
美 [waʊnd]英 [wuːnd]
  • n.伤口;创伤;(武器造成的)伤
  • v.使(身体)受伤;(用武器)伤害;使(心灵)受伤;伤感情
  • 网络负伤

复数:wounds 现在分词:wounding 过去式:wounded

heal wound,dress wound,clean wound,wound pride,wound person
serious wound,deep wound,mortal wound,fatal wound



新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... astound vt. 使吃惊 wound n. 伤口 period n. 一段时间 ...


“创口贴”英文是什么?_百度知道 ... 创口[ wound] 创伤[ wound] 创痛[ feel pain from wound] ...


服部平次_互动百科 ... VENTUREUPON—— 冒险 WOUND—— 受伤 XFACTOR—— 未知数 ...


致_百度百科 ... [a mortal wound] 致人于死亡的创伤,比喻导致失败的关键问题 [wound] 伤害 [cause;result in] 导致;因…造成 ...


仁爱九年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... army n. 军队 wound n. 创伤,伤口;v.伤,伤害 granddaughter n. 孙女,外孙女 ...


仁爱九年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... army n. 军队 wound n. 创伤,伤口;v.伤,伤害 granddaughter n. 孙女,外孙女 ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... windy 刮风的, 多风的 wound 负伤,伤口 wine (葡萄)酒 ...

As the fruity orgy wound down and the hoses came out to wash down the streets. 当狂欢降下帷幕的时候,当地人开始拿水管洗刷街道。
He lay down in the ditch and plugged the wound with another piece of wadding from his jacket. 他放下在壕沟堵住了伤口与另一块吐絮从他夹克。
Is only a minor wound luckily, but received frightened extremely, now speaks incurs three does not incur four, the laughter was variable. 幸好只是轻伤,但受了极度惊吓,如今说话招三不招四,嬉笑无常。
The wound healing of the mid gestation fetal skin is characterized by scarless repair compared with that of the adult's. 胎儿与成人创面愈合不同之处在于前者无瘢痕形成,但具体机制尚不明确。
In the fight to protect his brother on his way to five knives, a stab wound to his liver! 在打斗途中为保护他的兄弟而挨了五刀,一刀伤到了他的肝脏!
You wound me, sir! What's the matter? I know you have no doubts that this is happening as we speak. 你伤了我的心,先生!你怎麽了?我知道你对我们对话同时这正在发生的一切毫无疑问。
But I was made to feel very conscious of it and that it was a major wound in Chinese public memory. 但是,我一直对这段历史有着清醒的认识,知道它是中国公众记忆中的一个很大的伤口。
The child cries out staring at the wound in his disabled legs, and his mother holds him in her arms tightly. 孩子看到残肢的伤口,大声哭泣。母亲不忍心,将孩子紧紧抱在怀里。
He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea. 他栽倒在泥泞中,脖子上伤口形成贯穿伤,因为贯穿出口位于气管区上方,加之气管断裂。
She said that on March 5, 1926, the first Friday of Lent, a wound had appeared slightly above her heart, but that she had kept this secret. 她说,1926年3月5日,也就是封斋期的第一个周五,她的心脏上方微微现出了一个伤口,但她一直保守着这个秘密。
Skin from other parts of a patient's body was carefully excised and replanted on the wound using all sort of medical tricks. 先从病人身体其它部分小心地割出一些皮肤,然后用一切办法移植到伤口上。
The battle had been still going on but he had received a slight wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship. 战斗仍然在进行,但是他因受了点轻伤就被转运到轮船上的医院里。
Because the wound , tears of that smile of silly , is all cowardice that oneself results in . 因为那微笑的伤、眼泪的傻、都是自己造成的懦弱。
If a wound-drainage system is in place, patency of the system and volume of drainage should be assessed at least once each shift. 如使用引流系统,至少要每轮班评估一次引流的通畅度与引流量。
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 我看见兽的七头中,有一个似乎受了死伤。那死伤却医好了。全地的人,都希奇跟从那兽。
Life is like a farewell, from the beginning of the end of the bye, you have to gradually be wound, in the time to look back to antecedents. 生命就像是一场告别,从起点对结束再见,你拥有的渐渐是伤痕,在回望来路的时候。
The Conservatives would also give the central bank powers to force lenders to spell out how they would be wound up in case of failure. 保守党也是给了中央银行的力量来迫使借款人拼出他们如何将在失败的情况。
"Oh, this, " Anthony said as he pointed to his black eye. "It's just a small battle wound from a triumphant, athletic victory. " “哦,这个啊,”Anthony说着手指着他的黑黑的眼眶,“就是打的,为了胜利。”
She put him in her husband's chair by the fire, dressed his wound and wrapped it in fresh bandages. 她让他到火炉边,在她丈夫的椅子上坐下,替他洗伤口,换绷带。
A line of fans wound its way around the top floor of the Beverly Center, a shopping mall close to the heart of Los Angeles. 大排长龙的粉丝们聚集在贝佛利中心,一个靠近洛杉矶中心的商厦。
For often have I put my finger in my own wound that I might have the greater belief in you and the greater knowledge of you. 因为我曾常常用手指触摸自己的伤口,这样我会更加信任和了解你们。
The wound was under his hand, and I persuaded him to let me move his hand away. 伤口就在他手下面,我就服了他让我把他的手(从他的胸口)移开。
During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy. 在躁狂时,他们可能精神抖擞难以入睡,他们思想可能飞奔,他们可能精力无限。
The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the lieutenant's wound. 公司的船长,挤进他的剑下他的臂,生产一个手帕,开始用它包扎陆军中尉的伤口。
Sara presses a towel against the wound in his neck to help stem the flow of blood, meanwhile urging him to stay with her and keep breathing. Sara用毛巾压住他颈上的伤口,阻止血的流出,她还鼓励Abruzzi坚持住,持续保持呼吸。
He held his hands over his wound and looked fixedly before him. 他认为,对他的伤口,双手在他面前显得固。
The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. 老人将它放入自己的心里,同时从自己满是苍痍的心上取下一片来,将它放在年轻人的心的伤口处。
This is often done with some urgency, since the open wound is a site of potential hemorrhage and infection. 这是经常做一些紧迫性,因为伤口感染部位是一个潜在的出血和。
Results The whole group were cured, surgery time was short, get out of bed in the early, non-wound infection and no recurrence of cases. 结果全组均痊愈,手术时间短,下床时间早,无切口感染,无复发病例。
How serious was the wound he did not know, but he had no thought of giving up. 他不知道自己伤得有多重,可是他还是不想放弃。