when i was younger

  • 网络我还年轻;小的时候;我还小的时候

when i was youngerwhen i was younger

when i was younger


Alexander... ... Years ago,when I was younger( 几年前,我还年轻) I kinda liked a girl I knew( 爱上了我认识的女孩) ...


the... ... oh,and im on my way to believing. 我正在相信 when i was younger 小的时候 i saw my daddy cry 我看见爸爸哭了 ...


... oh,and im on my way to believing. 我相信这份爱 when i was younger 我还小的时候 i saw my daddy cry 看见爸爸哭泣 ...


... Oh,And I'm on my way to believing 哦 我正在尝试 When I was younger 在孩提时代 I saw my daddy cry 我曾看到爸爸哭泣 ...


Vocab - Writing - Essential Words... ... 在过去的两年 in the past two years 我年轻的时候 When I was younger 参加 attend ...


PJ harvey的 It's you中英文歌词_百度知道 ... When I was younger 当我还年轻时 Wondering to whom 想知道将与谁人 共 …


Paramore 的 The... ... The Only Exception 唯一的例外 when i was younger 在我小的时候 I saw my daddy cry 我看见爸爸哭泣 ...

I remember when I was younger, my grandmother used to tell me many stories. Today I would like to share with you one of my favorites. 记得小时候,外婆经常讲有趣的故事给我听,今天就让我把最喜欢的一个故事讲给大家听。
My Grandmother raised me when I was younger and she has always been a very important part of my life. 我从小是外婆一手带大的,可以说她是我生活中十分重要的一部分。
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone, help! When I was younger, so much younger than today. . . 帮我!我需要有人来。帮我!但不是任何人。帮我!你知道我需要有人来,帮我!当我年轻时,远比现在年轻时…
and they're waiting for it . They seem to have more money to throw around than I had when I was younger. 比起我年轻的时候,他们的零用钱似乎是多得多了。
When I was younger there was a nasty dog next door that always barked at me in the mornings. 我小的时候邻家有一条讨厌的狗,早晨它总是冲着我叫。
I was really into trying to be a people-pleaser when I was younger. 在我年轻的时候,我是真的想努力成为大家的开心果。
When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend. " He then left the rest to my imagination. 我很小的时候,父亲就常叮嘱我:“男孩并不想和你交朋友。”然后将弦外之音留给我去琢磨思量。
Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was dog-tired . I simply couldn't work as long as I could when I was younger. 突然,我感觉到筋疲力尽的,简直不能像我年轻时候那样长时间工作。
When I was younger and went out for a drink on the Saturday, I could train on the Sunday and feel OK. 我年轻时可以周六出去喝酒,周日正常训练,这是可以的。
The impact a horror film has on me now is much different from the impact it had on me when I was younger. 一部恐怖片如今让我产生的感受已经和年轻时带给我的大不相同。
I've never not been grateful to be an actor . . . but I think when I was younger I needed [acting] more. 对于能成为一名演员,我始终抱着一颗感恩的心……但我觉得年轻时,我想不断地拍戏。
I haven't done it a long time, but when I was younger, I often rode tournament- in the classic English Style. 我很久没骑了。但是我很小的时候就参加过传统的英式锦标赛。
When I was younger, I used to hear Harvard stories from a member of the class of 1885. 当我年轻时,我经常听1885班的一位校友讲述哈佛的往事。
It seems I'm constantly making adjustments of one sort or another and faster than I ever did when I was younger. 我仿佛不断进行调整的一个排序或那样的速度比我以往任何时候都年轻的时候。
seemed to guess my mind and murmured, 'When I was younger, my grandpa used to draw pictures of bird for me. I learnt to draw from him. 似乎才出了我在想什么,默默地说:‘我小的时候,爷爷总是画一些鸟给我。
on the ground. Won't you please, please help me? When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. 在地面上。难道你不愿意吗,请帮助我?当我年轻时,远比现在年轻时,我从不需要任何人的任何帮助。
When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mommy . " 在我小的时候,我认为声音对人类来说很重要,所以我说:“是我的耳朵,妈妈!”
I never read any books when I was younger, never had intellectual interests, flunked out of college in my freshman year with low marks. 我年轻时从不读书,也没什么学术兴趣,大学第一年我就因为学分太低退学了。
as I did when I was younger. -William? -Uhm, I used to listen to story tapes in bed. . . well, it was a lot easier for me. 就像我小时候一样。-威廉?-呃,我小时候经常在睡前听录音故事···,所以,这对我来说非常的容易。
Now I wear dresses all the time and act really girlie, but when I was younger I used to be a total tomboy. 如今我经常穿裙子,行为举止也很淑女,但我小时候曾经是个假小子。
You see, it was somewhat of a hobby of mine when I was younger to attend rock concerts. 如你所知,当我年轻的时候,参加摇滚音乐会是我的一个爱好。
I had the same things when I was younger and I'm just acting now in the way that other senior players tried to calm me down. 就我个人而言,在年轻的时候,我也犯同样的错误,那时其他年长的球员就会来劝我,让我冷静下来。
Natsukashii yo. When I was younger I could speak a lot of tagalog , but I rarely use it anymore so Ive forgotton most of it. 小的时候我能说好多塔加拉族语的,不过之后很少用得上,所以大多数都忘了。
It's something that I used to do in Florida when I was younger just because of the heat and sun. 以前在佛罗里达,因为那的热浪和阳光才带帽子,后来就养成习惯了。
I don't take much exercise now, but I did play football quite a bit when I was younger. 我现在不怎么运动了,但是我年轻时确实很喜欢踢足球。
When I was younger, the whole name of the game was the annual business plan negotiation with the parent company. 当我还年轻的时候,我们所作的就是每年和母公司协商商业计划。
When I was younger, I was used to walking long distance, but now I'm out of practice. 我比较年轻时,习惯走远路,可是现在很少走了。
I hated my ethnicity when I was younger. I was the only Asian in my "white" area. 当我年幼时,我憎恨自己的种族。我是那群白人里唯一一个亚洲人。
When I was younger, I guess I didn't think so. But a thing can look different to a man at different times in his life. 当我更年轻一些的时候我猜我不会这么认为,但是在一生中不同的时间对别人会产生不同的看法。
You remind me of me when I was younger. 你让我想起了我年轻那会儿。