
美 [weɪn]英 [weɪn]
  • v.亏;(光,势力等)衰落;减少
  • n.衰退(期);(木材的)缺损;月亏(期)
  • 网络逐渐减弱或变小的;阑珊;慢慢衰减的

第三人称单数:wanes 现在分词:waning 过去式:waned



天文术语_互动百科 ... volatiles—— 挥发物 waning—— wavelength—— 波长 ...


北大索玉柱博士08年重点词汇和超纲词预测... ... visitant n. 贵宾 waning a. 渐亏的,逐渐减弱或变小的 wield v. 支配;掌握 ...


克莱恩的魔法_小杰_新浪博客 ... waning Gibbous 凸月(后半月) waning 月亏 Last Quarter 下弦月 ...


Lan2 | Chinese Dictionary ... 兰斯 Rheims 阑珊 coming to an end;waning 拦阻 to block;to obstruct ...


GRE:我的太傻反义 --外语频道--中国教育在线 ... unsupported<> 没有支持的 waning<> 慢慢衰减的 earn<> 赚得 ...


Frans de Waal: 动物的道德行为 Moral... ... seemed 似乎 waning 衰退 bird 鸟 ...


Welcome to EnglishMoo ... aroma 芳香,香味 waning 衰退的 barely 仅仅;几乎没有 ...

'All of that will buttress Japan's waning power' as it becomes a less-important economy compared with China, he said. 他说,在日本成为一个不及中国重要的经济体之际,所有这些都将加强日本日益减弱的实力。
Its embassies grow in size and influence, often surpassing those of the United States, whose power around the world seems to be waning. 它的大使馆规模和影响力都在扩大,常常超过势力似乎式微的美国的。
The company recently reported a quarterly loss from its operations there and said the number of visitors to its stores was waning. 沃尔玛前不久表示,在华业务出现季度性亏损,还说光顾其门店的消费者人次正在减少。
He said he saw no waning of the hunger for those glamorous names. 他说看不出消费者对这些迷人名牌渴望有衰退迹象。
Farmers have begun to turn away from organic food production in the face of waning interest from the big supermarkets. 随着大超市的兴趣不断减少,农民们还是把注意力转移出了有机农业上。
Europe's waning influence in a world no longer owned by the west means that the convergence is as powerful as it has ever been. 在这个不再由西方把持的世界,欧洲的影响力日渐减弱,这意味着,上述两种利益空前统一。
It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day. 这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。
The case may be an act of desperation by an old guard whose power is waning as EU-inspired changes take hold. 这一诉讼案或许是保守势力的绝望之举,随着为加入欧盟所激发的一系列变革深入人心,他们的权力日渐衰微。
Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang. 经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。
And yet the sun has an influence, but its influence is waning and Voyager is almost at the edge. 虽然太阳对那里仍有影响,但它的影响力正在减弱。旅行者号已经接近其影响力范围的边缘。
A waning moon was shining, and a hushed sense of growing life filled the air, for it was nearing spring again. 一个暗淡的月亮照在头顶,一种幽静的生气充满空中,因为那时又是春天将近了。
Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years, he took a position as Master of the Mint. 牛顿本人同样也不能容忍欺诈行为,在他晚年的时候,他担任了皇家铸币厂的主管官员。
The twenty-first century is likely to be known as the 'Anti-Imperialist Century', marking a growing intolerance of the waning US empire. 二十一世纪很可能将以“反帝国主义者世纪”而载入史册,它将印记对衰落的美帝国的不断高涨的反抗。
It was another good choice: the easier league suited his waning legs, and the US was the new market he and his wife wanted to exploit. 这又是一次不错的选择:一个踢球更容易的联盟更适合他日渐老迈的双腿,同时美国也是他们夫妇俩想要开发的新市场。
"The moon is broken, but Daddy can fix it, " I said at the age of 3, pointing to the rind of a waning moon. “即使月亮破碎了,爸爸也可以解决”我在3岁时指着残月的外表说过这句话。
In the run-up to Mr Huang's arrest, the company's operations were being stung by rising credit costs and waning consumer demand. 在黄光裕被捕前,该公司的运营已受到信贷成本上升、消费者需求萎缩的打击。
Pryor and her colleagues found that in most of the U. S. wind speeds appear to be waning, in many locations by more than 1 percent a year. 普莱尔和她的同事发现,每年在美国大部分地区,风速似乎在以大于原速1%的比例逐渐减小。
America's "political will to engage with Asia and its influence" , he writes, seem to be waning. 他写道,“美国想在亚洲扩大影响力的政治意愿”减弱了。
That said, at least one member of this species had ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Republic. 尽管如此,在共和国衰落期,至少一名这个种族的成员登上了绝地武士的高位。
Though America is still a source of demand for the rest of the world, its waning appetite has been a hefty drag on world economic growth. 虽然美国依然是世界其他国家的需求来源,但其日益衰退的消费欲望一直拖累世界经济的增长。
If you often work on your own, try to organize work involving others at the time of day when your concentration might otherwise be waning. 如果你经常一个人事情,试着在一天中你的注意力可能在其他方面会逐渐减弱的时间里组织安排包括他人的工作。
You are very old now, and with whatever remains of your waning strength, you won't be able to remove even a corner of the mountain. 你已一把年纪了,就是用尽你的气力,也不能挖去山的一角呢?
And there is no doubt in my mind that there is still a place for them, though that market is quickly waning. 尽管物理键盘的市场快速萎缩,在我心中仍有它们的一席之地。
Yet the growth of mobile telephony, which has been such a strong influence on brand value, already shows signs of waning. 然而,移动电话行业的增长已显出疲态,该行业对品牌价值曾产生过强大的影响力。
In the waning days of the Old Republic, the two were part of a Jedi taskforce sent to the Yinchorri system to put down a native uprising. 在旧共和国日渐衰微的岁月里,他们俩作为绝地特遣队的成员被派往因乔尔星系平息当地的叛乱。
France was initially kept out but by 1818 it had won a place; the other excluded player was the waning Ottoman empire. 法国最初被阻挡在外,但到1818年它就获得了一个位置;另一个被排斥的角色是日薄西山的奥斯曼帝国。
In the U. S. , religious commitment does not appear to be waning as secular systems develop and stabilize. 在美国,宗教信仰好像没有随着安全体系的发展和稳定而有所下载。
But as the legal battle rages on in both states, threading's newfound popularity across the rest of the nation shows few signs of waning. 但是由于在这两个州里法规上的争论仍在持续,棉线修眉在全国新近取得的热度有一定降温趋势。
During the waning years of the Cold War and in the early 1990s, the pace, scope and breadth of peacekeeping operations grew rapidly. 在冷战接近尾声的最后几年和90年代初,维和行动在速度、范围和广度上都迅速增加;
The China of today can be recognizably traced back to the late 16th century and the waning years of the Ming dynasty. 今天中国的轮廓可以追溯到16世纪晚期的晚明时代。