
美 [weɪ]英 [weɪ]
  • v.称;衡量;(用手)掂估;(用重量)压
  • n.衡量;【航】同“way”
  • 网络权衡;重达;已过秤的

第三人称单数:weighs 现在分词:weighing 过去式:weighed

weigh evidence



February 4, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... violence U 猛烈,凶暴;暴力,残暴 weighed 权衡 weighs 重量 ...


英语翻译 急切求答 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... 钮扣 uttons 重达 weighed 航行 navigation ...


wd是什么意思_wd的翻译_音标_读音... ... weed 野草,杂草,除草,铲除 weighed 已过秤的 well deck 井形甲板;(浮船坞的)船 …


权衡的英文|权衡是什么意思... ... 权衡利弊 : weigh pros and cons 权衡利弊Weighed 不服权衡 : amount of unbalance ...


... A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be doing 全国) C A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed 全国) A ...

When it comes down to it, any change or addition or removal of any systems have to be weighed. 当它归结到它的任何变动或增添或删除任何系统都必须权衡。
He was not so large--he weighed only one hundred and forty pounds--for his mother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog. 他没有父亲那么大——体重不过一百四十磅——因为他母亲希波是条苏格兰种牧羊犬。
Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God, and a coward towards men. 他说:“仔细考虑起来,要是说某人说谎就等于说他对上帝很大胆,对世人很怯懦”。
It's no shock, then, that, having carefully weighed up the options, Putin decided to choose himself to be Russia's next president. 普金在权衡各种选择后决定自己做下一届俄罗斯总统,这不是很有震撼力的消息。
He stopped, the simplicity of her answers removing a part of the suspicion of artful duplicity which had originally weighed upon him. 他呆了一呆,因为她这些坦率的回答已经把他当初断定她全用骗术的那种疑心消散一部分了。
Many Americans live on credit , and their quality of life it weighed by how much they can borrow , not how much they can earn . 许多美国人都靠信用卡生活,他们生活的质量是用他们能够借到多少来衡量,而不是他们能挣多少钱。
I knew my father would be angry if he knew I was in debt, and I weighed my words carefully before asking him for money. 我知道我父亲“要”“是”知道我欠债了准会生气,所以在向他“要”钱时我仔细斟酌了词句。
He weighed the matter in his mind for a whole day. 他整天都在权衡此事。
"Every night after the bees were asleep, I weighed the flipped hives, " she said, but the bees continued to haul in as much nectar as ever. “每天晚上蜜蜂熟睡后,我都会称量反转过的蜂箱”,她说,但蜜蜂们继续采回花蜜,像往常一样多。
The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow. 那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。
The question of where to park the top PKK cadres is being weighed: Norway and Australia are among the options. 问题是将库尔德工人党的骨干成员安置在哪里应该权衡考虑,挪威和澳大利亚都在他们的选择之中。
It was the only one of the three to restart in under two minutes. It also weighed the least, about 3. 5 pounds. 这是三台中唯一一台重启时间不到两分钟的笔记本,而且重量也最轻,约为1.59公斤。
For years, it pottered along, weighed down by the regulations that made up the licence raj, producing only a feeble "Hindu" rate of growth. 多年来,它一直疲于奔命,由法规规定做出了牌照raj,仅仅产生了一个软弱的“印度教徒报”的增长速度。
'You sure have chutzpah, ' he said as he weighed our words. 'Why don't you circle back when the company is more mature? ' “你们很有想法,”他一边斟酌我们的话,一边说道,“你们不妨等公司发展更成熟一些后再来找我。”
Now, under a clear azure sky, with the wind filling his sails, he had weighed his anchor and was sailing towards his chosen destination. 现在,天空晴朗湛蓝,风儿正吹满蓬帆,他朝着亲自选定的那个目标启碇开航了。
You know how it has weighed you down and held you back and you know how heavy it is to carry that burden. 你知道它有多沉重?使你无法前进?你知道背负这重担有多重?
While studying warships, Fuller realized that they weighed much less than buildings, yet were able to do much more. 在学习的战舰,他们更充分认识到,体重比建筑物少,但能够做更多的工作。
So far, the Bocog hasn't weighed in on the matter, putting advertisers in a quandary as they put finishing touches on their Olympics plans. 由于北京奥组委一直未出面澄清此事,这令希望敲定奥运宣传计划的广告客户们陷入了进退两难的境地。
Their HBS professors weighed in with advice on anything from where the company should be domiciled to which market to target. 他们在哈佛商学院的老师也提出了各方面的建议:从公司应该建在哪儿到该如何定位市场,不一而足。
Honestly, we just don't know how much it weighed. 说实话,我们根本不知道他有多重。
The central government has weighed in as well, raising back value added tax rebates for a range of exports that had been trimmed earlier. 中央政府也出面施以援手,提高早先被调低的一系列产品的增值税出口退税。
He looked at it for a while, turned it over and over, weighed it in his hand and then said: "It's too big. " 他看著它一會兒,把它反轉又反轉,拿它在手中稱重,說“它太大了。”
'It was fortunate Tarun weighed as much as he did because if he had been any lighter he probably wouldn't be here now. 很幸运塔伦当时能有那么重。因为他要是再轻一点,估计都活不到现在。
This person said one of the issues on which Mr. Jobs weighed in was the price of songs on iTunes. 上述人士说,乔布斯曾仔细考虑的问题之一是iTunes上的歌曲售价。
That year he managed to raise a crop of potatoes that weighed up to five pounds each but did not taste like potatoes at all. 那年他种出了一大堆土豆,每个重达五镑,但一点儿土豆味儿都没有。
No one knows by how much, or for how long, America's economy will be weighed down. 谁都不知道美国经济衰退程度会有多深,持续时间会有多长。
A shirt that weighed 200 grams at the beginning of a match can weigh up to two-and-a-half times as much just 45 minutes later. 一件开场前仅重200克的球衣在四十五分钟后居然会增重两点五倍。
All this weighed heavily on the company, so that it was not able to exploit its size and geographical reach as well as it should have done. 所有这些都给公司增加了沉重的负担,以致公司不能像原来那样利用其规模和地理上的优势。
His spear shaft was like a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer went ahead of him. 7枪杆粗如织布的机轴、铁枪头重六百舍客勒.有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。
One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object. 有一天,他出海捕鱼,当他坐在船上想入非非时,忽然感到钓线被非常严重的东西拖住了。