
美 ['wɪʃɪŋ]英 ['wɪʃɪŋ]
  • n.愿望
  • v.“wish”的现在分词
  • 网络希望;许愿;祝福




分清楚愿望Wishing)、希望(Hoping)、欲望(Desiring)以及强烈欲望(a burning Desire)与达到目标之间的差别,其中只有 …


丰富的幼儿早教资源与大家分享噢... ... 1 NURTURING RAIN 滋润的雨 2 WISHING 希望 3 WINGED realM 展翅高飞 ...


意大利Piano Mood统一专柜价2... ... 戒指 爱意(女) Te quiero 329 戒指 许愿(女) Wishing 329 戒指 怀抱(女) Abbraccio 32…


平静温柔的【安德蒙绝版珍藏】减压音乐系列8CD ... 16、Dream of Being Star 星愿 01、Wishing 祝福­ 02、Wind-Mill 风车­ ...


【歌词】Je T'Aime_kellysweet吧_百度贴吧 ... Always in my prayers 永远是我的祈祷 Wishing 期盼着 Praying 祈祷着 ...


翻译 帮忙翻译一下支持人开场白 在线急等... ... sincerely= 衷心 wishing= 祝愿 honoured= 尊敬 ...


上海第九届国际摄影艺术... ... P4 LOOK FORWARD 憧憬 艺术类照片组 P2 WISHING 祈愿 艺术类照片组 P1 PARENT 亲情 艺 …

Others stood off a few feet, not wishing to be in the crowd and yet not counted out. 另一些人则站在几英尺之外,不想挤在这群人当中,但又不想被漏掉。
Allow me to conclude by once more thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck. 容我再一次感谢裁判的合作,以及祝每一位演讲者事事如意,来作为结束。
Rather than wishing you were able to take a vacation to Hawaii, think of how much fun you have had close to home. 与其希望你能够去夏威夷度假,不妨想想你在家门口已找到了多少乐趣。
There was a line about a woman who was always wishing away the present and dreaming of the future, just as I was always doing. 有一行是关于一个总是盼望离开现实而梦想未来的女人的,就如我总是在做的事情一样。
For years he had made a practice of riding unmanageable horses, and he never heard of a vicious brute without wishing to try it. 多年来,他一直骑未驯服的烈性马,每当他听说有匹马难于驾驭,他总要去一显身手。
In it her mother wishes to see Fujiki (Sanada of Twilight Samurai fame) one more time beneath the wishing cherry tree. 在信中,她的妈妈希望自己能够再与藤木先生在许愿樱花树下见一次面。
means so much to have a grandson like you, and today seems like a good day for telling you so and wishing you all happiness you so deserve. 今天似乎是告诉你的好日子,有你这样的孙儿,是我们莫大的安慰。祝你拥有应当得到的
"There was a secret panel in this house, " she said craftily, not telling the truth but wishing that she were. “这幢房子有块秘密的护墙板,”她别有心计地说,明知在胡编乱造,却希望自己是在说真话。
She fixed her eyes on him with deep feelings, wishing he could read her strong love for him. 她充满深情地凝视着他,希望他能读懂她对他的热恋。
So here we were, my mother and I, wishing that she were terminally ill and feeling a bit creepy about it. 所以,我母亲和我,都希望她身患绝症,不过这让人感到有点儿恐惧。
Then you'd be wishing, "If only there was someone I had not killed inside to ensure that the pirates then come outside. " 然后你就会想:“要是当初没有把那个谁给干掉,现在就好把海盗们引出洞了。”
He was the Sustenance for the hearts of the Seekers and he was the means for those wishing to hear directly the Divine Words. 他是滋养求道者之心的粮食,他是求道者通往用心直接聆听神圣言辞的途径。
Duo shook his head sadly, wishing he was just a spectator, and not the Angel of Death, coming to declare war on Earth. 迪奥难过的摇了摇头,衷心的希望自己只是个旁观者,而不是来到地球上宣布战争的死亡天使。
Now Apple, which is increasingly looking outside the U. S. for growth, seems to be wishing up to those dangers. 现在,苹果在日益寻求美国以外市场增长的同时,似乎意识到了这些危险因素。
Wishing for a "strong" euro when growth is petering out is to be proud to the point of perversity. 在欧元区增长疲弱之际希望欧元“走强”,是骄傲到了刚愎自负的地步。
Please join me in wishing him every success in his future career and in thanking him for his past contribution. 请参加我祝他一切顺利,他未来的职业生涯中,并感谢他过去的贡献。
"Wishing something does not make it so, and issuing a report that requires me to go and consult changes nothing, " he said. “企盼什么事并不能使其成真,发表一份要求我去磋商的报告改变不了什么,”他表示。
As you think about your goals, instead of wishing or hoping you'll achieve them, ask yourself what you can do today to make them happen. 在你思考你的目标的时候,不要期望或希望你将会实现它们,而是想想今天你能做些什么,才能让它们实现。
Christine goes to the burial place of her father. She sings to him. The song is called "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again. " Christine来到了他父亲的墓地。她唱给了幽灵一首歌“希望能在见到你”。
That comedian last night was awful, not one of his jokes was funny. I just sat there wishing someone would put him out of his misery . 最晚那个喜剧演员演得太差了,每一个笑话是可笑的。我坐在那儿真希望有什么人能站出来让他别再演了。
Wishing light are on the rise, that of the flying, cannot the long time not put, and the Flight not to be append the FOREIGN BODY. 许愿灯有上升力时即该放飞,不可长时间不放,放飞时许愿灯下不可悬挂异物。
and regret (wishing I could hold you longer). And I will always remember taking you to the playground, and watching you having so much fun. 我还会永远记得带你到游乐场时,看你玩得是那么的开心。
The company of a child of his own age will instil new spirit into him soon, and by wishing for strength he'll gain it. ' 有个跟他同年龄的孩子作伴,不久就会给他灌输新的精神,而且他要是愿意有力气,也就会得到它的。
Although not an easy read, this book is a mine of valuable information for those wishing to go more deeply into a study of the pulse. 虽然不是一项容易的阅读,这本书是为希望进入一个更深入地研究脉冲这些有价值的信息地雷。
All that sleep you'll miss wishing you were with me! 我只可怜你会想我想到失眠
Well, speak up. 'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth. 她仍然没说什么,希望能摇摇父亲,告诉他闭上嘴巴。
See What Happened! See what happened! Hapless Peter turned into a parking meter. On the club he stands all day, wishing dogs would go away. 瞧瞧发生了什么事!瞧瞧发生了什么事!倒霉的彼得变成一具停车计费器了。他在杆子上站了一整天,多么希望狗儿们快快走远。
Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were he returns me crazy, but it's you who makes me lose my head. 有时坐在黑暗的希望你在这里原来我疯了,但它是你让我失去了我的头。
The one who approach bottoms up, can be to wishing the host, main guest of alcoholic verba, can be the body of any other present alcohol. 提议干杯者,可以是致祝酒词的主人、主宾,也可以是其他任何在场饮酒之人。
"It happens, " I said, wishing I could think of something useful to say. “这种事难免,”我说道,尽量想要找到些有用的话来说。