
美 [weɪv]英 [weɪv]
  • n.波浪;波动;风潮;射流
  • v.波动;挥;起伏;挥手[招手]示意
  • 网络波形;挥动

复数:waves 现在分词:waving 过去式:waved

spark wave


n. v.

水of water

1.[c]海浪;波浪;波涛a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc.

活动;感觉of activity/feeling

2.[c]汹涌的行动(或思想)态势;心潮;风潮a sudden increase in a particular activity or feeling

大量large number

3.[c]涌现的人(或事物);涌动的人(或物)a large number of people or things suddenly moving or appearing somewhere

臂╱手╱身体的动作movement of arm/hand/body

4.[c]挥臂;挥手;招手;摆手a movement of your arm and hand from side to side

热;声;光of heat/sound/light

6.[c]波;波状运动the form that some types of energy such as heat, sound, light, etc. take as they move


make waves

咋咋呼呼;大肆张扬to be very active in a way that makes people notice you, and that may sometimes cause problems


九年级英语单词表 ... award 奖赏;奖金 wave 波浪;波涛 scene 舞台 ...


牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... performer n. 表演者 13. wave vt. & vi. 挥手 14. march vi. 前进;行进 15. ...


波形 (Wave) 窗口双击信号的波形可以在数据流图 (Dataflow) 窗口 追踪、 查看该信号相关的赋值情况, 同时可看到相关 信 …


英文字根_百度百科 ... 528、umbr = shadow 影子 530、und = wave 波动 531、up = up,over 向上 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... read 读 第129 课 wave 招手 track 跑道 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... tell 告诉 wave 挥动 will 将;会 ...

Like all principles that govern modern military operations, the principle of the sine wave of command is all about balance. 像支配现代军事行动的所有其它原则一样,指挥的正弦波原则也是关于平衡的问题。
And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. 像我那个出租车司机一样,我不会将其当作人身攻击;我只是微笑,挥手,希望他们能好起来,然后继续自己的生活。
The seed likes a rice grain to be that big, the ultrasonic wave is recording in the first child's picture, then appeared his hands and feet. 种子像一粒米那么大,超声波在第一张孩子的照片上记载着,接着出现了他的手脚。
He observed one group of children behind rocks. "I tried to wave to them and to get their attention, but I didn't get a response, " he said. 他看到了教室后面有一群孩子。“我试着向他们挥手,引起他们的注意,但没有得到任何回应。”他说。
The current wave of cholera outbreaks which had begun several weeks ago in West Africa is still ongoing ( see map below). 几周前在西非开始的本波霍乱暴发仍在继续(见下面的地图)。
The WAVE is just creeping up from the bottom as a little cluster of light blue stuff, where you see 2011. 巨浪刚逐渐出现,从底部看像是一小团浅蓝物质,就是在你所看到的2011这数字周围的物质。
It is harder still to accept the idea that a particle can sometimes behave as if it were a wave. 要接受一个粒子有时能表现得象是波的观点就更困难了。
The piece of life-preserver lay under him, and sometimes he whirled down the incline of a wave as if he were on a handsled. 那条救生带压在他的下面。有时他急速地滑下海浪的斜坡,就像坐在平滑的雪橇上一样。
the music flood with my whole time . when i feel the tempo of music i get a fantasy as if i was the wave of the music , up and down. 我整个时间被音乐包围..当我感受到音乐的节奏时仿佛我是一个音乐的波浪上上下下用了一个虚拟语气,,
Staring at a mirror, a loss of the cold wave hit the body all over, helpless eyes, short of the idea, there are tears in her eyes flashing. 哪位英语高手快来帮帮忙,翻译:呆呆地望着镜子,一股失落的寒潮袭遍全身,无助的眼神,放空的思想,还有那双闪着泪光的眼睛。
Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two. 热浪短期内还不会消退,预料反常的高温将持续一、二周。
Terahertz radiation source is one of key factors limiting terahertz wave used in a very diverse range of practical applications. 太赫兹辐射源是限制太赫兹波在各个领域实际应用的决定性因素之一。
Certain parts of the South American coast probably will see almost nothing but other parts might get a metre or two of wave height. 南美局部地区可能什么也看不到,但是其他地区可能会遇上一到两米高的海浪。
He said it came as the country prepared to experience what he called the largest wave of aviation traffic in its history. 他说,随着该国准备来体验他所谓的航空交通在其历史上最大的波浪。
The simplest form of wave motion consists of the combination of a transverse simple harmonic vibration and a uniform translation. 波动的最简单形式是横向简谐振动和匀速直线运动的组合。
I'm trying to tell you that there's a new wave on the continent. 我想要告诉大家在这个大陆上,出现了一股新的风潮。
And all of you know the wave equation is: the frequency times the wavelength of any wave . . . is a constant. 你们都知道波的定理公式是:频率乘以任何波的波长…是一个常量。
he says so , and he ought to know , " was the answer , with a wave aside of the manuscript , accompanied by a look of loathing" . “那是他说的,他总该知道,”妹妹回答,带着厌恶的表情一挥手,推开了稿子。
All that's left now is to save the file as randomnumber. xml to the Web server of your choice and add it to a wave. 现在所要做的就是将这个文件以randomnumber.xml形式保存到所选定的Web服务器中并将它添加给一个wave。
I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything anytime, just wave at me! 我一会儿就回来,如果您有什么需要的话,随时向我招招手!
There is no doubt that the dynamics between wave and topography interaction is considerably more complicated a stratified fluid. 毫无疑问,在层结流体中波和地形间相互作用的动力学过程要复杂的多。
With a wave of resistance will not fade, the same type, three-dimensional sense of strong features, decorative logs are the best match. 具有耐潮、不褪色、不变型、立体感强等特点,是原木装饰的最佳搭配。
A simple smile, a gentle wave, or a cheery 'Hi' or 'Hello' is all that's required. 微微一笑,轻轻挥手告别,或者愉快地对别人说“你好”都是必需的。
His younger sister uses a fan to wave flies away as his mother dozes on the corner of his bed. 他的母亲在他的床角打盹,他的妹妹使用一台风扇赶蚊子。
As you know, BYJ emphasized Asian cultural exchange and Asian Wave rather than Korean Wave. 正如你们所知道的,裴勇俊强调亚洲文化的交流,认为亚流胜于韩流。
This buckling of the jet stream dragged with it a wave of low pressure from the west, a system PMD calls the "westerly wave. " 这股射流变形拖曳着一股从西部而来的低气压波,PMD称这一系统为“西风波”。
Then, like the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him. 随后,象退潮时逐渐远去的悠长涛声一样,夜、海、温暖这些感觉全部离他而去。
People will then be able to make purchases securely with a click of a few buttons and a wave of the hand. 之后,凭借点击几个按钮并挥挥手,人们将能安全地购物。
In parts of Madrid the changes were profound and certain parts of the city erupted into a hedonistic and cultural wave of events. 马德里变革的某些方面影响深远,是爆发享乐主义与文化浪潮运动的城市的一部分。
Wave Disco Bar: The only underground disco in the whole Philippines, and the only air-conditioned party place in the island. 波迪斯科酒吧:只有在整个菲律宾的地下舞厅,唯一的空调在台湾的党的地方。