and causes an exception to be raised. 方法会将目标线程从其可能处于的任何等待状态中唤醒,并导致引发异常。
"The alarm goes off, everybody in the household wakes up but the child is still asleep, " she said. 她说:“可能闹钟响了,全家人都被吵醒了,但是小孩仍然还在睡。”
It briefly stops your breathing throughout the night. Each interruption wakes you for a moment, but you may not be aware of it. 这种病会导致你夜间呼吸暂停,你每次都会因此而醒来片刻,但自己可能意识不到。
"It happened many times that she wakes me up in the night this year, but I was not 25 times in the final, " he said. “这在今年已经发生很多次了,她总是在夜里叫醒我,但我不是第25次进决赛,”他说。
I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late! 但是,我老婆还会醒来并对我大声吆喝为什么我这么晚才回家!
There's something in her eyes wakes such a dreadful fear in my heart, that drives me mad. 她的眼睛里有种东西,在我心里唤起那么一种可怖的恐惧,简直逼得我要发疯。
When spring comes, the wind blows warm and the silent ground wakes from cold winter, everything is at its best. 春天来了,风变暖了,沉寂大地从隆冬中苏醒,万物欣欣向荣。
"WAH! WAH! " Farmer's baby wakes up just as the sun comes over the barn. 农夫的小孩醒了,就像太阳从畜棚升起一样。