
  • abbr.西印度群岛;妇女协会
  • 网络作业指导书(working instruction);威斯康星州(Wisconsin);工作项(work item)



作业指导书(working instruction)

公司的作业指导书WI)需要文件修改,公司现行制度是先签文件修改申请表,给各位老大签字,然后再修改作业文件,然后 …


美国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... WV 西弗吉尼亚州 WI 威斯康星州 WY 怀俄明州 ...

工作项(work item)

...成可行性研究报告;2006年6月到2007年6月为WIWork Item)阶段,完成核心技术的规范工作。

In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing lights might seem like going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp. 在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。
It's easy to link from a report to a work item if you have the number of the work item, which is shown as the WI_ID column. 如果您想要一系列的工作项的话,创建报告对工作项的连接就很容易了,它作为WI_ID列显示了出来。
AT&T recently said it costs 70% less to transmit a bit of data on a Wi-Fi network than on its mobile phone network. AT&T公司最近表示在Wi-Fi网络上传输数据比在手机网络上要便宜70%。
wi-fi - if you've got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome. 无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。
More likely to ask us to come wi'en as farm-hands at so much a year! ' 要说请我们去当帮工,出多少钱干一年,倒还差不多。
Most of the time, I use the iPad at home where Wi-Fi is plentiful, reliable and (most importantly) unlimited or as close to it as needed. 大多数时间,我都在家里使用ipad,家里的Wi-Fi无处不在,并且非常稳定,而且没有限制(这才是最重要的),或者更接近它的要求。
Next, if your Android phone Wi-Fi is running on your network, you can use your computer to call up the tiny cloud. 接下来,如果您的Android手机Wi-Fi正在网络中运行,那么可以使用您的计算机来呼叫微型云。
it was like trying to douse a 4-al wi fire with a water pistol. 这就像企图用一把水枪去扑灭一场四级火情警报的大火一样。
But they would have it a lot of the time - when they're in a Wi-Fi equipped home, office, coffee shop, etc. , where it's generally free. 不过,他们大部分时间是可以享受这些的,比如当他们在一个装有Wi-Fi的家里、办公室、咖啡馆等地的时候,在这些地方Wi-Fi通常是免费的。
Seoul's chief nuclear negotiator Wi Sung-lac said the meeting had been "very constructive" and useful. 首尔的核问题特使魏圣洛说会议很有建设性,很有成效。
I wonder how much she actually heard and how much was garbled by my weak Wi-Fi, her beautiful face often contorted into a mess of pixels. 我想知道她那边实际上听到的是什么样子,到底被我这里微弱的WiFi信号毁掉多少,正如她那美丽的脸庞经常变成一堆像素杂点一样。
It turns the laptop, when connected to the internet, into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot that up to eight others can use to access the web. 这项技术能把与互联网相连的笔记本变成便携Wi-Fi热点,最多可为8位用户提供网络接入。
The WI_COUNT column is often used with the historical tables, as described in the next section. WI_COUNT列通常与历史表格一起使用,如下面的章节中所描述的那样。
But the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street wI lived and even that I pronounced badly. 但是,只有我知道的单词的语言是街道名称瓦特我生活,甚至,我明显严重。
The MiFi gets its Internet signal from a 3G cellphone network and converts it into a Wi-Fi signal that up to five people can share. MiFi将从3G手机网络获得的互联网信号转换为Wi-Fi信号,最多可供5人共享。
Nokia says that for any phone to run on a GSM, 3G, or Wi-Fi network, it would have to license one of its patents. 诺基亚表示,任何运行在GSM、3G或Wi-Fi网络上的手机,都要许可使用一项它的专利。
As it stands, you have to pay at least $500 to get into the iPad game and that's for a Wi-Fi-only 16GB tablet. 既然这样,你必须支付至少500美元才能玩iPad的游戏,那不过是一个支持Wi-Fi且只有16GB的平板。
Li WI'll make myself homesick if I go on talking like this. 我要是这样接着说下去,就该使自己想家了。
South Korea, meanwhile, announced that its top nuclear negotiator, Wi Sung-lac, is on his way to Washington for talks with senior U. 与此同时,韩国宣布,韩国高级核谈判代表魏圣洛正在前往华盛顿,同美国的高级官员在星期五早上举行会谈。
While it has an internal battery and uses Wi-Fi to stream content, it has no hard disk and uses only memory chips. 虽然它也有内置电池,并通过Wi-Fi传输内容,但是它没有硬盘,只能通过存储芯片进行数据存储。
With a base price of $1. 4 million, the boat can be fitted with flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi, a professional kitchen and spacious cabins. 这艘游艇的底价为140万美元,它能够配备平板电视、无线保真(Wi-Fi)上网设备、专业化的厨房和宽大的船舱。
They th. ought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up wi. th. 那一天余下的时间里,他们。都在思考这个问题,并且把他们。想到的都写下来。
We lost you for a while, but these gentlemen carried on exceptionally well during your absence, I'm glad the Wi-Fi is working again. 我们离开了你一段时间,但这些男士持续表现的很杰出当你不在的时候,我很高兴这个无线上网又恢复了。
The extent to which decision-making wi ll be centralized or decentralized is crucial to the organization of the meg a-project. 决策的集权或分权程度对特大型项目组织而言至关重要。
The initial version of the iPad is only able to link to the internet via its wi-fi antenna. iPad的最初版本只能通过它的wi-fi天线来连接互联网。
Still, I found the interface easy to navigate and the playback quality very good, though the app only works over Wi-Fi. 但我还是觉得它的界面很容易操作,回放质量也很不错,不过这款应用软件只能通过Wi-Fi运行。
The cost to set up this kind of Wi -Fi network is usually less than US$300. 建构这类无线传真网路的费用通常不会超过三百美元。
We also ran into a few issues with apps hanging and the Wi-Fi connection suddenly vanishing without explanation. 我们在使用一些应用程序时会挂掉,Wi-Fi也会突然莫名其妙的断掉。
Cost will be a challenge, since such a device would need a microphone and Wi-Fi antenna instead of the infrared sensors now commonly used. 自从这种设备需要一个麦克风以及无线天线来替代红外传感,成本就成为一个挑战。
Both work wirelessly over a Wi-Fi home network so you don't need to put holes into your walls to run computer and speaker wires. 二者都可以通过Wi-Fi家庭网络无线连接,这样你就不用为了电脑和音箱布线而在墙上打洞。