
美 [wɑnt]英 [wɒnt]
  • v.要;希望;想要;需要
  • n.缺乏;缺少;匮乏;贫困
  • 网络欲望;想要某物

第三人称单数:wants 现在分词:wanting 过去式:wanted

want help,want return,want increase,want everything,want someone
probably want,apparently want,desperately want


v. n.


1.要;想要;希望to have a desire or a wish for sth


2.(informal)需要to need sth

3.[usupass]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)需要…在场to need sb to be present in the place or for the purpose mentioned

应该should/ought to

4.(informal)~ to do sth(用于提出建议)应该used to give advice to sb, meaning ‘should’ or ‘ought to’


6.~ sth缺少;缺乏to lack sth


not want to know (about sth)

不想知道;不愿理会to take no interest in sth because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble

want rid of sb/sth

想摆脱;想甩掉to want to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want

what do you want?

(语带指责)你在这里干什么;你要我干什么used to ask sb in a rude or angry way why they are there or what they want you to do


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... help v. 帮助;援助 want v. 需要;想要 Here you are. 给你。 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... help v. 帮助;援助 want v. 需要;想要 Here you are. 给你。 ...


...类所固有的。欲望WANT)是由需要派生出的一种形式,它受社会文化和人们个性的限制,是由人所在的社会决定的,由满 …


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wander vi. 漫游;迷路;离题 want vt. 要 n.需要;缺乏 war n. 战争;冲突,斗争 ...


人教版七年级英语下册重点短语总汇,语法总结 ... want sb to do sth 想要某做某事 want sth 想要某物 Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 ...


牛津初中英语词汇表_文档下载_文档资料库 ... S-10-52 △wanted 被通缉的 9 B-3-50 want 想要;希望 7 A-6-99 war 战争 8B-5-8…

"We will continue to work with you to have consumer confidence in that matter. We want there to be consumer confidence in American beef. " “在此问题上,我们将共同努力以增进贸易互信,也希望你们对美国牛肉消费抱有信心”。
I want you promise me , you must tell my child how much I love them, and remind them to be free . Because we are , we are free now. 我要你们向我保证,你们必须告诉我的孩子,我有多么的爱他们,每天都是。提醒他们一定要珍惜自由,因为我们,我们自由了。
We want to see, as I said, what steps the Syrians are willing to take to address our issues. 就像我刚才说的那样,我们希望看到叙利亚将愿意采取什么步骤来解决我们关注的问题。
She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. 她说话的口吻似乎表明她不想再给他添更多的麻烦。
If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the flight to Anchorage, Alaska, is actually boarding. 如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。
One day the sky is fine just before you want to go out but it starts to rain just as you step outside. 一天,天空是美好的,当你想出去,但它开始下雨了,就像你出门。
When my mother was dying, she did want me to see, she died when I was teaching. 我十分能理解,人死的时候,总是不希望至亲看见。
and that is not exactly what He said, but I want you to understand the meaning of it. 当然,这不完全是他当时所说的话,我只是想你明白其中的意思。
It's easy to lose sight of what you want, especially if you haven't gotten it. 你很容易因为你想得到的东西而丧失远见,尤其在你没得到它的时候。
However, what you really want is to have only one such situation being detected for each pair of buy and sell events. 但是,您真正希望的是对于每一对买入和卖出事件,您仅检查到一个这样的情形。
The first thing you want to do is give it a quick rinse, and you're gonna see that there's a soapy residue that rinses right off of it. 首先你需要做的就是给它进行一下快速冲洗,而后你你就可以冲洗掉在它上面的肥皂的残留物。
"There's room there to help, but whether it's as much as people want we'll have to figure out, " he said. “这里有提供帮助的余地,但这是不是人们想要的那么多,我们必须弄清楚,”佐立克说。
Let's wait to see how much the main course is. I don't want to be stuffed and keep on shopping. 咱们待会儿看看主菜的量有多少再说吧。我不想撑着肚子继续购物。
No wise cracks because I wouldn't want her to think that I was one of those smooth-talking guys who pick up girls in the subway. 不要有什么俏皮话,我不想让她觉得我是那种巧舌如簧的人,常常在地铁里追女孩子。
I also want to look for a girlfriend, but I am not so handsome, therefore I simply did not think these impossible things! 我也想找个女朋友,可是我长的对不起观众,所以我就干脆不想那些虚无的东西了!
In the same way if you want your servant to make no mistakes, you are a fool, for you want vice not to be vice but something different. 同样道理,如果你希望你的仆人不犯错误,这等同于你希望邪恶不邪恶,那你这不是自找烦恼。
It is quite fair because what and how much you want should be acquired with equivalent effort and cost. 这很公平,你想要什么,想要多少,就必须为此付出多少努力和代价。
Say you want me with you here, beside you. 说你需要我在你身旁。
I know how much you want to win. 我知道你求胜心切。
We will only reach out to parents to obtain what they want, something for nothing seems to have become a matter of course. 我们只会向父母伸出手去索取自己想要的东西,不劳而获似乎已经成为了理所当然的事情。
You can even sign up for her newsletter and she will give you all the professional tips and goodies you could ever want. Check it out! 你甚至可以注册为她通讯,她会给你所有的专业技巧和好吃的东西你可能想要的。
"We have been through a 10-year fight and I don't want it to turn into a 100-year war, " says Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel. 公司首席律师布拉德•史密斯(BradSmith)表示:“我们已经打了十年,我可不希望这场仗变成一场百年战争。”
He listens to me all the time. Like the other day when I told him to go to that party, so he did, even mum didn't really want him to. 他任何时候都听我的话。就像那天我让他去参加那个派对,他就去了,尽管妈妈当时不允许他去。
China will soon want to see its own currency included in the basket, as well as the renminbi used as a means of payment in bilateral trade. 中国很快将要求自己的货币被加入篮子,并在双边贸易中使用人民币作为中间支付手段。
In the past, I thought I didn't have to worry about it, I was just a kid. As I get older, I started to have an idea of what I want to be. 过去,我认为自己是个孩子,一点也考虑过这个问题。随着我逐渐长大,我开始思考这个问题。
Evolutionarily, if lots of women want to have sex with you it would be stupid to say no. 你想啊,要是很多女人想和你上床的话,拒绝她们显然很傻。
As I realized I had quite a bit of stamina, I began to want to test myself against others. 随着我意识到我拥有一些耐力的潜质,我开始把自己和其他人做测试。
What you want, should I just cry on your shoulder and tell you everything is all better now? 我是不是该靠在你的肩膀上大哭一场然后告诉你好点了?
The only thing I got from that speech was that people do not want to admit they're Polish. 我从他们的话里得出的唯一结论就是,人们不愿意承认自己是波兰人。
Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you. 我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。