
美 [ˈwɜrˌʃɪp]英 [ˈwɜː(r)ʃɪp]
  • n.崇拜;礼拜;崇敬;爱慕
  • v.崇敬;(尤指在宗教场所)做礼拜;到宗教场所参加礼拜;热爱
  • 网络敬拜;敬仰;敬拜赞美

过去式:worshiped 过去式:worshipped 第三人称单数:worships 现在分词:worshipping

God worship


n. v.

1.[u](对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,礼拜the practice of showing respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.; a ceremony for this


花语_互动百科 ... 刺( Sharp) 崇拜Worship) 名誉( Honor) ...




礼字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 礼拜〖 week〗 礼拜〖 religiousservice;worship〗 礼拜堂〖 chapel;church〗 ...


考研词汇 ... worry v. 烦恼; worship n. 礼拜,礼拜仪式;崇拜 v.崇拜,敬仰;做礼拜 worth n. 价值 a.值…的,价值…的,值得…的 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... well wisher 良好祝愿者 worship 礼拜,崇敬 worshiper 崇拜者 ...


在职硕士英语词汇_百度文库 ... ultimate 最后的,最终的 worship 崇拜;敬仰;敬神 worth 有 ...


数码圣... ... 基督使者协会 Ambassadors for Christ 敬拜赞美 Worship 加拿大恩福协会 Christian Communication Inc. of Canada ...

While others choose to cure diseases, explore the space, worship the God, build up a family, design cars, or to attain enlightenment. 其他人则选择了追求治愈疾病、探索太空、敬拜上帝、建立家庭、设计汽车,或者是去获得启迪。
Those who know God best do not judge Him for His judgments; rather, they worship and affirm His actions. 真正瞭解上帝的人,不会论断祂的审判,他们反而会敬拜祂、肯定祂的作为。
His worship of his father had gradually become a religion, and, like all religions, it had retreated to the depths of his soul. 对他父亲的崇拜已逐渐变成一种宗教信仰,并且,和任何宗教信仰一样,已退藏在灵魂深处了。
They set aside other activities, face in the direction of the Muslim holy city of Mecca, and kneel down in worship. 他们把其他事情放到一边,面向圣城麦加的方向,跪下礼拜。
God is to His people a place of refuge. They find sanctuary with Him from every adversary. He is their place of worship, too. 上帝是祂百姓在逆境中的避难所,这荫庇处也成为百姓敬拜祂的一个圣地。
Of this sort are the time and place of worship, habit and posture of him that worships. 这一类的事情诸如敬拜的时间和地点,信徒敬拜的习惯和姿势。
To the extent that people aren't able to do that, people aren't able to worship freely is you know I think is a mistake. 从某种程度上来讲,人们不能做他们能做的,不可以自由崇拜信仰。这是个错误。
It was a sort of worship in two steps, with the grand altar for the colonel and the lesser one for Thenardier. 这好象是一种两级的崇拜,大龛供上校,小龛供德纳第。
I am your fellow slave and a fellow slave of your brothers the prophets and of those who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God. 我与你、和你的弟兄众申言者、并那些守这书上之话的人,同是作奴仆的,你要敬拜神。
If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain. 地上万族中,凡不上耶路撒冷敬拜大君王万军之耶和华的,必无雨降在他们的地上。
We said: the word leads to illusion which we worship, and for this illusion we destroy each other willingly. 我们说:词语导致我们崇拜幻象,为了这个幻象我们愿意摧毁彼此。
Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who lived a kind of life. 想飞到天边去看看什么样子,飞到传说中的“南天门”看看我所崇拜的神仙们过着怎样的生活。
If I was in before the age of 15 to see this movie, I will deeply in love with jolie and worship as the queen as worship her. 如果我在十五岁之前看这部电影,我一定会深深地爱上jolie并像崇拜女王一样崇拜她。
This is a stern warning to the wicked. But it is strong encouragement if you worship the great I am and want all mockery of him to end. 如果我们玷污神圣之物,就是在自招惩罚,这对于恶者是一个严厉的警告。
But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand? 若不敬拜,必立时扔在烈火的窑中,有何神能救你们脱离我手呢?
Symon shook his head. "Food should not be wasted on the dying, Your Worship. We do not have enough to feed the living. " 赛蒙摇了摇头。“不该在死人身上浪费粮食,陛下。连活人我们都喂不饱。”
Proper worship would have been impossible if God had not taken the initiative to make himself known. 上帝若没有主动启示自己,我们不可能正确地敬拜祂。
Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, giving him worship and making a request of him. 那时、西庇太儿子的母亲、同他两个儿子上前来、拜耶稣、求他一件事。
Even worse, "worship" is often misused to refer to a particular style of music: "First we sang a hymn, then a praise and worship song. " 更糟糕的是,“敬拜”常被误用来形容某一种格调的音乐。
In a global age, celebrity worship allowed her to work the system. 在全球化时代,名人崇拜允许她工作的系统。
Dwelling in God's sanctuary does not mean only that we may approach him in church for public worship. 居住在神的帐幕并不等于只是每个礼拜日到教堂敬拜祂。
As you think about this, ask yourself this question: what is it that opens the door of worship to me? 当你正在思想时,不妨问自己这个问题:是甚么东西为我打开敬拜之门的?
The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. 当前崇拜汽车现象可以用与所有权相伴的独立和自由意识来解释。
Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. 我耶和华与你们所立的约你们不可忘记,也不可敬畏别神。
And he was on his way to Jerusalem to worship, but here's something else we know. 除了他去耶路撒冷敬拜上帝以外,我们还能从中知晓一些其它的事情。
"It is all just talk. Of course we respect and worship him in the home but I cannot see any evidence of him, " she says. “都是说说而已。当然我们尊敬崇拜他但是我看不到他存在的证据”她说。
He made us able to talk to Him, and love and worship Him, because He wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven. 他使我们能与他交谈,爱他,敬拜他,因为他要我们在天上永远与他在一起。
Jesus was teaching that this was a private act of sacrificial worship that should not provide any room for religious pride. 耶稣教导我们禁食是属于个人私下的献上和敬拜,不应成为信仰上的骄傲。
The pupil how that year winter worship into the daughter village door, began to see, collar hanging decorations like named river "s lake. " 洛溪瞳那年冬拜入女孩子村门下,方才清楚,颈间挂着的饰物名叫江湖夜雨。
One of the inflexible rules of his devotions was to worship the Deity daily till almost midday. 他坚守的其中一条规定就是每日早上敬拜神,直到接受正午时分为止。