
美 ['wəukən]英 ['wəukən]
  • v.weak(苏醒)的过去分词
  • 网络醒来,叫醒;吵醒;激发

过去式:woke 过去式:waked waked 第三人称单数:wakes 现在分词:waking 单数:wake

wake morning,come wake



初中英语不规则动词表及它们的读音_百度知道 ... spelled/spelt 拼写 waked/woken 醒来,叫醒, 激发 showed showed/shown 展 …


lxcck是什么_百度知道 ... 充足 plenty of 吵醒 woken 所有 all together ...


初中英语不规则动词表及它们的读音_百度知道 ... spelled/spelt 拼写 waked/woken 醒来,叫醒, 激发 showed showed/shown 展 …

One Republican senator complained that he thought he had "woken up in France" . 一位共和党参议员抱怨说,他以为自己当时是“在法国醒来。”
The expression on her face is intense and hard to read. It mixes fear with annoyance, as if she has just woken from a nightmare. 她的脸部肌肉紧张起来但却无法解读到任何信息,似乎夹杂着一种无名的恐惧,就像是刚从噩梦中醒来。
She really wasn't ready to wake up, as Amanda and her new boyfriend had come in late and woken her up. 阿曼达和新男朋友昨晚回来的时候把她吵醒了,随后她们又在卫生间弄出了很大的声音,弄得她没睡好,现在根本不想起床。
like a basin of cold water had woken him up completely, yet he felt too lazy to stretch out his arm while his heart was no logger burning. 这一阵寒气仿佛是一盆冷水把他浇醒,他的手懒得伸出来,他的心也不再那么热。
Monstrous, swollen, it looked as if it had swallowed the sun and woken with a fever. 诡异而肿胀,看起来就像吞下了太阳而正在发烧。
I never understand why patients are woken up between 5 and 6 a. m. to be washed but it seems to be the general rule in hospital everywhere. 我总是不理解为什么病人们都在早上5点和6点之间被叫醒进行梳洗,但这似乎是各地医院的惯例。
He was woken up for a brief spell on Monday and was able to speak to medical staff and his family. 第二天,他醒了过来并能和医务人员和他的家人谈话。
Key to the action are the dreams within dreams; the moment where you think you have woken up but are actually still dreaming. 关键的行动是梦想在梦想的时刻,你认为你已经醒了,但实际上仍然在做梦。
So it has taken a while, but equity markets have finally woken up to the threats facing global financiers. 因此,市场浪费了不少时间。不过,股市最终还是意识到了全球金融家面临的威胁。
The station master was fast asleep and didn't seem too pleased to be woken up and asked what time the train would leave the next day. 火车站的站长睡得很熟,我叫醒他,问他明天火车几点开,他显得很不高兴。
I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just woken from a long sleep. 我感觉有点晕,就好像我睡了好久之后醒过来的感觉。
Mr Obama set out his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons hours after being woken in the night to be told of the launch. 在半夜里被传来的韩国发射导弹的消息惊醒后,奥巴马开始着手他的观点:在世界范围内摒除使用核武器。
That's got to be one of the most frightening nights of my life. I did get some sleep, but then I got woken up by these horrendous noises. 这一定是我这辈子最可怕的夜晚之一了,我睡着了一会儿,但马上就被这可怕的叫声吵醒。
At least the invitation list shows that the rich nations have woken up to the fact that the world is no longer a private club. 至少邀请名单说明,富裕国家已经意识到,世界不再是一个私人俱乐部。
During the day sometimes, or when she had just woken up in the morning, a new part of the symphony would suddenly come to her. 有时,在白天,或者早晨刚醒过来时,那首交响乐的新的片段会突然在她脑中响起。
However, a few things are clear: India seems to have suddenly woken up to an intense craving for the good and the honest. 现在一时之间很难回答这些问题,但有些事情是明了的:印度似乎突然之间觉醒了,爆发出对善良和正直的强烈渴望。
Early the next day, before she'd woken, he'd be back, sitting on the edge of her bed. 第二天一早,她还没起床,他又来了,坐在床沿上。
In recent years the art and antiques trade has woken up to the fact that its stock, from paintings to pots, makes perfect Christmas gifts. 近年来,艺术品和古董行业已经认识到,无论是绘画作品还是陶瓷,都可以成为绝好的新年礼物。
Suddenly, it spends its wings like it is woken . It then flies across the railing and the dim light glides into the dark. 它顿有所悟似的,蓦地张开双翅,旋即穿过栏杆,淡淡的萤光在黑暗中滑行开来。
At the time I thought I'd get away with it, but in the middle of the night had woken in a sweat. 当时我觉得自己会侥幸逃脱,但却在午夜惊醒,一身冷汗。
Welcome to the club, when a very healthy middle-class man woken up to find himself closed in a room. 无独有偶,当一个非常健康的中产阶级男子醒来的时候却发现自己关在一个屋子里。
In recent polls and focus groups he has found that Brazilians, including the poorest, have woken up to the fact that they pay high taxes. 从最近民调和客户取样群体中,他发现巴西老百姓(包括最穷的)已经觉悟他们付税偏高的事实。
At about five o'clock the next morning, we are woken by loud sounds coming from the children's room-they are shouting excitedly! 在大约五点钟那隔天早晨,我们被来自孩子的房间的大声声音来临唤醒-他们正在兴奋地呼喊!
That investors have belatedly woken up to sovereign risk in the euro zone is to be welcomed. 投资者对于欧元区政治风险的后知后觉是大受欢迎的。
Okay, you've just woken up from surgery, and all that you can think about is if you won a stupid contest? 而你刚从手术中醒来就关心是否赢了那场愚蠢的竞赛?
You just zoned out; you were somewhere else, and it's as if you've suddenly woken up at the wheel. 你只是走神了,神游到了别的什么地方,而且好像你突然间意识到了车轮子。
However, the private sector has recently woken up to the potential business opportunities in serving low-income urban customers. 然而,私人部门最近已经认识到,为低收入城市客户也具有潜在的商业机遇。
That year I had just woken up and I was on my way out of my residence when I suddenly yawned. 那年我只不过刚睡醒,正从家里往外走,可突然间就打了个呵欠。
John F Kennedy was not woken to be told that nuclear-capable missiles had been discovered by the CIA in Cuba. 当中央情报局在古巴发现核导弹时,没人叫醒约翰·F·肯尼迪并告诉他这事。
The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet. 3个月前,汽车出事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。