
美 [hwaɪl]英 [waɪl]
  • conj.虽然;尽管;在…期间;当…的时候
  • n.一会儿;一段时间
  • v.消磨
  • prep.〈古〉直至(某时)
  • 网络而;循环;当……时候

take while,while price
long while,short while
away while


1.在…期间;当…的时候during the time that sth is happening

2.与…同时at the same time as sth else is happening

3.(对比两件事物)…而,…然而used to contrast two things

4.虽然;尽管although; despite the fact that…



while youre/Im etc. at it

趁做某事的时候;顺便;顺带used to suggest that sb could do sth while they are doing sth else


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... take off 起飞 while 当...的时候 experience 经历 ...

英语四级W打头单词_百度文库 ... whichever a. 无论哪个,无论哪些 while conj. 当…的时候; whilst conj.&n. 当…的时候 ...


米将的幸福生活 - 米将 - 网易博客 ... loop 循环: while 循环: oracle 的同义词总结: ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... begin v. 开始;着手 while n. 一会儿,一段时间 bed n. 床 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... wish n. 希望;愿望; while conj. 当…时候; yourself pron. 你自己; ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... note n. 笔记,便条 while conj. 当…时 if conj. 如果 ...


VBA语法基础(转) ... [step 步长] [While 条件] [Until 条件] ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... begin v. 开始;着手 while n. 一会儿,一段时间 bed n. 床 ...

If you would have listened to me once in a while, you might have learned something. 如果你偶尔听进去我的劝告,你本来可以学到一些东西。
Mary was able to lie in the sun by the hotel swimming pool, while Ted went off for long walks in the mountains with a group of hikers. 在那里玛丽可以躺在旅馆的游泳池畔晒太阳,而特德则与一队登山者踏上山林之旅。
While he was in Paris attending a conference, he took time off the see his parents. 他在巴黎参加会议期间抽出时间去看望了父母。
While I'm glad to see how much she likes giving to others, I wonder if she would be as generous sharing her own money or treats or toys. 看到她那么乐于给予我很欣慰。可我好奇,如果是分享她自己的钱、零食或玩具,她是否还会一样的慷慨。
She was also being bullied by some of the other young males, who would drag her along the ground while her mother looked on impassively. 她还受到其它一些年轻雄性动物的欺负,他们会拖着她在地上走,而她妈妈则在一旁无动于衷地看着。
When President Obama came into office, he committed to providing the best value for the American people while spending less money. 奥巴马总统上台后,致力于为美国人民提供最好的服务,同时花较少的钱。
With Germany about to enter its own election campaign, it may take a while to say yes to America. 随着德国即将开始自己的竞选活动,该国唯美国马首是瞻也许还要花上一段时间。
Do you think you could sing it to the baby once in a while? 你能不能偶尔也唱这首歌给孩子听
While it's easy to say "Hire only socially outgoing altruists, " it's obviously impractical in the real world. “聘请那些擅长社交,性格外向,乐于助人的人。”这句话说来容易,但是在现实世界中,显然并不实际。
He told me that while he and his wife and seven-year-old daughter were out for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass. 他跟我说了这样一件事:有一次,他和他的妻子以及他们7岁大的女儿到餐馆里吃晚餐时,他的女儿不小心把水杯打翻了。
Ex: Stop eating while you're using your computer! Can't you see that hand salsa is getting all over the keyboard? 别再一边吃东西一边打电脑了!你难道没看到键盘上已满是碎屑了吗?
Beethoven probably began to go deaf after 1797, but he tried to keep it a secret, while consulting doctors and trying various remedies. 贝多芬可能在1797年开始耳聋,但他保守着秘密,一边求医问药。
Chinese authorities are currently trying to estimate damages, while homeowners try to assess where they stand. 中国有关部门目前正在试图估计损失,而业主也在自己做着评估。
He said he would take a vacation for a while and then go into the carpentry business. He thinks it will be more relaxing. 他说他要先度个假,然后开始木工生意。他认为木工行业会轻松一些。
While loose monetary policies and availability of easy credit have triggered growth, there has been a flip side to it as well. 由宽松的货币政策和可轻易获得的贷款所刺激的经济增长的影响,其另一面的影响也一样巨大。
Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of ME time. 我的丈夫建议我去沙滩走走,他会在我享受这仅有的一点属于自己的时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。
The Federal Reserve sounded a bit more optimistic about the American economy than it has for a while. 美国联邦储备委员会似乎对美国经济更加乐观了。
Plus, if we make a trade for a Chucky Atkins type player, it will take a little while to mesh him in with the team. 还有,如果我们要交易像阿特金斯那样的球员的话,磨合阵容还需要一定的时间。
However, they say that it is enough for them just to see BYJ's appearance waving hands coming up on stage for a while. 但是,她们说只要能看到BYJ,只要他走上台向他们挥一挥手就已经足够了。
If it means I'll have to spend about half of my salary for rent, I think it would be better to live with my parents for a while. 如果独自生活意味着要花一半工资付房租的话,我想最好还是暂时和父母住在一起。
Back in the early autumn, he was stopped while driving his brother's car, which had Florida plates. 在早些时候,他被警告禁止驾驶他哥哥的那辆佛罗里达牌照的轿车。
While you seem to be the big moneymaker in the relationship, this could suggest that your partner will feel deficient in comparison. 当你是关系内主要负责赚钱的一方时,这意味着你的另一半或许在比较之下感到不足。
It was very, very sad: and while I read I sighed, for it seemed as if all joy had vanished from the world, never to be restored. 我一面看书,一面叹息着,因为看来好像世界上所有的欢乐都消失了,永远不会再恢复了。
"Even if I'm not picked in the squad I always want to be available while I'm still playing, " he said. “即便我不能进入大名单,但只要我还在踢球就希望自己能被选入国家队,”他说。
The L, while machinery rusting responsibility should not be vested in all of us, but I still decided to clients Secretary replacement. 对L而言,尽管机器生锈责任不应当全部归属于我们,但我司仍决定为客户换机。
Then she told him that her ghost mother had just come to say good-bye to her while he was soundly sleeping. 于是她告诉他﹕她的鬼母亲在他正在鼾睡中时来向她说再见。
Suppose one of these firms turns out to be a high performer, while the other one is low performer. 假设其中一个公司的地位提高了很多,而另一个公司地位还是很低。
Another Californian robbed a bank close to his home. While making his getaway he ran into his mom, who turned him in. 另一个加利福尼亚劫匪抢劫了自家附近的一家银行,他正要逃走时却撞见了自己老妈,老妈把他交给了警方。
You could still guest post once in a while, but limit it to good opportunities when high profile bloggers invite you to do so. 这时候你还可以偶尔发布客座博客,但是这种机会应该留给那些高水平的博客邀请你的时候。
While he continued to write prolifically, his later work did not have the same critical and popular appeal as his earlier novels. 虽然他继续写盛产,他后来的工作也没有同样的关键,并呼吁民众为他早期小说。