
美 [waɪp]英 [waɪp]
  • v.擦;擦去;把(信用卡等)在电脑终端上一擦;暗杀
  • n.擦;手绢儿;同“wiper”;〈比喻〉拒绝
  • 网络消灭;消除;抹了

第三人称单数:wipes 现在分词:wiping 过去式:wiped

wipe nose,wipe face,wipe brow,wipe equity,wipe out


《Friend... ... worth prep. 相当...价值n.价值, 财产 wiped v. , 揩, 擦去 tables n. 桌子, 餐桌, 工作台, 平地层, 石板, 表格 ...


Life of a New York Subway Performer -... ... whistling whistling 吹口哨,吹笛 wiped 消灭 escalated 升级 ...


Prison Break 越狱 第四季 第二十二集... ... out: 离开,出去 wiped: 消除,拭去 possible: 可能的 ...


《Friend... ... worth prep. 相当...价值n.价值, 财产 wiped v. 擦, 揩, 擦去 tables n. 桌子, 餐桌, 工作台, 平地层, 石板, 表格 ...


...isa card,布拉格从中的干预给国际足联的名誉抹了(Wiped)黑,据悉,visa card高层与布拉格关系密切,因此从布拉格手中拿 …


...示此装置为 在网站上显示此装置为 “已被擦除” “已被擦除” (“Wiped”) (“Wiped”) 顾算窀抹必淙嵛锒囔琚鲁裨拊航镊港脖千觳左 …


Ddgo航运海事资料网--海事技术资料文章-- ... cracked 开裂 wiped 铺铅 belted 熔化 ...

The wind could not make him take them off. Then the sun tried. It shone quietly. Soon the man took off his hat and wiped his forehead. 风没法儿让他脱下来,轮到太阳来试了,他静静地照射着,不一会儿那人便摘下帽子、擦擦额头。
She had already finished washing. Seated on a stone beside the stream, she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic. 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫揩脸上的汗水。
It's as if some new hit style had completely wiped out the old fashioned style before, and with no golden oldies stations. 这仿佛是一种新的风格完全取代了之前旧的时尚风格,而且没有金曲再现这一环节。
Bertuccio wiped the perspiration from his brow, but obeyed; however, he continued to take the left hand. 贝尔图乔抹了一把额头上冒出的冷汗,还是服从了,但是,他却继续向左斜着走。
He sat down and wiped his mouth and licked his pads. 它蹲下来,弄干净嘴,又舔着自己的脚爪。
He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth. 他从口袋里拿出一块手帕,轻轻地擦了擦嘴。
As for a kite unable to fly, even if it's beautiful, there's always a little loneliness and pity which can't be wiped away from its heart. 无法飞翔的风筝纵然美丽,却总有那么一丝挥之不去的落寞和遗憾。
They wiped out our species to the point of extinction, keeping a few survivors locked up in cages to be examined and taunted. 把人类逼向灭绝的边缘,只留下少许算在笼子里做研究和嘲弄。
How did GE get itself into a mess that has seen $269 billion wiped off its stockmarket value since the beginning of 2008? 自从2008年初,GE的股价已蒸发2690亿美元,而GE究竟是如何陷入这种僵局的呢?
Neil knife and fork down, wiped his mouth with a napkin: "I do not want to become rude, but you and I will, get out immediately! " Neil放下刀叉,用餐巾擦了擦嘴:“我不想变得粗鲁、但是对你我会、滚出去、马上!”
It was thought to need humid caves, and conservationists feared it had been wiped out as the forests dried out after extensive logging. 它被认为需要在潮湿的洞穴里才能生存,由于人们的过度采伐,森林逐渐沙漠化,因此生态环境保护者们担心它已经彻底消失了。
I cannot stand by while, you know, we see value wiped off our creative industries. 你知道,我不能你袖手旁观,眼睁睁的看着我们如此有创造性的产业的价值被贬低。
Imagine all that we have worked for. . . all we have created and all that we know. . . wiped out in the blink of an eye. . . 想象所有我们为之努力的……所有我们创造的和所有我们知道的……在眼睛的一眨中消失殆尽。
He cleaned his stiletto on Parkin's trousers, and wiped the ocular liquid from his hands. It had been a messy business. 他在帕金的裤子上揩净短剑,擦去手上的血迹,这是一种脏活。
The enemy into a minefield all been wiped out the guerrillas, Matsui laparotomy suicide. 陷入地雷阵的敌兵全被游击队歼灭,松井剖腹自杀。
Yuri's work is often described as fiction from invented memories. But in No Such Place the past had been wiped in any case. 尤里·布依达的作品经常被描述为根据幻想出的记忆写成的小说,但在一个不存在的地方,真实的记忆无论如何已经被抹杀掉了。
And he puffed, and the smoke got in his eyes, and he wiped them with the back of his big hand. 他抽了一口烟,从嘴里喷出来,烟雾弥漫进了他的双眼,他用手背擦了擦眼睛。
It was an action which her ancestors must have often practised. Alec jumped up and wiped the blood from his mouth. 这一定是她的祖先们经常要练习的动作。亚历克跳了起来,擦了擦嘴角渗出的血。
I must confess, that if I had been in the young lady's place, I would, at least, have swept the hearth, and wiped the tables with a duster. 我必须承认,如果我处在这位年轻的夫人的地位上,至少,我要扫扫壁炉,用个鸡毛帚掸掸桌子。
Peter thought he was the club's best tennis player but my daughter beat him in straight sets -that soon wiped the grin off his face! 彼得认为他是俱乐部最好网球选手,可是我女儿胜了他数盘——这很快他收起了微笑。
Rowan spat in his face. Then she let him go and wiped her gloved hands on her legs, as if just touching him had soiled her. 罗文扇了他一巴掌。接着她放开了他,用带着手套的手擦了擦腿,好像碰他是一种玷污一样。
He stiffened and wiped his face with the back of his hand. There was no need for remorse or regret, he told himself. 他僵直的用手背抹了下脸,并且告诉自己,自责和懊悔已经无济于事。
Israel points out that President Ahmadinejad has said the Jewish State should be " wiped off the map. " 以色列指出,伊朗总统内贾德曾说过,“应该把犹太人国家从地图上抹掉”。
She paused for a while and wiped her mouth with a small handkerchief and then went on tell us the things that happened in the shirt factory. 她停顿了一会,用一小块手帕擦了擦嘴,然后又继续给我们讲衬衫厂里发生的事情。
Some bags were wiped to see how much, if any, lead would simply rub off the material. 许多人担心,钱包的铅能磨坏袋子,结果会碰到人们的手。
If this dolphin is now deemed to be extinct, scientists say it would be one of the few large aquatic mammals to be wiped out in 300 years. 如果这种海豚真的如所说的那样业已灭绝,那它算是近三百年来,为数不多的,销声匿迹的大型水生哺乳动物之一。
For an entire city to be wiped out in seconds by one bomb was more like a force of nature. 而之后整座城市在几秒钟内被一颗原子弹夷为平地则更像是一种自然力所为。
She paused a moment, wiped her mouth with a small handkerchief and then went on to tell us what had happened in the shirt factory. 她停顿一会,用一小块手帕擦了擦嘴,然后又继续给我们讲衬衫厂里发生的事情。
Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register. 勃兹曼在他的卡其布围裙上擦了擦手,披上牛仔服,从收款机后面走了出来。
'Not very. ' And, with a handkerchief, she wiped away the tears which the coughing had brought to her eyes. 'I'm used to it now. ' “还有一点儿,”她用手绢擦掉了她咳出来的眼泪,说,“这种情况我现在已经惯了。”