
美 [wɔrd]英 [wɔː(r)d]
  • n.病房;病室;选区;受监护人(受法院或监护人保护的人,尤指儿童)
  • v.防止;守护;收容
  • 网络沃德;华德;监房

复数:wards 现在分词:warding 过去式:warded

ward cancer


n. v.

1.病房;病室a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition

3.受监护人(受法院或监护人保护的人,尤指儿童)a person, especially a child, who is under the legal protection of a court or another person (called a guardian )


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沃德(Ward)及杜威和詹姆斯的社会达尔文主义理论中,环境可以从好到坏进行分级排列。当时的目的是要发现或设计最好的 …


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构词法 ... aware,wary (谨慎), ward (守护) azonic 非地带性的 ...


暗黑II代码对照表 - 帝睥流芒的日志 - 网易博客 ... AEGIS / 庇护 WARD / 保护 TOWER / 塔 ...

己单独的住Ward)。 在这个时期,将伊斯兰教传播到西苏丹地区的主要是来自北非的穆斯林商人。


病_百度百科 ... 39. 病史[ medical history] 40. 病室[ ward] 41. 病逝[ die of illness] ...


考博英语词汇 ... "vivid a. 生动的,栩栩如生的;鲜艳的" "ward n. 看护,监护;病房;监房" "ware n. 器皿,商品" ...

It was a world of doing business over dinners in which Mr Ward, with his appreciation of good food and fine wine, was at ease. 那是一个在餐桌上谈生意的年代,热爱美酒佳肴的沃德在其中可谓如鱼得水。
In the meantime, he said he wants to add an inpatient ward -- which he said would cost another $5 million -- to the temporary clinic. 同时他还说,希望给临时诊所增添住院部,而这又是500万美元。
It was a cushion that turned out to be the difference between surviving intact and becoming a ward of the state. 最终,这笔资金成为福特可以完整生存或沦为国家援助对象的关键。
Then he was down, rolling over and over in the warm sand, crouching with arm up to ward off, trying to cry for mercy. 然后他翻了下去,在暖乎乎的沙滩上滚呀滚呀、蜷曲着身子,双臂举起保护头部,想要大声讨饶。
Mr. Baoding warded off bones to subtly break down cattle. His way reveals the benefit that we ward off obstruct to accomplish tasks. 庖丁避开骨头,巧妙地分解牛体的做法,告诉我们避开障碍以完成任务的好处。
They said the filming continued through the windows of an isolation ward at the Beijing Ditan infectious diseases hospital. 他们说,在北京地坛传染病医院进行隔离时,还有记者继续透过窗户拍摄。
One of its biggest creditors is Royal Bank of Scotland, which recently became a ward of the British state after a bail-out of its own. 而它最大的债主则是皇家苏格兰银行,这家银行最近才刚刚在接受了一份援助后被英国政府监管。
And parts of New Orleans, like the Upper Ninth Ward, are far from recovery. 新奥尔良的部分地区,像上九区这样的地方,经济还远没有复苏。
and paris hilton is back in an all - women ' s jail . the socialite was transferred after spending nearly a week in a medical ward. 帕丽斯。希尔顿现已回到女子监狱。这位豪女在病房呆了近一个周后被遣送回监狱。
A cheerful sight perhaps, but to me it seemed like the public ward in a hospital. The proprietor didn't seem to have all his wits either. 也许这是振奋人心的景象,可我却觉得它像医院里的集体病房,旅馆老板也显得不很像一个智力健全的人。
The tusk-mouthed thug soon learned not to tangle with the ward of a Jedi, as Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened with a flash of his lightsaber. 欧比—万·克诺比亮起光剑介入此事后,这个口露獠牙的暴徒很快懂得不要惹一个受绝地监护的人。
as though such knowing worn like an amulet, a mask, will ward away the evil, the terror. 仿佛这种认识能让人像带着护身符或面具一样,可以抵挡邪恶和恐惧。
A 48-year-old woman with a distended abdomen appeared to have ascites and was admitted to the gynaecological ward. 一位48岁女子与腹胀腹部似乎有腹水和被接纳为妇科病房。
looking at window of lamplight, bit by bit back ward. suddenly, i seem to see the spark path. 看着车窗外的灯光,一点一点的向后移去。刹那间,我好像看见星火的轨迹,
Amy Sample Ward's passion for nonprofit technology has lead her to involvement with NTEN, NetSquared, and a host of other organizations. AmySampleWard对非营利技术的热情引领她参与到NTEN,NetSquared以及许多其他组织中。
The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。
Plymouth was the home of the great abolitionist preacher Henry Ward Beecher and a stop on the Underground Railroad. 杰出的废奴主义者HenryWard牧师曾居住在普利茅斯教堂,现在这个教堂是地铁的一个站点。
Our receptionist has been pregnant for nine months and is now staying in a maternity ward, waiting for the birth of her first baby. 我们的接待人员已经怀孕九个月了,现在住在产科病房,等待她的第一个孩子出生。
There were a few other minor buffs here and there (ice barrier, frost ward, and fire ward getting buffed), but that was the gist of it. 那里是一些其他的较小擦光轮各处(冰障碍,霜守卫,和火守卫得到擦光轮),但是它的要点。
I heard of a doctor who bought the words Be Not Afraid cut out of steel. He wanted to hang the phrase in the children's ward of a hospital. 我听说有一位医生买了一块用金属切割成「不要害怕」的字样挂牌,要在儿童病房内挂着这句话。
Educating practicing nurses is one of the everyday affairs of a certain ward, which is of great significance. 护生带教工作是教学医院日常工作之一,有着非常重要的意义。
As the year wore on, the claim was repeated but seemed more and more desperate, as if it were a spell to ward off recession. 随着时间的流逝,这一说法不断出现,但显得越来越不顾一切,就如同一道能防止经济衰退的咒语。
Ethan Ward is the star athlete at the high school. He seems like, a really fun loving, you know, like. . . outgoing, but down to Earth guy. (伊森·瓦德)在这所高中是个运动明星。如你所知,他看起来很爱玩,比如…外向活泼,但他实际上是很踏实的一个家伙。
She is known for her doll -like features, and is often compared with Heather Marks , Gemma Ward , Lily Cole , Jessica Stam , and Devon Aoki. 她知道她洋娃娃般的特征,而且往往是比较希瑟商标,芽孢病房百合科尔,杰西卡斯塔姆和戴文青木。
Apparently when he entered the ward they thought the 29-year-old looked so fresh-faced they asked him to prove he was over the age of 16. 当Shem走进病房时,这个29岁的年轻人看起来显然比实际年龄年轻很多,护士们要求他证明自己已经16岁了,否则不能见孩子。
This must end, in one of two ways: the sector must be made subject to the market or become a heavily regulated ward of the state. 必须结束这一切,办法有两种:银行业必须要么经受市场的淘汰;要么接受政府严格监管。
My room is up in a tower that used to be the contagious ward before they built the new infirmary. 我的房间在新的医务室盖好前,被用来当做传染病房的大楼里。
William Arthur Ward God is like a mirror. The mirror never changes but everybody who looks at it sees something different. 上帝就像一面镜子。镜子从不变化,但每个照镜子的人都会看到不同的东西。
"Lincoln was always conscious of his own mortality, " and the cracked-plate photograph conveys a certain fatalism, said Ward. 沃德指出,“林肯始终清醒地认识到自己终有一死”,这张破版照片寓有某种宿命感。
Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence. 到了这时代的创业妇女辛勤工作表示感谢,朱丽娅伍德霍夫和安娜贾维斯这一天诞生。