worth it

  • na.值得;见 while 条
  • 网络值得一干;值得化费时间;有益

worth itworth it

worth it


worth可数吗 ... for what it's worth 不管怎样;不妨 worth it 值得;有益 n. 价值 ...


求初三内英语短语_百度知道 ... a lot of 许多 worth it 值得化费时间[精力], 值得一干, 有必要 worth while 值得 ...


求初三内英语短语_百度知道 ... a lot of 许多 worth it 值得化费时间[精力], 值得一干, 有必要 worth while 值得 ...


worth可数吗 ... for what it's worth 不管怎样;不妨 worth it 值得;有益 n. 价值 ...


make a difference to意思用法 - ask.24en.com ... Units 1--6 复习要点 ... worth it 值得的 make a difference to 对…有影响 ...


superj... ... O:ordinary 平凡的人,不平凡的声音 W:worth it 值得去听的,去看的,去体会的 O:original 原创的,旭有自己作 …


I LOOK TO YOU 我期待... ... 7. I Didn`t Know My Own Strength 心的力量 8. Worth It 值得爱 9. For The Lovers 给恋人们 ...


求初三内英语短语_百度知道 ... a lot of 许多 worth it 值得化费时间[精力], 值得一干, 有必要 worth while 值得 ...

Before you bet the bank on your next million dollar idea, you should do a reality check to see if the idea is worth it. 你下次在赚大钱的设想上押赌注之前,应该做个现实核查,看看它值不值得做。
It's worth it to spend a little time on the portfolio, making it pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. 你很有必要在自己的文件夹上花点时间,令它赏心悦目并易于操作。
said the price difference was worth it in terms of "danger, time saving and quality of life" . 里奇表示,从“危险性、节省的时间和生活质量”方面考虑,两者的价差很值。
But taking the time to find the right job might be worth it to actually have both the money and the time to do more things you want. 但如果能够同时拥有更多金钱和时间去做想做的事情,花些时间去找一份这样的工作也是值得的。
So is all this fuss and expense really worth it? 所以,所有这些麻烦和花费是否真的值得呢?
I think I may have crossed into the land of culinary elaborations, and for that I apologize, but whatever happened it was well worth it. 长此下来,我认为我应该已经开始懂了烹饪,我很抱歉,但是不管发生了什么,一切都是值得的。
It took him a while to assemble and install everything on his own, but it was all worth it. 虽然他花了好一些时间自己组装和安装,却很值得。
Was all this costly conquest really worth it? asked the company's Delft shareholders in 1644. 这些高昂的代价真的值得吗?公司在代尔夫特(Delft)的股东在1644年问道。
The first couple of times it might be a bit odd, but many women say a little perseverance is more than worth it. 起初的一段时间你或许感觉有点怪,但不少女性说此时的忍耐是物有所值的!
But after spending tens of billions of dollars and huge political energy, China's leaders might be wondering whether it was all worth it. 但在投入数百亿美元(数千亿元人民币)的资金以及巨大的政府力量之后,也许中国领导人正在考虑这一切是否物有所值。
C: Of course. I'm not sure what I will get out of this really, but if I could feel even a little better about myself, it would be worth it. 当然。我不确定真能从中得到什么,但是如果自我感觉哪怕能好一点,也值得。
Considering the team's contender status with him on the roster, it will all be worth it. 考虑到湖人队内他的竞争者,这些还是很值得的。
If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years frome now. 如果他现在不值得你爱,那他1年后或是10年后依然不值得你爱。
My wife will tell you it really wasn't much fun and there was some real lows, but it was a sacrifice we both think was worth it. 我妻子会告诉你那真的没什么好玩的,时常会陷入感情低谷。但那是个我们都认为值得的牺牲。
But he said he thinks the expense was worth it. 不过他觉得这些花费是值得的。
You'd always see to make it worth it. A pig skin, I never nerfed it. 你得做些值得我付出的事。你个猪头,像被撞过一样。
You know, it's worth being in jail just to hear you say that. It's well worth it? 能听你说这话就是坐牢也值得。绝对值得……
"It was a lot of money but I'm sure I can do what I need to do to prove the money was worth it, " he said. 我知道利物浦买我花了一大笔钱,但是我相信我会证明给大家看我对得起这个身价的。
If you believed what you read about recycling in recent days, you could be forgiven for wondering if it was really worth it. 如果你是因为相信了近期报纸杂志上关于垃圾回收的言论而在疑惑它是否值得我们付出如此巨大的代价,那我还可以谅解。
So I think it is worth it to postpone it for now for a few years of my career to give a few years of my life to the children's life. 因此,我觉得把自己的事业往后推迟几年,把我生命中的几个年头给予我的孩子是值得的。
Making the core boxes for this was a bit of a nightmare, but the end result was worth it. 制作了coreboxes这是噩梦的一点,但最终的结果是值得的。
It's a. . . We spent like a year and a half making it and I really believe that every second was worth it. 我们花了一年半来制作这张专辑,过去的花在这张专辑上的每一秒都非常值得。
Then we pulled up to the hotel's main lodge and everyone, kids included, instantly knew the journey had been worth it. 但是,当我们到达旅馆主要住宿区时,每个人--包括孩子们,马上明白这次长途跋涉是值得的。
however, for performance-sensitive members, the overhead is often not worth it. 但是,对于对性能敏感的成员,参数检查的开销通常是不值得的。
You're Worth It: You are worth as much as you think you are. 你值得拥有:你觉得自己有多少价值,你就有多少价值。
Remember last time I burst into tears, you ran through the entire town trying to find me, thank you, but it's not worth it. 记得上次胶水喷出眼睛时,你狂奔整个镇找我,谢谢,但不值得。
no music to float about to, and no gaming to pass the time, it sounds rather like the whole trip wasn't really worth it to be honest. 没有音乐可以听,也不能玩游戏来打发时间。说实话,这趟太空游听起来真的很不值。
"This was one of our most important goals and it was worth it, " said the prime minister. “这是我们最为重要的目标之一,划得来。”这位总理如是说。
You were right. This was just not worth it. Let me just change. 你说得对,不值得这么做.我们改回来
He said he realized he was going to take a loss by selling it to us, but it was worth it. 他说他知道卖给我们会蚀钱,但是认为值得。