
美 [wɑt]英 [wɒt]
  • adj.〈美俚〉同“what. W- a life”
  • 网络坦克世界(World of Tanks);信任网(Web Of Trust);节气门全开(wide open throttle)



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坦克世界(World of Tanks)

多玩坦克世界(wot)涂装网站,为广大坦克世界玩家提供最好的坦克世界涂装|弱点|图标|瞄准等插件,最全的坦克世界攻略,最新的坦 …

信任网(Web Of Trust)

WOT Web Of TrustWOT)扩展可以让你知道你正在浏览的网址是否是安全的,当浏览到不安全的网址的时候会给出警告,这 …

节气门全开(wide open throttle)



" forever... ... 03.Walk Like An Egyptian/ 像埃及人走路 05.Wot/ 知道 06.Tainted Love/ 堕落的爱 ...

But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 但我在肉身活着,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。
Yes I wanted to be one as long as I can remember. It's the passion of my life and I'm lucky to be doing wot I love. 是的。在我记事起我就想成为球员,这是我生活中最热爱的事,我能做我最爱的事我感到十分幸运。
She was such a good wife. Sandwiches chocolate, fruit the whole lot. And u know wot she didn't get angry or av tantrum. 她是这样的一位好妻子。三明治巧克力,大量的水果。你知道她并没有生气或者突然发怒。啊哈哈!
and wot u think of that woman with a flat nose and small eyes? 你觉得哪个鼻子又扁眼睛又小的的女人怎么样?
The greatest expression of love. . . in today's age is the sound of the telephone message beeps from someone u love. . . wot say youngsters? 爱的最好的表达方式…在现今这个时代,就是听到你爱的人打来的电话铃声…你们说呢,年轻人?
And Abimelech said, I wot not who hath done this thing: neither didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it, but to day. 21:26亚比米勒说,谁作这事,我不知道,你也没有告诉我,今日我才听见了。
wot u talking' about! emm, if u got once more chance, u'll choose wushuang or me? 讲什么呢!那个,恩,如果再给你一次机会,你是选无双还是选我?
son & me keep our cupboards very disorganised. gauri has scared us that silver fish will eat all our clothes. do u know wot silverfish is. 儿子和我还是喜欢乱放碗碟。gauri威胁我们银鱼将吃掉我们的衣服。你知道什么是银鱼吗
anyone asks me about this issue anymore. . . they can read my tweets. now wot happens with the releasethe film, is the films fate. 有人还想问这些问题…他们可以读我的微博。现在,不管再发生什么,都是这部电影的命运。
I was a champ at Electronics in school. In the real world can't find volume control on the remote. Better brush up on biology. . . wot say? 在学校时,我曾考过电子学的第一名,但在现实中,我却找不到遥控器的音量开关。最好要复习一下生物学…怎样说?
What I stand to, is, that he knows well wot that there Cly was never in that there coffin. 我要坚持的是,他分明知道克莱从未进过棺材。
And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers. 弟兄们,我晓得你们作这事,是出于不知,你们的官长也是如此。
whoa oh. just hearing some media reports. just so that all know. . . wot i say here is for my fans across the world. thats all. 哇,刚听到一些媒体的报道。想让你们知道…我刚在这儿对我粉丝说的话已经遍布整个世界。就是这样。
And Joseph said unto them, What deed is this that ye have done? wot ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine? 约瑟对他们说,你们作的是什么事呢。你们岂不知像我这样的人必能占卜吗,
i also hope with wot i write & say i have not hurt anybody's sensibilities or sentiments. my intention is never to do so. 我还希望我写的这些没有伤害到任何人的感情。我决没这样的意图。
That's wot he is. We two, father and son, hang our hats at south-facing room in the Liu's compound. 我们父子俩就住在刘家大院朝南的那间屋子里。
Wot's Da Rush? : Fixed an issue with this ability's tooltip to correctly display how long the debuff lasts on enemy targets. 在急瞎米?:修复了这个技能的一个问题。现在将正确显示在敌方目标身上的持续时间。
Wot was ur first professional goal and how did u celebrate. 你第一个职业生涯的进球是哪个?你是怎样庆祝的?。
excellent wot work. she's totally calling back. 好演技她肯定会打给你的
pains me no end to see. . innocent lives lost again. wot is the cause. . does anyone remember? how is this the solution? 我身上的痛没有结束的一天…又失去了无辜的生命。到底为什么…有人记得吗?怎么解决?