
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络魏;卫;韦



Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 蒙 meng wei 徐 xu ...

华人姓氏查询 - 洛杉矶华人资讯网 ... 褚 Chu Wei 蒋 Jiang ...

天下湖南 ... 车( Che) ( Wei) 王( Wang) ...

On the Naksatras in the Chinese Sutras ... XU( 虚) WEI) SHI( 室) ...

On the Naksatras in the Chinese Sutras ... JING( 井) WEI) GUI( 鬼) ...

月字旁|月字旁的字|月字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 胗" zhen1" " wei4" 胄" zhou4" ...

体验索引(Windows Experience Index)

...ON E5是没法使用WIN7的系统评分体系的,因为WEIWINDOWS EXPERIENCE INDEX)对单个CPU的缓存支持上限为16…

世界环境研究所(World Environment Institute)

石油英语词汇(W1)--石油百科 ... Wegener hypothesis 魏格纳大陆漂移说 WEI 世界环境研究所 weidgerite 硫弹沥青 ...

At the preliminaries of men's sabre, during the first hour, a fistfight broke out three rows ahead of where Wei Jia and I were sitting. 前4个小时是进行男子佩剑预赛时。比赛进行当中,在我和魏佳坐位的前三排,突然发生一场扭打。
Cough throat-based virtual real standard of evidence, in this virtual Fei Wei, the wind is the heat throat. 喉源性咳嗽为本虚标实之证,本虚在肺胃,风痰热之实在喉。
Wei said Yi was the first Chinese player trained in France to sign a pro contract and he hoped there would be more like him in the future. 韦迪说弋腾是第一个在法国训练并签署职业联赛合同的中国球员,他希望今后有更多人像弋腾一样。
journalists and Wei -- to the total foreign communities, Zhongbang Group, Zhongbang city teams Wei As if enumerating total, eloquent. 记者和卫总聊到联洋社区、中邦集团、中邦城市队,卫总如数家珍、侃侃而谈。
eg. We're all anxious to hear Mrs. Zhuang Wei's remarks, so let us all welcome her to the podium. 我们都盼望听到庄薇女士说几句话,所以让我们欢迎她上台。
"Wen Wei Po" 6, citing reports on the topic, the financial crisis took a heavy blow to the British national debt continued to climb. 《文汇报》6日引述该专题报道,金融危机对英国构成沉重打击,国债持续攀升。
"Go and see Dr. Wei, " hei fiend said. "He'll tell you how to lose weight. " Mrs. Tan visited Dr. Wel and told him her probiem. 去问魏医生吧。她的朋友说,他会给你减肥的好办法。谭女士就找到了魏医生告诉你这一题。
Young people loudly said: "The adults xun bu Wei Liu murder or nothing to do with it is dry the next. " 年轻人大声地说:“巡捕魏大人被害一案与刘景升无关,是在下干的。”
Wu Wei made his way to the U. S. Naval Academy, served six years as a naval officer and then put himself through law school. 吴伟终于进了美国海军军官学校,在当了六年海军军官之后,又在法学院毕了业。
The meaning "di wei" of it is often used in modern Chinese, but its original meaning is "part of a body" . “地位”义是其现代的常用义,但其本义为“身体某部分”。
Tu Wei-yueh stared intently at Ah Hsiang, as if to make sure whether this young man was capable of assuming a heavy responsibility . 屠维岳对阿祥看了一会儿,好像要看准这个人能否担当重大的责任。
There is no decent furniture, no basic decoration, and the only photograph in the home is the wedding photo of Cai Wei and his wife. 家里没有像样的家具,也没有最基本的装潢,唯一的一张照片就是蔡伟和他妻子的结婚照。
Ordinarily, to this do nothing, the change of any other one emperor, Wei Zheng is estimated that there is no probability of survival. 按说,到这个份儿上,换了其他任何一位皇帝,估计魏征没有什么存活的概率。
You know I wasn't at the meeting. I was meeting with Mr. Wei about this account. I've been on this for a month and a half. 你知道我上次没开会的,关于这个客户我正和威先生面谈,我们已经接洽一个半月了。
Rather, pang Wei likes a gun as a child, with him the word of aunt says " this child has lot with the gun natively " . 恰恰相反,庞伟从小就喜欢枪,用他姑姑的话说“这孩子生来与枪有缘分”。
Ms Ji Wei performs a Guzheng works on site which moved the heart of every guests by the beauty of Chinese folk music. 吉炜老师现场演奏一首古筝曲,中国传统音乐之美打动了在场的每一位来宾。
Commander Wei can therefore put his worries to rest. Whatever we are going to ask for, removing him and his people will not be included. 魏司令可以放心:无论我们要求什么,将不会被包括要求他和他的人离开。
I said that the coats were probably being sold at venues, but Wei Ziqi was shrewder. "You're not allowed to use umbrellas, right? " 我说雨衣可能是赛场周围卖的吧,但魏很精明,“观看比赛不让带雨伞,对吧?”
However, she never thought, Wei did not blame her, not a bit, the only thing to do only his head against the shoulder to cry. 只是,她万万没想到,玮并没有责怪她,一点也没有,唯一做的只有把头靠在肩膀上一起哭了。
Mr. Wei: How much does the apartment rent for? 魏先生:请问这间公寓租金怎么算?
You are wrong Wei Gong, life is not a matter of the heart, but a matter of the power. I am so tired of this palace life. 此言差矣,生活不是心性之事,而是权力之争。我厌倦透了宫里的生活。
"Wei-Jin said, " The reason to have such a situation, it is still natural and Mr. Yue's research and advocacy are inseparable. “魏晋说”之所以能有这样的局面,这自然与尚钺先生的研究和倡导是分不开的。
Disciple Kai Xin had composed a Supplication to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. I had revised it a bit. 弟子开心敬造了〈韦陀大菩萨祈请颂〉一文,我已稍做校订。
One advantage of travelling with Wei Jia was that he often came up with the questions that I was too stunned to ask. 与魏佳一块出去的好处就是,他总能提出一些让我目瞪口呆难以回答的问题。
The colleague, Wang Shutang, says the security officers became angry and continued to beat Wei, even after he gave up his phone. 这位姓王的同事说,城管人员见状发怒,即使在魏文华交出手机后他们仍继续殴打他。
After Nu Wa died. She changed into a bird. Called Jing Wei. She hated the sea. So she took some stones in her mouth to fill the sea. 旁白:在女娃死后,她变成了一只叫作精卫的小鸟。她恨大海,所以她嘴里衔了许多石头去填平大海。
After the Wei and Jin, Chi Zhu Zuolang, essays history degree, something of an official in charge of historical and officials. 魏晋以后,置著作郎、撰史学士,算是有了正式负责修史的官员。
Therefore, the Emperor think that this war is defeated, sad to say: If Wei Zheng still alive, certainly will not let me in the expedition. 因此,唐太宗认为这战属于战败了,痛心地说:如果魏征还活着,肯定不会让我进行这次远征。
His family knew that this was the result of his bad deeds. In moments, nothing was left of Old Wei but bare bones. 他的家人知道这是他作恶的报应。不一会,老魏的尸体只剩白骨一堆了。
For the same anxiety in a state of the video industry, Yang Wei believes that the prospect of great ads. 而对于同样处于焦虑状态的视频行业,杨炯伟则认为具有很大的广告前景。