
美 [wedʒ]英 [wedʒ]
  • n.楔子;三角木;楔形物;用作楔子的东西
  • v.将…挤入(或塞进、插入);把…楔牢(或楔住)
  • 网络挖起杆;楔体;楔形体

复数:wedges 现在分词:wedging 过去式:wedged



n. v.

1.楔子;三角木a piece of wood, rubber, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep a door open, to keep two things apart, or to split wood or rock

2.楔形物;用作楔子的东西something that is shaped like a wedge or that is used like a wedge

材料力学常用英语词汇 ... 旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk wedge 开尔文问题 Kelvin problem ...


内眼角有一个楔形(wedge) 的印记。 瞳仁的颜色比虹膜的颜色深一些。


路明非_百度百科 ... 第十四幕-罪与罚 Crime&Punishment 楔子 Wedge 第一章 钦差大臣 Imperial Envoy ...


打高尔夫球有哪些专业术语? - 高尔夫百科 ... WATER HAZARD: 水障碍 WEDGE: 挖起杆 WINNER: 冠军 ...


CAD快捷命令大全 ... TOR,*TORUS 圆环(三维) WE,*WEDGE 楔体 IN,*INTERSECT 交集 ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... wblock 写块 制作图块 wedge 楔体表面 楔形体 Weight 权值 权值 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... wedding 婚礼 wedge 楔形物 Wednesday 星期叁 ...


字典中 枘 字的解释 ... ◎ 枘 ruì 楔入[ wedge] ...

Sarah Brown wowed onlookers with her "red slingback wedge sandals" , hailed by the Guardian as the campaign's best footwear so far. 萨拉布朗穿着她的“红色露跟楔形凉鞋”赢得观众喝彩,被卫报誉为竞选中最棒的鞋子。
The front right corner of her bumper wedge into the bike somewhere in the pedal area, between the wheels. 保险杠右前角已经从脚蹬子那儿,从两轮中间楔进自行车。
Wedge was able to retire once more after the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, but the interim of peace did not last. 遇战疯人被击败后,韦奇得以再次退役,但和平没有持续多久。
Beckham raises his sand wedge above his head in frustration and then marches back to his bag on the golf buggy. 小贝懊恼的将杆举过头顶,然后朝他的高尔夫球车走去。
Wedge-shoes is one of the most fashionable shoes, which has been produced since the end of 1930s and went through several fashion cycles. 楔形鞋是如今最为时尚的鞋款.它产生于30年代末期,历经几个流行周期。
Applied to reduce the floor wedge between the wall and floor, The skirting board weld with the floor to be waterproof and germ proof . 用于地板和墙面收口,地脚线和地板热焊形成一体,达到防水防菌效果。
combine ingredients in a blender with crushed ice . flash blend and pour into a hurricane glass . garnish with a lime wedge. 在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用青柠角装饰。
Bridging : When two or more catalyst pellets wedge together to form a bridge in the reactor tube with a void volume underneath. 架桥:当两个或多个催化剂颗粒在反应管中挤在一起形成桥路,从而导致下方出现空穴的现象。
His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above. 它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者。但不是野狗。它的注意力集中在头顶盘旋的楔尾鹰。
At the beginning of the marriage, Emily put a wedge of wood under the door to keep it open on every afternoon. 在婚姻初期,艾米莉每天下午在门下放一块木楔让门开着。
Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry. 摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。
and wedge-shaped bodies used for being wedged into soil are distributed at the bottom faces of the two brick bodies. 两种砖体底面遍布设有用作楔入土壤的楔形体。
When viewed from the front or the side the head bears a general resemblance to a well-blunted, clean wedge, being smooth in outline. 不论从前面还是从侧面观察头部,共同之处在于都可以明显地观察到倾斜的楔形,轮廓平顺。
It possessed the body of a fish and the head of an owl, complete with massive eyes and a wedge-shaped beak. 它拥有鱼的身体、猫头鹰的头、巨大的眼和楔状的嘴。
In P. salicina, leaves with a green petiole were long ellipse and wedge-like at the base, with no hair on the surface and petiole. 李类植物的叶形为长椭圆形,叶基楔形,叶面无毛,叶柄绿色且无毛;
Symmetrical loading it into a box the best wedge angle about the formation of a mirror-style unobtrusive listening right. 把它对称的箱体装成一种最佳的楔形角度,形成一种不引人注目的左右镜面式监听对。
However the residual effects are damaging, as they result in skiers and instructors stuck with a wedge and a wedge movement pattern. 但残余影响的损害,因为他们在滑雪和一个楔子,并打进了一个运动模式,坚持教师的结果。
Ask for restraint to help you avoid using anger as a weapon or having it drive a wedge between you and your spouse. 求神让你们有节制,避免用愤怒作为你和你爱人之间的武器。
Black cockatoos squawk and a pair of rare wedge - tailed eagles ride the thermals heavenwards . 黑色的大冠鹦鹉发出嘎嘎的鸣叫。两只罕见的楔尾雕,双双掠过湿热的气流,戾天而翔。
Yesterday's deal reflects Tehran's attempt to drive a wedge between the US and its allies by attracting non-western companies. 昨日的交易表明,伊朗政府试图通过吸引非西方企业,来离间美国与其盟国之间的关系。
As you move down the wedge, the reds get darker and the saturation range from right to left gets narrower. 当你向下移动的楔形,红军得到黑暗,从右到左饱和范围越走越窄。
Anchiornis's wrist bone was so wedge-shaped that it could fold its arms to its sides, keeping its arm feathers off the ground as it walked. 近鸟龙的腕骨呈深楔形,因此它可以将前肢折叠到身体两侧,行走时前肢上的羽毛可以悬空,不会拖在地面上。
Wedge locking device is widely used in ruggedization machine chassis due to its firm locking ability and flexible disassembly. 楔形锁紧装置以其牢固的锁紧能力和灵活的可拆卸性能广泛应用于加固机机箱中。
Cut a small wedge out of the pineapple, make a cut in the centre of it and place the side of the glass. 切一小块菠萝,中间开一小口,放在酒杯旁。
This point is also true in case the observation is along the direction perpendicular to the wedge or fault. 这点在观测点位于垂直绕射楔或断层的方向上也是同样真实。
Optical interference takes place in a thin transparent wedge of refractive index m. 光的干涉发生在折射率为m的薄的透明的楔形物里。
Bracketing the wedge-shaped ship were a set of flat wings extending above and below the ship. 一组平板机翼上下张开,紧贴楔形船体两侧。
To make it more correct and attractive and the perfect example of a blunt wedge would be to give her more stop. 为了让她更端庄、吸引人(更具诱惑力),让她的钝楔更完美的示范就是让她有更多的断点。
Putting a wedge of lemon and a sprig of parsley on each plate, as you commanded, oh, great chef. 就照你吩咐的,把一片柠檬和一小根荷兰芹放在每个盘子上呀,大厨师。
shake with crushed ice . pour the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass . garnish with a lime wedge. 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,用青柠角装饰。