
美 [hwɪp]英 [wɪp]
  • n.鞭子;【无线】鞭状天线;投票指示;(某党)议员领袖
  • v.鞭打;鞭笞;〈口〉击败;抽打
  • 网络薇普;搅打;皮鞭

过去式:whipped 过去式:whipt 现在分词:whiping 现在分词:whipping 第三人称单数:whips

use whip
whip cream


n. v.

1.[c]鞭子a long thin piece of rope or leather, attached to a handle, used for making animals move or punishing people

2.[c]纪律委员,组织秘书(在政党中负责确保党员出席政府重要辩论并表决)an official in a political party who is responsible for making sure that party members attend and vote in important government debates


have/hold, etc. the whip hand (over sb/sth)

执掌大权;执鞭在手to be in a position where you have power or control over sb/sth


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... cage 笼子 whip 鞭子 performing animal 驯服的动物 ...


字典中 笪 字的解释 ... (3) 拉船用的索子[ hemp rope] (1) 鞭打[ whip] (1) 竹箬[ bamboo's skin] ...


揪_百度百科 ... 3. 抓;扯住[ hold tight;seize] 5. 抽打[ whip; thrash] 揪 jiū ...


拳皇 - 搜搜百科 ... Clark 克拉克 Whip 薇普 AthenaAsamiya 麻宫亚典娜 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... whine 发牢骚 whip 鞭笞 whir 呼呼声 ...


英语四级W打头单词_百度文库 ... whilst conj.&n. 当…的时候 whip vt. 鞭笞;搅打 n.鞭子 whirl vt. 使回旋 ...


有人形容说,得用皮鞭whip)驱赶XP 用户迁移到Vista 平台,但 是,这些用户还要扭头看着Linux(心里面想试试)。Matt Hi…

Eric Cantor, G. O. P. congressman from Virginia and Republican chief deputy whip: It was almost as if panic had struck the capital. 埃里克康托尔,G.O.P.弗吉尼亚州国会议员和共和党首席代理人指出:好像有人喜急了首都一样。
You might have to whip out a soldering item and deal with some bad connections. 这时你可能需要一些焊接项目,修复那些坏死的线路连接。
His right hand grasped a rough leather whip as if he was ready to punish evildoers. 他的右手紧握著一根粗糙的皮鞭﹐好像是要去惩罚歹徒。
Eric Cantor, the Republican House whip, told me that he had met with the president four times already and thought him sincere and likable. 艾瑞克·坎特(EricCantor),众议院的共和党纪律委员(whip),告诉我说他已经面见总统四次,并且认为他是一个诚恳的、值得喜欢的人。
For decades, researchers have dreamed of building hypersonic aircraft that could whip around the world in just a few hours. 几十年来,研究人员一直梦想着制造出在几个小时内就能绕地球飞行一圈的超高音速飞行器。
To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆里搅打它。
On the day for sentencing to be carried out, his mother was tied to a stake and a big man was ready to flog her with a whip. 在审判执行的那天,国王的母亲被被绑在一棵大树桩上,一个强健的男人准备用皮鞭抽打她。
To support these children, she goes out to work and gives her wages to her mother, who brings them up with a whip. 为了养活孩子她要外出工作,工资都交给母亲。孩子们也是她母亲带大的,没少挨鞭子。
I must have stood for a few moments listening to the whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall. 我准是站了好一会,倾听窗帘刮动的劈啪声和墙上一幅挂像嘎吱嘎吱的响声。
He described to me how he would whip such a boy as if he were unfolding some elaborate mystery. 他绘声绘影地讲给我听,用什么好法抽打这种孩子,好象他在展示一个复杂的神秘。
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that if the government were to run out of funds it would be the GOP's fault. 众议院少数党人鞭斯坦利•霍耶周二说如果政府花光了所有的经费,那就是共和党的错误。
"The reason we spent a long time discussing it, was that we wanted to give every book a fair crack of the whip, " he said. 他还说:“我们之所以花这么长时间讨论,在于我们希望给每本书以公平的机会。”
"Here is a paper with which if I cannot whip Bobby Lee I will be willing to go home, " said McClellan. 麦克莱伦将军说:「有了这分文件,我不能把罗伯特.李打得落花流水,甘愿归隐老家。」
If you broke your leg, you wouldn't expect to wake up the next day, whip off the cast and start running. 如果摔断了腿,你就不能指望明天早上醒来,你就能驱散阴影开始跑步。
"They're more personal, " she says. "It's important to feel cared for by employers and not just as if someone is cracking the whip. " “这些设备更为个人化,”她表示,“感觉到雇主关怀员工非常重要,而不是有人在后面抽着鞭子追着你干活。”
As he laid on blows to the boy's back, a man came up and took the whip out of his hand. 他鞭打男孩背部时,一个男人走过来夺了他手中的鞭子。
Many people, out of their desire to "whip" themselves into a state of fitness, try to exercise at their maximum heart rates. 许多人希冀可以通过“鞭笞”自己让体形达到适宜的状态,他们总是做使心率最大化的运动。
It won't get you through your exams but at least you'll be able to whip up a fresh garden salad for summer. 它不会帮您通过考试,但至少您能很快做出一道新鲜的夏季田园色拉。
You might buy her a whip, but if she does not like pain and has no desire to give you any, the gift is useless. 您可能会购买她的一党党鞭,但如果她不喜欢疼痛,也没有愿望,给你任何,礼品是没用的。
Who wants to think of a guy in leather pants beating grandma's cadaver with a whip and a dog chain? 谁愿意想象有人穿着皮裤用鞭子和狗链抽丫死掉的奶奶?
The door is locked and he is there without whip or revolver. His courage is so great that he does not even smell the dung in the corner. 笼门锁上了,他在笼子里,没有手枪、鞭子,但他勇气十足,甚至嗅不到笼子角落里的兽粪味。
They have also been used to whip mobs into a frenzy, control the world of politics and consolidate their owners' power. 它们不仅被用来鞭策暴徒,把其塑造为癫狂之人,也被其拥有者所掌控,成为巩固其霸权的工具。
He is whip-smart, to be sure, but the equanimity with which he approaches politics seems the bigger asset during a crisis era. 可以确定地说,他很聪明,他在经济危机时期所表现出的沉着与稳重看起来是更重要的资本。
A few minutes later, she'd won four drinks, thanks to the gum, Band-Aids, Q-tips and mouthwash she was able to easily whip from her bag. 几分钟之后,她已经赢了4杯酒了,多亏了包里可以随意拿出的口香糖、邦迪、棉签和漱口剂。
Her husband for driving his prime minister, the head covering their umbrella, waving a whip to catch four horses, an air full of triumphant. 他丈夫替宰相驾车,头上遮着大伞,挥动着鞭子赶着四匹马,神气十足,洋洋得意。
He first threw me some pieces of money, then struck me with a whip. 他先是扔给我一些钱,后来用鞭子抽我。
In addition, George W. Bush in the "crossroads" in his mother Barbara, also described as a "man holding a whip, " discipline he rules. 除此之外,小布什在《抉择时刻》中还将母亲芭芭拉描绘成一个“拿着鞭子的人”,管教他守规矩。
The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. "Hercules, help me, please, " he said. 御夫扔下鞭子,跪在地上向大力神祈求说:“大力神,请帮帮我吧!”
This would be fine if it were a genuine invitation to whip out one's slide rule. 如果对方是真心请你拿出计算尺来丈量一番,这样说完全没有问题。
But aside from the site description and the absurd price, what guarantee is there that this whip is right for you? 但除了网站的宣传和离谱的价格,怎能保证这个鞭杖让你顺心合意呢?