
美 [waɪr]英 [ˈwaɪə(r)]
  • n.电线;导线;金属丝;金属线
  • v.用导线给(建筑物、设备等)接通电源
  • 网络线材;线框(wire-frame);钢丝

复数:wires 现在分词:wiring 过去式:wired

steel wire,copper wire,electric wire,electrical wire,piano wire
use wire,connect wire,insulate wire


n. v.

1.[u][c]金属丝;金属线;一段金属丝(或线)metal in the form of thin thread; a piece of this

2.[c][u]电线;导线a piece of wire that is used to carry an electric current or signal

3.[sing]金属丝编制的栅栏;铁丝网a wire fence


get your wires crossed

误会(别人的意思)to become confused about what sb has said to you so that you think they meant sth else

go, come, etc. (right) down to the wire

直到最后才见分晓if you say that a situation goesdown to the wire , you mean that the result will not be decided or known until the very end


外研版高中英语必修4单词_百度文库 ... M2 trolleybus n. 电车 wire n. 电线 suburban adj. 郊区的;市郊的 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Wiping head 消磁头 Wire 导线,线 Wired 有线的,有线传输 ...


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... surface n. 表面, 外表, 水 面 wire n. 金属丝, 电线 pack vt. 塞满, 挤进, 挤满 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wipe vt.&n. 揩,擦 wire n. 金属线;电缆;电信 wireless a. 不用电线的,无线的 ...


什么是铝合金,它有什么特点?_爱问知识人 ... 铝合金压力加工产品 Wrought product 线材 Wire 拉线坯 Drawing stock ...


3Dmax中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... Face Map( 面贴图) Wire( 线框) Super Sample( 超级样本) ...


白色猎人_百度百科 ... 生日: 3 月 3 日( Pisces) 武器: 钢丝 / 金属线( Wire) 生日: 2 月 29 日( Pisces) ...

then he put the wire guard in front of the fire, turned out the gas, and carried a detective novel to bed. 然后他把安全罩放在火炉前,关掉煤气,拿上一本侦探书上床。
But she said her shop, which sells diesel-powered generators, did a strong trade among local factories, most of which make wire fencing. 但她的事业目前却很红火,她经营的柴油发电机店收到了当地工厂(以造钢丝为主)的一大批订单。
Soon the clerk in the bank is not going to be re typing the wire transfer from a piece of paper. 不久,银行职员将不再需要将一纸电汇信息录入到电脑。
How much Tons of wire can be loaded inside a 20 " container, in the scope of pallets' loading capacity? " 在20尺柜的托盘负载能力内,能装多少吨的钢绳?
You should be able to finish all your corsages in a much quicker time than if you were to tape and wire each stem individually! 您应该能够完成在更快的时间比,如果你到磁带和钢丝每个单独干所有的胸花!
The assembly editor detects that you are trying to wire a source to a target whose interfaces are different. 组装编辑器检测到您在尝试将某个源连线到具有不同接口的目标。
Ya, it was incredibly low. I didn't wire a dime out of the country so far because it would be a waste of money. 是啊,简直低到不行。我到目前为止一毛都没有汇出去,因为那么做根本就是浪费金钱。
A wound spiral of two or More turns of insulated wire, used to introduce inductance into a circuit. 线圈两圈或两圈以上的绝缘导线绕成的螺旋线,用于产生电路的电感
Wire: The moving fine metal mesh belt on which liquid stock is formed into a web of paper by draining away the water. 造纸网:有着微细小孔的移动金属带;液体浆料在网上漏去水份而成形,造成纸卷。
Reis used an animal membrane stretched over a small cone inserted into a bung hole of a barrel. To the membrane was fixed a platinum wire. 莱斯将一种动物薄膜覆盖在一个锥状物上,薄膜上固定了一根铂丝,再将锥状物插入一个木桶的桶孔。
It was made of aluminiumtubing, Mylar and piano wire, with a weird horizontal stabiliser poking fromthe front like the head of a stork. 这个飞行器由铝质管材、聚酯薄膜和钢琴丝制成,前端伸出来一个活象鹳的脑袋的怪异的水平稳定器。
It is easily bent and can be shaped into a coiled wire to go around the wrist - thus designing your own flower bracelet! 它很容易弯曲,可分为一盘条形状,以绕过手腕-从而设计自己的花手镯!
This 42-year-old woman had been accidentally scratched in her right eye by a fine copper wire during working in March 1996. 此病人于1996年三月在工作时,右眼意外被铜线刮伤。于1997年三月,接受白内障摘除术;
Regarding wire rods, we have seen that there have been a lot of sales and I think that this will continue. 线材方面,我们已经看到,已经出现了大量的销售,我认为这将继续。
Its small stature, playful face, and moveable, rubber-covered wire lips all gave it a harmless, come-play-with-me charm. 它的小身材、顽皮面孔、还有可变换口型的橡胶线嘴唇都赋予它一种无害的、‘来跟我玩’的迷人魅力。
If such a rack is not available, a wire frame could be made to work as well. 如果这样架不有的话,线框可以作出的工作以及。
We know they widely been used in copper and aluminum wire, aircraft, radiator, as all can icing at a low temperature or wasting resources. 铜铝广泛的应用在电线、飞机、散热器上,在低温的情况下表面的结冰或者凝霜会浪费资源,给生活带来不便。
He said he'd kill me if I don't wire him one hundred thousand dollars by midnight, tonight! 他说如果我不在今晚午夜前汇给他十万块,他会杀了我。
The ability of a metal to be drawn into a wire is known as ductility. 金属被拉成金属丝的性能称为延展性。
Park it on the corner outside the "forbidden zone" where anyone with a pair of bolt cutters and a piece of wire can steal it before morning? 停在早上以前任何人都可以用螺丝刀和一截电线就能偷走摩托车的“禁摩区域”?
When he reached the fence, Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting. 乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从腰带上解下一副笨重的剪铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。
It had a wire leader and a medium- sized hook and he baited it with one of the sardines. 钓丝上系着一段铁丝导线和一只中号钓钩,他拿一条沙丁鱼挂在上面。
Wireless signal transmission, with Human voice guide and easy to use, and don't fear for cutting wire by the intruders. 无线信号传输的语音导游和与人方便。使用,并且不担心削减入侵者线。
Precise Control of Wire Feed Speed and Voltage - Easy to set welding parameters. 精确控制送丝机的送丝速度和电压——使焊接参数设置更简便。
It is often depicted as an atomic-scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds. 石墨烯通常被描绘成一个由碳原子和其束缚物构成的原子级铁丝网。
The bottom part of the hanging wire is placed between the poles of a small horseshoe magnet. 悬挂着的导线下端放在一个小型马蹄形磁铁的两个磁极之间。
Cut out a few leaf shapes from green felt and hot glue a small length of the stem wire to the back of each. 绿色毛毡布切割出叶子的形状,背面粘上一小段铁丝。
It's cheap, and available almost off the shelf. It's also easy to turn into wire. 它很便宜,几乎是现成的,而且还很容易被加工成导线。
In a city where a cup of coffee can run to $3. 29 and a trip to the grocery store at least as much, this was a financial high-wire act. 在这个一杯咖啡就要3.29美元、去一次杂货店至少也要花费这么多的城市里,她的开销真是极度节俭。
The diameter and the length of the wire are not the only factors to indolence its resistance. 导线的直径和长度不是影响电阻的仅有的因素。