
美 [wed]英 [wed]
  • v.结婚;娶;嫁
  • short.we had;we would
  • 网络星期三(Wednesday);周三;与…结婚

过去式:wedded 现在分词:wedding 第三人称单数:weds




首页-Begins store-淘宝网 ... TUE 星期二 WED 星期三 THU 星期四 ...


听陈琦老师在耳边念答案 ... B. deceive:trick 欺骗 : 欺骗 C. betroth:wed 订婚 : 结婚 D. lurk:wait 潜伏 : 等待 ...


英文时间缩写 - Network - 51CTO技术博客 ... 周二 Tue 周三 Wed 周四 Thur ...

3字母英文单词\4字母英文单词 ... too 也, 太过份 wed 娶, , 结婚 who 谁, 那...的(人) ...

3字母英文单词\4字母英文单词 ... too 也, 太过份 wed , 嫁, 结婚 who 谁, 那...的(人) ...


以w开头的英语英文单词 ... weave 织;编 wed 与...结婚,使结合 wedlock 结婚生活 ...

Except, of course, a glass of champagne at a wed ding or a hot toddy when confined to bed with a hard cold. 当然,在婚礼上喝杯香槟,或者感冒很厉害时上床睡觉前喝杯热棕榈酒,也还是可以的。
But the cousins in Ramallah offered another reason: he was soon to be wed and did not want to leave his spouse. 不过在拉马拉的表兄弟却给出了另外一个原因:他就要结婚了,不想离开他的配偶。
In the novel, a pilot, newly wed, loses control of his aircraft, while his wife in the control tower waits feverishly for a sign of life. 小说中,一位新婚的飞行员驾驶的飞机失去了控制,而他的妻子正在控制塔台焦急地等待生的奇迹。
Wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing. 我很想听听你们就包装问题发表意见。
She once promises me, at a time found out the blue heart soul of You solves to conclude a disease for her, would wed me. 她答应过我,只要找到了幽蓝心魄替她解了结症,才会嫁给我。
She was struck by his respect for her children and his dedication to his job as a community worker. A few months later, they wed. 他对她孩子的尊重,加上他对其社工工作的尽心尽力都打动了她,于是几个月后他们结婚了。
'I've got an old silver spoon, and an old seal too at home, 'said the man, wondering. 'So where do wed "Urbervilles live now, Parson? '" “我家里倒是有一把银匙和一枚旧印。”这人思忖道,“那么你说,我们德伯家族的人现在住在哪儿呢?”
The reluctance to marry seems to have unleashed spiteful hostility, an attitude that makes the decision not to wed a tough one. 不愿结婚似乎引发了敌对情绪,使人决定不难对付的人结婚。
The Maasai girls are raised with the only thought of becoming a good wife to her future husband, most likely to be wed at age twelve. 马赛女孩从小就被教导要做她们未来丈夫的好妻子。她们在12岁时就很可能结婚了。
Devi's husband, aged 72, had also wed his wife's elder sister after 10 years of marriage to his first wife did not result in children. 老太太的丈夫今年72岁,婚前曾是她的姐夫,他的第一段婚姻持续了10年,后因没孩子而离婚。
The newly-wed woman told him she did not want to have sex because she was so drunk but he carried on, a jury were told. 这个新婚的女人告诉他因为自己喝得太醉了不想要做爱,但是他还是继续,她对陪审团的人这样描述道。
Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel. 他决不能和住在这个破茅屋里的可怜虫的孩子结婚。
If she does find and wed the man of her dreams, Miss Ballard will encounter a problem. 如果她找到梦中情人,和他结了婚,Ballard女士还会碰到一个问题。
Wedding season has arrived, and with it swarms of soon-to-be-wed couples tromping through parks for their pre-wedding photo shoot. 结婚旺季一到,大批的准新人们开始涌进公园拍摄结婚照。
"My queen is cruel, " her captain said. "If I cannot slay your does, how shall I amuse myself whilst you are being wed? " “我的女王真残酷,”她的团长说。“要是我不能为您杀敌,您婚后我要怎么给自己找乐子呢?”
and, as darkness came on, a hundred colored lanterns were lighted, as if the flags of all nations wed in the air. 船上音乐和歌声悠扬,夜幕降临时,一百只彩灯亮了,仿佛各国的国旗在空中飘扬。
Were the gods telling her to put Hizdahr aside and wed this Dornish prince instead? 神灵是不是告诉他将希兹达尔放到一边然后嫁给这个多恩王子?
This action became necessary in order to prevent me from trying to run away to Hal, whom Henry would one day decide I should not wed. 这么做变得很有必要,因为要阻止我跑去找哈尔——哈尔这个人,亨利到后来的某一天决定我不该嫁。
I was thinking about terrorism a great deal then because of the nail-biting two months wed had leading up to the millennium celebration. 当时我对恐怖主义是认真对待的,原因是千禧年庆典前我们度过的那焦虑不安的两个月。
He impulsively wed a second time but instantly dumped his bride on learning that an earlier liaison had led to her pregnancy. 他一再婚娶但在得知自己的新娘怀孕初又马上抛弃了她。
Ten-year-old Timmy was just surfing the WorldWide Wed when his father called him outside to help with raking the leaves. 十岁的蒂姆正在网上冲浪,这时他父亲叫他出去帮着打扫树叶。
New York City is holding a lottery to award couples the right to marry on Sunday, the first day same-sex couples can be wed under a new law. 纽约市将通过抽奖的方式来决定哪些情侣可以取得在本周日结婚的权利。这一天是纽约州刚通过的同性婚姻合法法案执行的第一天。
But bloggers made sure the story was on the Wed . If they had not done this , would Mr . Martin. 但博客人将此事件实实在在的登在网络上。如果他们没有这样做,马丁是否仍是加拿大。
Elizabeth refuses to be wed to a man to whom she does not love. 伊丽莎白拒绝被结婚到谁,她不爱的人。
If you hide your intelligence, another promised, "you'll soon become the little woman to be pooh-poohed, patronized and wed. " 如果能隐藏你的智慧,“很快你就会变成小女人,被男人怜爱和保护,并步入婚姻。”
Sometimes the only way catch an un-cacheable woman is to offer her a wed ring. 有时,要抓住一位抓不住的女人的唯一方法,就是送给她一枚结婚戒指。
Currently, same-sex couples can only legally wed in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, D. C. 目前,同性伴侣只能在马萨诸塞州、爱荷华州、康涅狄格州、佛蒙特州、新罕布什尔州、华盛顿哥伦比亚特区合法结婚。
Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire has wed Jennifer Meyer, the mother of his baby daughter, in a secret Hawaiian ceremony. 《蜘蛛侠》男主角托比·马奎尔在夏威夷秘密迎娶了珍妮弗·梅耶,他们已经有一个小女儿。
The newly wed Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be in Los Angeles on the July weekend David and Victoria's little girl is due to be born. 小贝的女儿预计在七月份出生,届时威廉王子夫妇将前往洛杉矶看望。
New York State has made a powerful and principled choice by giving all couples the right to wed and enjoy the legal rights of marriage. 纽约州做出了一个强有力且符合原则的决定-准许所有的情侣结婚并享受婚姻的合法权益。