
美 [wɔrn]英 [wɔː(r)n]
  • v.警告;训诫;预先通知

第三人称单数:warns 现在分词:warning 过去式:warned




帮忙翻译_百度知道 ... crowded 拥挤,人群 warns 警告 sent 发送 ...

Secretary of State Hilary Clinton warns Iran is only trying to distract attention away from its own behavior. 希拉里·克林顿国务卿警告说,伊朗不过是想转移人们对其自身行为的注意力。
He warns against the emergence of a "structurally adversarial relationship" between China and the United States and its regional friends. 他对中国与美国及其在该地区的盟友之间的“结构性对抗关系”浮出水面发出警告。
She warns him against the dangers of his political activities and tells him that the doge wants her to marry his courtier Paolo. 她提醒他正计划的政治行动非常危险,并告诉他,总督波卡涅拉希望她嫁给他的追随者保罗。
But actually preventing someone slipping into the undercarriage depends on checks and procedures that are not always present, Shanks warns. 但是,Shanks警告称,要防止一个人溜进起落架舱,需要一些非常规的检查和程序。
He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face. 他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。
This is the part of the meeting that, as he warns questioners, tends to go viral on YouTube. 正是聚会的这部分,就像他提醒提问者的,渐渐在YouTube上火了。
In the meantime, he warns, "There could be a different new form of politics, much more populist, dangerous, fascistic, like the BNP. " 同时,他警告人们,“会出现新的不同形式的政治斗争,更多平民参与,更加危险,更多像BNP(注:新纳粹种族主义极右翼党)一样的法西斯党派。”
He was one of those rare people your adviser warns about who make it to the far end of the investing horizon. 他是少见的持极端保守投资策略的人,这正是投资顾问警告我们不要做的那种人。
It's all too easy to be distant from your market and from your people, warns Mr. Gleeson. Gleeson先生警告说,与市场和用户脱离的情况实在太容易发生了。
If Spain and Italy were to get into a vicious cycle like Greece, Mr Tilford warns, "the future of the euro would be very much in doubt" . 如果西班牙和意大利步入和希腊那种恶性循环,Tilford警告道,“欧元的前途堪忧”。
The country Obama inherits, the report warns, will no longer be able to 'call the shots' alone in an increasingly multipolar world. 报告警告,在这个日益多元化的世界里,奥巴马从这个国家继承的将不再是“发号施令”的单边霸权。
If Icann does not demonstrate that it genuinely intends to prevent abuse of trademarks, the two sides could end up in court, she warns. 如果Icann不证明它真心想要防止商标滥用的话,那么双方可能最终对簿公堂,她警告说。
Rao also warns the caste census may be just as vulnerable to corruption as the rest of the Indian political system. 拉奥还警告说,种姓普查或许也像印度其它政治体系一样容易腐败。
As much as he derides the limits of Weibo, Mr Han warns people not to expect too much from him in 2012. 尽管他嘲笑了微博的局限性,韩寒并不想大家对于2012的他报太多希望。
The bank itself warns 'we may not be able to detect and prevent fraud and other misconduct committed by our employees or third parties. ' 农行自己警告说,“本行未必能够完全察觉和防止本行员工或第三方的欺诈或其他不当行为”。
Mr. Goleman warns that this consensus-building approach can be disastrous in times of crisis, when urgent events demand quick decisions. 戈尔曼警告说,在出现危机的状况下,紧急的事态要求快速作出决策,这种建立一致性的方法可能带来灾难性的后果。
Lotus Sametime warns you if the plug-in you are trying to install is signed and verified as shown in figure 10. 如图10所示,LotusSametime会警告您,您试图安装的插件是否已签名和验证。
The Bible warns that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. 圣经警告说,一个有钱人要进入天堂比一头骆驼钻进针眼还要难。
He calls Chloe and warns her to get out of town. 他打电话给克洛并且警告她在镇外到达。
He warns these countries will not be able to push the world economy out of a renewed slump. 他警告说,这些亚洲国家并没有能力推动世界经济摆脱一场新的衰退。
'You're just never going to see that in short-term bond funds, ' Mr. McDevitt warns. 麦克戴维特警告说,但是,短期债券基金是不可能得到这种保护的。
'But she could just sputter instead, or capitulate more than once, or slowly slide around along the bottom. ' Warns Prof. 但是,这个所谓的最后时刻可能只是低点之一,之后可能还有投资者继续抛售,股指或会继续缓慢下滑。
The OECD warns this may come "at the expense of a sustainable capital structure and risks to the ultimate solvency of the company. " 经合组织警告称,这可能“以牺牲可持续资本结构为代价,并可能最终面临公司丧失偿付能力的风险。”
He simply walks up to T-Bag and warns, "We may be a team in here. But just so you know, it's every man for himself. " 他径直走到T-Bag身前,警告道,“我们也许在这里是个团队,但是我告诉你,在狱外大家就各走各路。”
Klinger warns: "It's easy to take the policy implication too far and start trying to pick and choose where to settle in the product space. " 科林格提醒道:“人们很容易把政策含意理解得过远,开始尝试在产品空间中挑选栖身之地。”
Just a few meters ahead, you run into a colonist who warns you not to go up the road. 走了几米有一个殖民者会过来警告你别继续向前。
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the head of NATO, warns that if the West abandons Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda would be back in a flash" . 北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森警告,如果西方国家让阿富汗自生自灭,那么“基地组织会以迅雷之势卷土重来”。
Near the front gate, a sign over the road warns, "Beware of counterfeits . " 在门口前的路边有一个标牌上写着“当心假冒伪劣商品”的警示语。
He warns me not to shop on him unless I want him to turn violent against me when he comes out of prison. 他警告我不要向警方告发他,除非我想要他出狱后报复我。
If it lasts six quarters, as Prof Roubini warns, offsetting policy action in the rest of the world would be too little, too late. 如果它如鲁比尼教授警告的那样持续6个季度,那么世界其它地区的抵销性政策行动将微不足道、为时过晚。